THC % Does Not Measure The High

this makes me wonder about paradoxical effects from cannabis. surely there are people with different "receptor configurations" who would not necessarily feel the same things from an indica (for example) as someone else. valium for example keeps me up while it knocks most people out. i realize benzos and cannabis are not the same but i think we might be oversimplifying the issue by only disscussing known reactions between cannabinoids and receptors.

I don't think you are oversimplifying at all, yet you bring up a point that makes the issue even more complex.Marijuana has been proven to help autistic patients behave in a more normal fashion. Ritalin is an amphetamine that when introduced to certain ADD diagnosed children, has a sedative/opposite effect. I have a few friends that cannot smoke pot at all, it just doesn't affect them in the same fashion as it does us. For them, it's a bad experience as per part 2 of the opening video.

The only thing I do know is that we all have a small amount of THC in our brains regardless of any contact with the drug, perhaps that is a determining factor on how we individually process and react when it is introduced. Just a random guess.

(Brick Top)

Thats very useful info, right there :) (copied :) ) I already have the component diagrams 1,2 & 3 but I particularly like the 'top chart' and may have to blow it up and put an A4 poster in my Cab. :) +REP! for being such a pro :) - STELTHY :leaf:

i can't believe i watched the whole thing. it was pretty interesting. i'll have to read up on the subject. it would be pretty funny if just adding a couple of tanning lights would significantly increase thc! :)
CBN is not gone by the time a plant is fully developed. As THC degrades/oxidized the amount of CBN increases, even after harvest. CBN is what THC becomes when it 'dies.'

Everybody seem to agree with the above. CBN increases during storage.

However, I'm confused about CBD.

It is said that CBD is an end product. But a lot of people say it too will degrade... into... THC (!).
Are they wrong? Does it "degrade" at all, if so into what?

Also, some people tell me CBD turns into THC during growing, so it's not related to "degrading" (drying/storage).
I'm confused :-)

That CBD turns to THC is even stated in the youtube video in this very thread (check it out, it's worth a look. Post #21).
I am autistic, idiot savant level. I have been using marijuana extract for ten years now. It has kept me from being institutionalized for that period. This is the longest period ever.

This post is because I can make various strength extracts. I do not know the secondary ingredients. At 95% THC it does not help the OCD part of me. Makes me twitchy. At 40% I just get tired all the time. 60% is just right. The other 40%, CBC, CBN, terpenoids, whatever they are, mediate the effects of THC to the point of affecting my behavior on a long term basis. Still autistic but turning down the OCD portion really makes life easier to function in.

Fluvoxamine HCl is the only other drug I found to have a positive effect similar to this, more side effects, not good ones. More than 15 different drugs were given me over my life.
175 mg of this mix per day, the origin is early harvest sativa, picked special for clear high. I have gone 12 weeks budding with no amber showing, harvest at 8 just to be sure. Yield is not what is important.

Don't know the exact chemistry, but the effects I am very close to.
Mr.Grønn;6474223 said:
Everybody seem to agree with the above. CBN increases during storage.

However, I'm confused about CBD.

It is said that CBD is an end product. But a lot of people say it too will degrade... into... THC (!).
Are they wrong? Does it "degrade" at all, if so into what?

Also, some people tell me CBD turns into THC during growing, so it's not related to "degrading" (drying/storage).
I'm confused :-)

That CBD turns to THC is even stated in the youtube video in this very thread (check it out, it's worth a look. Post #21).

Cannabinoid Biosynthesis


That should answer your questions.

This guy often says much that is accurate, but some of what he says is inaccurate. In the video he refers to CBD being psychoactive, but researchers and the DEA say it is not psychoactive.

The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) wrote in its July 8, 2011 report "Denial of Petition to Initiate Proceedings to Reschedule Marijuana" on the website
"CBD is not considered to have cannabinol-like psychoactivity..."

July 8, 2011 - US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Jomar M. Cunha, MD, Professor of Psychobiology at the Paulista School of Medicine (Brazil), et al., wrote in their paper "Chronic Administration of Cannabidiol to Healthy Volunteers and Epileptic Patients" in Pharmacology:
"Cannabidiol (CBD) seems to be devoid of psychotropic [psychoactive] activity and other undesirable side effects in humans... CBD neither interferes with several psychomotor and psychological functions in humans nor potentiates alcohol effects on these functions."

Raphael Mechoulam, PhD, Lionel Jacobson Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, et al., wrote in their 2007 paper "Cannabidiol - Recent Advances" in Chemistry and Biodiversity:
"...Cannabidiol [is] a non-psychotropic plant constituent... Cannabidiol does not cause marijuana-like effects."

Shaheen E. Lakhan, MD, PhD, MEd, Executive Director of the Global Neuroscience Initiative Foundation (GNIF), wrote in his Dec. 4, 2009 article "Whole Plant Cannabis Extracts in the Treatment of Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review" in BioMedCentral Neurology:
"...CBD, which is not psychotropic, may reduce THC levels in the brain and attenuate its psychotropic side effects."
[Editor's Note: THC is the abbreviation for D9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive component in marijuana.]

Dec. 4, 2009 - Shaheen E. Lakhan, MD, PhD, MEd

A lot can be learned from The Grow Show guy, but some of what he says has to be taken with a grain of salt. He is wrong about some things he claims.
Mr.Grønn;6474223 said:
Everybody seem to agree with the above. CBN increases during storage.

However, I'm confused about CBD.

It is said that CBD is an end product. But a lot of people say it too will degrade... into... THC (!).
Are they wrong? Does it "degrade" at all, if so into what?

Also, some people tell me CBD turns into THC during growing, so it's not related to "degrading" (drying/storage).
I'm confused :-)

That CBD turns to THC is even stated in the youtube video in this very thread (check it out, it's worth a look. Post #21).

CBD is not an end product and it does not degrade into THC.
CBD is formed in the biosynthesis along side THC.

Much research is still to be done before we know everything about all the substances in Cannabis.
At this present stage we actually don't know a lot.

CBD does not turn into THC during growing either.
CBD and THC develop from the substances CBDA and THCA in biosynthesis, which in turn develop from Cannabigerolic Acid (CBGA).

I think you might have CBD and CBN confused.
THC degrades into CBN.
Its all about the terpenoids and flavonoids for the high. Great info bricktop.

Here's a partial list of terpenoids.

monoterpenoids (C10H16)

alloaromadendrene (pb)
camphene (pb)
Δ3-carene (pb)
limonene (pb)
trans-linalool oxide (pb)
myrcene (pb)
trans-β-ocimene (pb)
β-phellandrene (pb)
α-pinene (pb)
β-pinene (pb)
sabicene hydrate
α-terpinene (pb)
γ-terpinene (pb)

monoterpenoids (C10H180)

linalool (pb)
terpinene-4-ol (pb)
α-terpineol (pb)

monoterpene phenols (C10H14O)

para cymene-8-ol (pb)

sesquiterpenoids (C15H24)

cis-α-bergamotene (pb)
trans-α-bergamotene (pb)
β-bisabolene (pb)
β-bourbonene (pb)
Δ-cadinene (pb)
γ-cadinene (pb)
caryophyllene oxide (pb)
β-caryophyllene (pb)
isocaryophyllene (pb)
α-copaene (pb)
germacrene B (pb)
α-guaiene (pb)
epoxy humulene
α-muurolene (pb)
γ-muurolene (pb)
α-selinene (pb)
β-selinene (pb)
γ-selinene (pb)
β-sesquiphellandrene (pb)
spathulenol (pb)
α-ylangene (pb)

aliphatic esters

hexyl butyrate (pb)

hetero compounds

hexyl hexanoate (pb)


trans-anethole (pb)

aromatic acids

phtalic acid diethyl ester

misc compounds

α,β-unsaturated ketone

55 terpenoids in this list

And we are finally starting to see these ideas applied. There now exists a CO2 extract that is completely dewaxed and de-scented, so they add limonene to the extract to give it flavor and change the affects.
Its all about the terpenoids and flavonoids for the high. Great info bricktop.
I try to describe it like this to people.....

the thc , to an extent, is the speed and power of the train, the terpenoids and flavanoids, are the quality and style of the ride.

I think we should go back to the days where we had strain testers that were PEOPLE... who could tell you what the best shit was and what it did... these were much more reliable descriptions than percentages we have today....

just think how accurate these descriptions would be by now if we had not focused on percentages and continued to focus on these intuitive descriptions of cannabis strains that actually make sense....