Did I fu@k myself?


Active Member
So I was watering my girls last night and I take them out of my tent to water.Everything was fine until I noticed today,I left one sitting out.It is my basement and the room stays dark,so it had about 16 hours of dark.I put it back in my tent so it will get ten hours of light before the lights go out for 6 hours.They have been vegging about 2 weeks.My question is will that kick in the flower stage,I sure hope notnot even close to flowering yet,just wondering if anyone knows.thanks


Active Member
sweet,thanks bros,much appreciated.It is nice to have a site with veteran growers to answer questions so rapidly,much respect


Active Member
yeah id pay more attention to ur babies otherwise ur gonna end up really fucking ur self and as the hitchhickerrs guide to the galaxy says "DONT PANIC"