Lalaman's CFL microw grow 3x26 watt 2x23 watt


Active Member
As promised, heres this evenings small pic update, lost one sprout to a mouse, so i mouse proofed the box, heres the lil baby thats left, 2 more seeds went into dirt today, i have moved my grow area to a cupboard with more room, so now im gonna go with 3 plants and prey at least one turns out female



Active Member
Looks good man (blurry pic though =/). Nothing interesting to see yet though. Give it a bit :)
lol, thats what u get when your attempting to use a 3 pound camera whilst almost blackout drunk shortly after a small line of molly(trust me, a cocktail i wont soon repeat)......and that was my 5th attempt and was the clearest one i had, il take another tomorrow as it has made IMENSE (sp?) progress in the past 36 hours, the fan leaves are almost twice the size of the cotyledons now, i heard word from my connect that the bud i plucked the couple seeds from was a late harvested (1 week late as grower was on vacation) Indica Dom. Blue dream from greenhouse seeds, and i was told it was a very fruity smellin phenotype, so im eager to see what i come out with, my last "blue dream" seed was a no-show, so i am now germing to dark brown nicely mature seeds from some decent mid, and i guess im now turning this into a comparison between "mid-plant" and "dank-plant", both grown in the same conditions to see if strain is REALLY more important in determining final quality than conditions


Active Member
Blue dream is one of my favorite strains. Good luck man! And yea, I try not to mess with my pants under the influence....


Active Member
Oh I know... I know
yo, first leaf set is now bout 3 times the size of the cotyledons, and u can planely see the second leaf set starting up in between the first, progress on this "blue dream" is bout 3 times as fast as my first baby already, seems to be a VERY vigorous strain, and capable of handling pre nuted soil from seed, if it turns out female ima probly keep it as a mother, seems to LOVE nutes even when its 4 days old lol


Active Member
Oh I know... I know
somewhat bad news, or potentially AWESOME news......unfortunately what im about to speak of my shitty camera phone wont pick up so i will do my best to describe it, so here goes....

ok, i know a red/purple stem can sometimes mean some type of deficiency, but my stem on my little sprout is a nice light green, and the cotyledons and first true leaves are a deep dark green, but i noticed something kinda cool looking, while the tops of the true leaves are are dark green, the underside of the leaves are a somewhat dark purple color, and the new growth, has a light purple tint, is this some type of deficiency, or some type of early color changin phenotype that i may want to (derfinately) keep? i just thought the fact the tops of the leaves are dark green with the contrasting purple on the bottom was say the least


Active Member
somewhat bad news, or potentially AWESOME news......unfortunately what im about to speak of my shitty camera phone wont pick up so i will do my best to describe it, so here goes....

ok, i know a red/purple stem can sometimes mean some type of deficiency, but my stem on my little sprout is a nice light green, and the cotyledons and first true leaves are a deep dark green, but i noticed something kinda cool looking, while the tops of the true leaves are are dark green, the underside of the leaves are a somewhat dark purple color, and the new growth, has a light purple tint, is this some type of deficiency, or some type of early color changin phenotype that i may want to (derfinately) keep? i just thought the fact the tops of the leaves are dark green with the contrasting purple on the bottom was say the least
I would love to see a strain that was purple from the start of veg or even start of flowering. Good luck!


Active Member
I would love to see a strain that was purple from the start of veg or even start of flowering. Good luck!
id say it was some type of temporary phosphorous lockout, just matasticized in a different part of the plant, as the purpleing is already starting to fade :(


Active Member
pics of the new seedling this afternoon when my brother returns from work with my phone, doing very well, the first true leaves are aout 1 1/4 inches long, the 3 prong leaf set is about 1/3 inch long, purpleing has faded and its back to a nice dark green, also just transplanted into a 2 gallon pot which will be its final home untill harvest (do to space concerns) i managed to leave the soil from its previous half gallon pot 100% intact so there should be NO transplant shock, the roots had already mad it to the bottom of the half galloon one :O (LARGEST root system of any plant ive ever seen this small)


Active Member
ok, when my brother gets home and i can use his phone for updates, yall will shit urself, its 10 days old, and is nearly as big as some of my past 3 week old plants, and is probably the single heaviest indica strain ive had the luxery of growing....first does of miracle grow tomatoe food today at 1/4 strength