Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!


New Member
funny you say that because if your white with a 3.0 you wont be able to get financial aid to go to college.. thanks proving a point i made earlier on T&T about how un fair it is to be a minority
ugh here, you can get financial aid no matter what pretty much. BUT the scholarships are ridiculous. If you're white, you have to have from 80 to 90% average in all classes to get any scholarship. You look at the native's scholarships it's all BS like "any aboriginal who passed high school". Where's my easy scholarship? It's really stupid that there isn't one thats open to anybody and doesn't matter what their grades were. Oh, and if theres an easy scholarships for whites, that's TOTALLY racist yet, it isn't for aboriginals. I just want my chance at an easy scholarship, my high school grades weren't good, I'm not a good studier, but I learn by doing which is what the college here does. Sick and tired of the double standard for natives, I can't wait to move to another province (few more years to go!) away from all the natives who try to act like ghetto blacks of the US.


Well-Known Member
since ur in cali u might get lucky and just get a possesion ticket, but mostly like intent to distribute charge and expelled from school


Well-Known Member
alright, ravenmochi and penguinking, enough. We dont need the forums clogged with any more of that. You disagree and dont like each other, i think we all realized that by now. I'm contemplating editing out all your attacking each other, this isnt what newbie central is for.
†s† your about 9 hours to late, but thinks for coming ;)

If you hadn't noticed, it settled itself, he decided it was a waste of time, and I didn't respond as to not goat him into continuing. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I didn't give a fuck about high school and graduated with who knows what grade, and I still get financial aid for college...


Well-Known Member
I got caught when I was 14 in school with bud.I went to court they just gave me a drug class.Everybody was like damn you 14 lol.but since he had a sacle there gonna probably charge him for selling.