Killing Fields Is Killer!


Well-Known Member
Picture 047.jpgPicture 048.jpgPicture 055.jpgso far im gonna give it about a 7-8 out of a 10 my clones showed definate signs of bud after 10 days of 12/12 light cycle it gets good crystal sparkles but doesnt have much smell to it it also yields good & went fast i chopped at day 62 i think trichs still clear/cloudy next one is gonna go longer i think im switching over to some faster stuff oh yeah the color of this stuff is beautiful my camera just dont do it justice

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
the latest "talk to your dog trippy" description i read in passing in another thread is the most visceral yet i've read for this strain. why is it the TWO top hazes i want to try, killing fields & jack the ripper have to have such violent & offputting names? i gotta boycott those two.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
oh, i KNOW i'd love smoking jack the ripper. it sounds potentially to be "the best" indoor haze, but i just don't want it's NAME uttered in my garden. it might as well be called "i raped your mother" to me. if TGA did some tinkering and came up with an even slightly inferior strain called "kittens & puppies", i'd be cool with that. there's too much violence in the world to be celebrating it in the garden.

i've got issues


Well-Known Member
the latest "talk to your dog trippy" description i read in passing in another thread is the most visceral yet i've read for this strain. why is it the TWO top hazes i want to try, killing fields & jack the ripper have to have such violent & offputting names? i gotta boycott those two.
Nothing in the name but you'll be missing out on Killing Feilds fella, this strain is one for the satty lovers


hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
it's a form of protest and i'm trying to distance myself from as much violence as possible in my life. i don't go to movies anymore either


Well-Known Member
it's a form of protest and i'm trying to distance myself from as much violence as possible in my life. i don't go to movies anymore either
I don't really get it myself tbh mate, but thats your descision and I respect you sticking to your guns. lol no pun intended fella. Are you ruling out any gun themed names too?? Now I think about it there are a lot of violent names of strains these days... where did all the love go??

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
well i never really wanted to try AK-47 to begin with because it's skunky & stoney, but i'd probably stay away from something like that too, though guns can also be used in self defense. now that you've brought THAT topic up though, you remind me of one of the stupidest things i've EVER heard a sub-moron utter...
"anyone that doesn't believe in guns ought to be shot!"
of course, it was one of those days i didn't come up with the exact right words, but still said something along the lines of
"um, no, anyone that DOES believe in guns ought to be shot to witness first hand all the good they do in the world."

the beyond left wing do gooder in me just doesn't like being bombarded by violence all around me. i've lived in a hood where i've heard a few people get capped and had some close calls myself. the more you give into violence, the deeper it drags you. if i could, i'd build a time machine and just keep re-visit the summer of love. the winter of discontent just isn't having the exact same vibe.


Well-Known Member
lol this is all off topic but honestly mate it isnt the guns who kill people...

its the people them selves

violence is a part of life you cant get by it you can try and not start it but its gonna happen but to take things to that point

i wouldn't do it

goes the same for violent video games it isnt the games that are bad

its the people that play them and dont know the fine line between reality and fantasy

guns serve there purpous just like violence does when it comes to self preservation


Well-Known Member
haha...damn fine crop right there, you must smoke a lot of herb to need all the buds in this thread...dayuum.:shock:


Well-Known Member
Picture 082.jpgspeaking of smoking herb i finaly got a chance for some 1-on-1 time with killing fields & what better time than a fishing trip in the boat on a remote section of river with nothing but me, some cold beer,the wife & a few fish after a few hits & settling into some quality time ive decided i really enjoy the high this stuff offers i had a good buzz & a shit eatin grin to match i could still tie knots, bait hooks & untangle lines without much impairment a good clear headed sativa upbeat high backing the trailer & retreiving the boat after a few hours no problem either very controlable & i could of smoked more & got obliviated but held back because of the fast current,sandbars & submerged trees & rocks in this remote part of the delta all said this is a good product especialy if youre a sativa lover , not as strong as slh but has a more defined clear functionable high that lasts just as long as slh or qrazy train & longer than querkle im gonna give it a solid 8 out of 10 still waiting to hear from the rest of the people trying it out this is a very enjoyable strain to grow & smoke as well:weed:


Well-Known Member
Picture 005.jpgPicture 003.jpgPicture 004.jpgPicture 001.jpgPicture 002.jpgthis grow just keeps getting better & is really packing on the weight & after a couple of grows that didnt go so good its nice to have 2 back-to-back grows with good results here is tobays pics this stuff is changing daily the hydro nutes dont show color as fast as the soil did:confused:


Well-Known Member
Picture 018.jpgPicture 014.jpgPicture 015.jpgPicture 016.jpgPicture 017.jpghere is saturday afternoon pics i flipped my light 12/12 sept.23 so i guess this makes today 36 days into bud cycle the beerbottle shot is 1 of the 3 female seeds x-line pure ak's in this grow with my k/f the ak was cloned for my other grow it grows vigorous but im not sure if the quality will be as good as the killing fields:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Picture 027.jpgPicture 025.jpgPicture 029.jpgPicture 026.jpgPicture 028.jpgPicture 022.jpgupdated pics starting to show color the small purple plant is a k/f i pollinated with a jackberry male foe future grow:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Picture 006.jpgPicture 005.jpgPicture 004.jpgjust a few pics on a stermy saturday afternoon had to plug in the heater as the nights are getting cold figure on harvesting early december:-P