10 pounds a month

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If you ain't legal, 4 pounds a month would give you MORE than enough income, if you could even move that kind of weight. Not as easy as it sounds if you don't know the right people, and I do mean know them well.
I used to struggle by on a meager 7 pounds every 2 months.


Active Member
I piss in my plant and add some of mt dogs diarrhea twice a week. It yeild a little over 75 pounds a day for 1 plant


Well-Known Member
good luck being a beginner each 1000 watter depending is some where around a pound little more probably on avereage my buddy does 2# plus on 1 light but he's been doing it for over 10 years and has 4 lights going. thats a shit load of power as well.


Active Member
I don't understand why everbody is saying no way? I know a guy who gets 9 ounces per plant easy in hydro. He's settin' me up -- switching from soil.. I was thinking 48 flowering plants at all times. 12 on each 2 week cycle. Another 48 in veg the same way.. Get 12 plants every 2 weeks x 9 ounces per plant = 108... But let's just say fuck all that 9 oz per plant. I am just going to hope for 5-6 to be a little reasonable. so.. 6 x 12 = 72.. Well in one month that's about 144 ounces.. 9 pounds.. One pound off but not really because I am shooting for 9oz like the guy that is going to hold my hand does, so that would be more. 48 flowering plants at all times is not the numbers you guys are talking about.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I'd have to see that 9 zip indoor plant before I'd believe it. Not saying you're wrong, just that I'd have to see it with my own eyes to believe he consistently gets that. Best I personally have done with topped bushes 5 ft tall is 5 zips per. I now grow lolli-popped plants (1 huge main Cola, no side growth) and get more weight in less space.


Active Member
I'd have to see that 9 zip indoor plant before I'd believe it. Not saying you're wrong, just that I'd have to see it with my own eyes to believe he consistently gets that. Best I personally have done with topped bushes 5 ft tall is 5 zips per. I now grow lolli-popped plants (1 huge main Cola, no side growth) and get more weight in less space.
Yup that's what I'm saying but I have seen it and he said the least amount he's got so far is 7. I'm not coming here to lie to the computer screen I am here to learn and share my experience. I've read so much on this forum that it seems hydro is going to be way too hard/pain taking and then the other hand it would be easier for growing good sized crops. Going to be using 8 1000watt lights, so...

Anyways, He is going to hold my handle and fix my fuck ups for the first grow or 2 in return for alot of cash. ;p I am not going to hope for 9oz, though. That is a little rediculous, I agree. I haven't seen anybody else pull that, but once again... heard about it... lol. I currently get 3 in soil xD

What's this stuff I hear about keeping plants dark for 3 days before harvest? Never heard of that.. You do it?


Well-Known Member
Ur gonna need a minimum of 20-30 g to get going. That's with bare minimal set up.

Start with a 1000w and see what happens. Then work your way up.


Rebel From The North
Yup that's what I'm saying but I have seen it and he said the least amount he's got so far is 7. I'm not coming here to lie to the computer screen I am here to learn and share my experience. I've read so much on this forum that it seems hydro is going to be way too hard/pain taking and then the other hand it would be easier for growing good sized crops. Going to be using 8 1000watt lights, so...

Anyways, He is going to hold my handle and fix my fuck ups for the first grow or 2 in return for alot of cash. ;p I am not going to hope for 9oz, though. That is a little rediculous, I agree. I haven't seen anybody else pull that, but once again... heard about it... lol. I currently get 3 in soil xD

What's this stuff I hear about keeping plants dark for 3 days before harvest? Never heard of that.. You do it?
im kinda on the same idea id have to see it to believe it , im not saying your lieing at all but id think he would
Have to veg 6weeks to get that lol


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why everbody is saying no way? I know a guy who gets 9 ounces per plant easy in hydro. He's settin' me up -- switching from soil.. I was thinking 48 flowering plants at all times. 12 on each 2 week cycle. Another 48 in veg the same way.. Get 12 plants every 2 weeks x 9 ounces per plant = 108... But let's just say fuck all that 9 oz per plant. I am just going to hope for 5-6 to be a little reasonable. so.. 6 x 12 = 72.. Well in one month that's about 144 ounces.. 9 pounds.. One pound off but not really because I am shooting for 9oz like the guy that is going to hold my hand does, so that would be more. 48 flowering plants at all times is not the numbers you guys are talking about.



Active Member
I'm on my first grow too. Shooting for 3lbs per plant. Going to veg for 15 to 20 minutes then flower for 3 years. I'm only using 1 mag light flashlight.


Well-Known Member
I am new to growing but plan on begining very shortly and I figure if im goning to do it I will do it big. I was wondering what kind of space and how many 1,000 W HPS will i need to pull 10 pounds a month. Also if you could give me a rough estimate of the total cost for a set up like this that would be greatly apperciated.
Enough said....


Wait till the weather is right and go outdoor, the sun doesn't cost anything..mother nature is your best assistant. By the way your operation seems a little bold...considering it is your first grow. Hope you don't get popped