Hash / Oil from Stem + shake?

So... basically I got caught growing two plants about two weeks ago (they were roughly 3 weeks old and about 15cm tall). I was in the area where I grew them and found at that they're just sitting there, dry and crispy as a motherfucker and not rotten. My question is, could I grind them up and extract some THC using a solvent? I'm familiar with the ice-bath method but I know that's only for buds with trichomes visible. They hadn't started budding before they were found.
Cheers for any help


Active Member
by a solevent i expect you mean ace-tone, butane or everclear maybe?...there are butane extraction kits out there but they cost a pritty penny.. those extraction kits are used to make earwax hash somtimes called honey oil hash. if your thinking of a hot extract were you let your plant material sit in a sealed jar in the dark for a week or so then run the solevant and plant matter threw a coffee filter and boil it down to a resinous state..like how they extract the active ing. of salvia and other plant extracts... in not sure ether method mentioned would be worth your time and money. for one the tHC content in a plant with no buds is verrrrry low. two THC would not survive the heat of a hot extract..though some active ing. in cannabis like CBD or CDR can withstand that heat...i think the best thing to do with the lil ded ladys would be to grind the leafs mix with butter and make brownies. also you could use the leafs and or roots to make tea... my third and most valid point on not attempting and extract is that the fore mentioned chemical are very dangerous.. as in they are extreemly flamable and toxic when inhaled in large doses. hope i helped sory to hear about the dead ladys of yours


Well-Known Member
Did I miss read something? ..I got. Guy got busted. thought plants where gone,but found his seedlings in the dirt dead ...3 of em lamo...some shit like that and now wants to get the tricks off em to make hash with chemicals....hell he would be better off with a microscope over where they laid in the dirt to find the tricks that fell off...as i am sure there are more there then on the seedlings...Or did i miss something.


Active Member
i do feel a bit bad laughing at naivity and a lack of knowledge in someone. we all knew fuck all once upon a time, lets ease up......a little


Scientia Cannabis
Ohmy & Vanishingtoaster cut out the banter please, he is clearly a newbie.

So... basically I got caught growing two plants about two weeks ago (they were roughly 3 weeks old and about 15cm tall). I was in the area where I grew them and found at that they're just sitting there, dry and crispy as a motherfucker and not rotten. My question is, could I grind them up and extract some THC using a solvent? I'm familiar with the ice-bath method but I know that's only for buds with trichomes visible. They hadn't started budding before they were found.
Cheers for any help
What they tried to explain rather arrogantly is that you would have more luck finding a 1 pound gold bar beneath your plants than you would finding trichomes on them.
Not only are they seedlings and therefore have not developed trichs, they are also dead and any trichs that might've been will be long gone now.