Problems!! what is wrong with my plants?


im currently using dyna gro nutes and have them at 1200ppm and theres four plants that look like these ones and theres 4 others that seem to look quite normal. so i dont think it is nute burn but could this be bugs? or some insects? maybe a defficiency i need some help i dont know what to do with them.



Well-Known Member
That looks like severe lockout due to overfeeding. It looks like you have advanced stages of root necrosis too. Those plants are done for.

1200ppm of anything for plants that size is outrageously high.

What's all that black shit covering your hydroton pellets? Looks like rotten algae. I'm sure that didn't help.


I agree with lordjin. SEVER LOCKOUT! the second i saw 1200ppm my heart jumped lol. Those plants are toast, your best bet is to scrap them and start some new ones, WITH LESS NUTES@!@!$#!$!@#!@!@


ok so then i dont understand why the other 4 arent burned then? they seem to be looking great
where should my ppm be then?
they have vegged 4 weeks and they are about 3 and a half weeks into flowering

and in the hydroton are nematodes or at least what they came in. i had a pretty bad gnat and thrip problem but i see that most the gnats are gone now but i think i still have some thrips


Active Member
dynagro is pretty concentrated keep it around 500-900 tops.

My mothers run at 700 ppm and they grow 30+ cuts every
few weeks.
also I run 18"-20" plants 4 weeks into flower at 900 ppm w/dynagro.
However some strains (kush's inparticular) love high ppms.
I can run a 6-30-30 blend (not dynagro) on purple kush at
1500 ppm and she be beggin for more!


damn... ive just been following the dyna gro chart that is for recirculating systems
that thing must be way off then lol cuz it says mine should really be at like 1400ppm.. so i thought it was defficiency
but it looked a lot like a burn so thats why i was waiting to put any more in it

ok so since they are about 3 weeks into flower but are so messed up they look like only one week in how high should they be? about like 600-700? also do you use an ro filter? if you do how much mag pro do you use per gallon?
and where do u keep ur ph at?

im not sure the strains of these ones but im guessing definitely not kush lol but after these either finish or die i have a white widow crossed with afghan kush almost ready to start makin cuts on. so hopefully after this ill have a little more knowledge of how to not screw up the good plants lol


I wouldnt suggest its your ppm right on the bat. Your ppm can be that high after adding nutes if your using regular tap water. My tap water is right at 300 ppm so when I add my nutes its very easy for my ppm to be higher than 1200 ppm. I have had damage similar to that and it ended up being gnats. The plants were pretty bad off and I never thought it was a bug problem b/c everyone was suggesting ph issue or nute burn. Have you seen any type of bugs in your grow area?


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt suggest its your ppm right on the bat. Your ppm can be that high after adding nutes if your using regular tap water. My tap water is right at 300 ppm so when I add my nutes its very easy for my ppm to be higher than 1200 ppm. I have had damage similar to that and it ended up being gnats. The plants were pretty bad off and I never thought it was a bug problem b/c everyone was suggesting ph issue or nute burn. Have you seen any type of bugs in your grow area?
Yeah, boss. He's got bugs. He said gnats and thrips. Nice alternate opinion. :clap: