1st Ever Grow - 250w DWC 2x4x5 Tent w/ Mendo Purps SCROG


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Do you have a cooling tube or fan pointed at your bulb?

I have a small fan pointing right below my bulb and it decreases temps by at least 10*F. (Btw I also use a 250w HIDS)


I have a clip fan pointed at the light and it seems to be helping a lot, but the weather is fickle and I cant seem to get it below 84ºF even with the tent open....

Especially since I'm in a tight space and doing scrog I think LED might be my best option at this point.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
I have a clip fan pointed at the light and it seems to be helping a lot, but the weather is fickle and I cant seem to get it below 84ºF even with the tent open....

Especially since I'm in a tight space and doing scrog I think LED might be my best option at this point.
I run at 85*F no problems. 1'6" right now away from lights.. maybe a couple inches less they've grown into the spectrum already.

It's worth mentioning my rez temps are below 60 most of the time, going up to 70 at night.


Its been 10 days since I put the screen in. I'm going to flip to 12/12 in the next few days.

Day 29 since transplanting the clone into the system.

I'm still dealing with pH dropping but she seems to be generally ok. PPM stays around 800. I've been trimming lots of leaves everyday trying to clean up under the screen before I flip.



Today I switched to 12/12. I think I may have overfilled the screen a bit but it should be ok.

Still at 65-69ºF res. Lucas 8:16 @ 811ppm.

A photo-recap of the last 30 days (check the root porn at the end!):



Well-Known Member
Looks great to me Noob :D That screen should be stuffed by the time it finishes the stretch over the next couple weeks ;) Dont be uber-shy bout removing some HUGE fan leaves over the next couple weeks, but I'm sure you knew that already. Roots look nice and healthy! You should be pleased with that screen! I'll be sure to check back. As alwayz....happy growing!


Thanks Mineralz, I've actually been a little worried that I may have been too aggressive with cutting the big fan leaves but I want to get as many budsites to the screen as possible!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mineralz, I've actually been a little worried that I may have been too aggressive with cutting the big fan leaves but I want to get as many budsites to the screen as possible!
I agree with 2 statements about the subject. 1) Removing fan leaves lowers your total yield in the end AND 2) Strategically-cut fan leaves can/will allow other bud sites to get bigger SO I guess it's just one of those things that makes itself known when you get there lulz. Your tucking looks fine btw and it should do well with what you've trained already. The tricky part is all those littler ones that branch off from main ones hehe ;) If you think you've been aggressive then back off on em for a couple weeks and go to removing UNDER-canopy stuff. Most of it will just shrivel up and die off on its own from what I've seen, but it does get time-consuming to say tha least. Either way man...these plants are just as hardcore as the peepz brave enough to cultivate them ;)


Got my LED light yesterday and installed it. Temps dropped ~10ºF to around 72ºF.
A little cold, but I'll keep the room around the closet a bit warmer to compensate. Maybe change to draw air in from the room as opposed to the crawlspace.

I can't say yet how well the light is working but it is bright as hell and if you work under it for too long, everything turns green once you leave the room--definitely need sunglasses for trimming/pruning now!

Day 36. Day 6 of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Got my LED light yesterday and installed it. Temps dropped ~10ºF to around 72ºF.
A little cold, but I'll keep the room around the closet a bit warmer to compensate. Maybe change to draw air in from the room as opposed to the crawlspace.

I can't say yet how well the light is working but it is bright as hell and if you work under it for too long, everything turns green once you leave the room--definitely need sunglasses for trimming/pruning now!

Day 36. Day 6 of 12/12.
View attachment 1856488View attachment 1856489
72 degrees is not cold, at this stage, plants love it at 70 MAX! nice grow by the way


Well-Known Member
I heard that from an experienced grower, he told me when it's budding time, and especially near the end, they love it cold... he told me to shoot for high 60s to 70 for the full growth.


On the temp front I think the LED lights have been great so far. I can keep the tent/closet shut and temp stays within 65ºF-75ºF with humidity between 30-50%. Also, I haven't needed any frozen water bottles b/c the res temp has stayed at just about exactly 65ºF since Tuesday when I switched the lights.