hey uncle buck i have a chair like that.

does yours have a cup holder too?

nice plants :D

yes, and the chinamen that designed the cup holder were not familiar with the size of american beer cans. i had to drop some rocks in there, otherwise the beer fell in all the way and was hard to retrieve.

american life is rough, let me tell ya.
yes, and the chinamen that designed the cup holder were not familiar with the size of american beer cans. i had to drop some rocks in there, otherwise the beer fell in all the way and was hard to retrieve.

american life is rough, let me tell ya.

problem with mine is i can't place a rocks tumbler in there without having to pinch it out.
problem with mine is i can't place a rocks tumbler in there without having to pinch it out.

just drop something down in there until the drink sits at a level where you don't have to pinch it out.

then, go randomly assault a chinaman while incoherently rambling about said dilemma.
man, oregon must be the shizzzz!


gravity was a little sideways that day.
me and my gf have been thinking about moving to a legal state and enjoy the plant of life without fear of prosecution.

that sucks, a few pounds! i wish i had half a pound of some of that dank ass plant you loving...

until the rain sets in, at least.

lost a couple pounds to mold, the weather just shifted really quick this year. i was a day or two late.
that is a good thing right?

i just want to get the f out of here man... im tired of the dirt shwagg that is always around and growing is out of the picture...

my only solution would be to move and start somewhere else...

my career can carry over anywhere as it is dependent on experience and my gf is a RN, so we would have to look into the state laws and regulations...

if rent for a really nice apartment is around 600-800 bucks, then it is affordable...
that is a good thing right?

i just want to get the f out of here man... im tired of the dirt shwagg that is always around and growing is out of the picture...

my only solution would be to move and start somewhere else...

my career can carry over anywhere as it is dependent on experience and my gf is a RN, so we would have to look into the state laws and regulations...

if rent for a really nice apartment is around 600-800 bucks, then it is affordable...

define "really nice".

we rent a 2 bedroom, 1 bath house with a two car garage on a nice lot in a nice part of town for $950.

$800 a month would go far in some places, but would get you a small one bedroom in others. depends how far from the fun you want to be.