President Obey-Me Is Not Being Obeyed

T Ray

Well-Known Member
Again I made a grammatical mistake. You can knit pick it how you want, but the fact you have GIVEN 0 "LIKES" is very telling about your personality traits. You are a narcissist to the maximum and your arrogance shows your ignorance.

Brick Top

New Member
I will say again you have GIVEN 0 likes.
That is correct ... and that is because I believe likes and +-rep to be meaningless junior high school-like popularity votes and nothing more. I do not give either and I do not ask for, or want, either. It creates situations like this, where you attempted to use likes as some sort of evidence or proof of who and what I am. I wish things like +rep and likes had never been part of sites like this. In the long run it is divisive.

T Ray

Well-Known Member
You confidently boast around here like your better than everyone else. Nobody cares about what you did. If you have sources/facts to back up what you say then you don't need to tell me about your experience.

The sources will speak for themselves in reality, because they are the ones with the true knowledge. The fact is you don't always give your credits and people think that you actually write and graph and show pic's that aren't yours. I see it all the time.


Well-Known Member
tsk... i find this rather shortsighted.

i like , because i LIKE

i rep, because i think something is really good and beneficial to the site.

i comment in the reps if i want to communicate something along with that.


but how am i going to take my "title" as Teaching How To Roll (actually am a shitty roller lol)
Mr. Ganja splendid one to behold

as anything other than a joke?

splendid one to behold?

does it matter that bricktop (or anyone else) is superstoner (whats a super stoner?) and a reputation beyond repute?

no, what i learned from him made sense.

the rest was just something he was saying and i had no interest in (unless i had or commented)

the biggest dick is usually just that, the biggest dick (and usually they´sa cheesy dicks and we all know cheesy dicks smell, bad)

T Ray

Well-Known Member
Referring to why Sso edited.

You better watch out for the grammar police! They have comments in this thread all over. Tread carefully.


Well-Known Member
no, i wrote hold instead of behold lol :)

dinna give much of a fuck about me spelling mate, just that its understood (why else write?)

Brick Top

New Member
Again I made a grammatical mistake. You can knit pick it how you want, but the fact you have GIVEN 0 "LIKES" is very telling about your personality traits. You are a narcissist to the maximum and your arrogance shows your ignorance.
Now that is a wonderful example of what I previously stated, how likes and +-rep are divisive and worthless. In an earlier message I clearly stated that I see likes and +-rep to be worthless junior high school-like popularity votes. I do not give either and I do not ask for, or even want, either. Both are meaningless, both are worthless. But even though that is the case you attempted to alter why I do not give likes or +-rep from the true reason into meaning that it is because I am supposedly a narcissist.

I have no interest in voting for an RIU prom queen and prom queen. I do not suffer from the infantile immature psychosis of needing everyone to love me, to accept me, to validate what I say by giving me likes and +-rep like so very many here suffer from. So many puppies of today desperately need to be accepted that they seek it anywhere and everywhere in their lives. They need every message they post on sites like this to be an opportunity to receive more acceptance by someone giving them a like or +-rep.

I find it all too be very, very sad. It does not speak well of the level of self worth that the puppies of today have when they need everything they say to be yet another opportunity to be shown by others that they fit in and are accepted.


Well-Known Member
having sorta bad grammar is an excellent way to test people´s personalities.

police are rather difficult to live with. (at least if you are different in an socially unacceptable way ;))

T Ray

Well-Known Member
Now that is a wonderful example of what I previously stated, how likes and +-rep are divisive and worthless. In an earlier message I clearly stated that I see likes and +-rep to be worthless junior high school-like popularity votes. I do not give either and I do not ask for, or even want, either. Both are meaningless, both are worthless. But even though that is the case you attempted to alter why I do not give likes or +-rep from the true reason into meaning that it is because I am supposedly a narcissist.

I have no interest in voting for an RIU prom queen and prom queen. I do not suffer from the infantile immature psychosis of needing everyone to love me, to accept me, to validate what I say by giving me likes and +-rep like so very many here suffer from. So many puppies of today desperately need to be accepted that they seek it anywhere and everywhere in their lives. They need every message they post on sites like this to be an opportunity to receive more acceptance by someone giving them a like or +-rep.

I find it all too be very, very sad. It does not speak well of the level of self worth that the puppies of today have when they need everything they say to be yet another opportunity to be shown by others that they fit in and are accepted.
Translation: We are all puppies and Brick is better than everyone else, so please bow down and respect him and his far superior mind.

T Ray

Well-Known Member
And yet I see you brag and boast more than just about anyone about yourself. Funny how you don't want this greatness title, but your comments and posts show me oh so how desperately you seek it from others.


Brick Top

New Member
You confidently boast around here like your better than everyone else. Nobody cares about what you did. If you have sources/facts to back up what you say then you don't need to tell me about your experience.

I speak frankly and to the point and I have a low tolerance level for idiot savants minus the savant part telling people how things work. They are the reason that this site, and a goodly number of others like it, are more universities of ignorance than sites where someone can learn facts.

The fact is you don't always give your credits and people think that you actually write and graph and show pic's that aren't yours. I see it all the time.
If someone, anyone, believes that I made a graph that says or Internal Revenue Service or U.S. Treasury Department on the bottom they have serious problems. Very serious problems. Some of what I post that is others work is not credited because I saved it to Word or disc or hard drive in the past and did not add a link at the time and since I copy the information from that location, rather than searching for the original source again, there is no link included. It is not an attempt to make it appear that I write everything I post. As for pictures, I have stated numerous times why I do not post pictures of my own so there is no need to go into that again, even though you seem to feel a need to dredge it up again and attempt to make an issue of it.

Is that all or will you be requiring me to respond to yet another of your troll messages?

Brick Top

New Member
Translation: We are all puppies and Brick is better than everyone else, so please bow down and respect him and his far superior mind.
No, not everyone here is a puppy. But those who are puppies know they are puppies and dislike knowing they are one, so they become upset when I mention puppies. Those who know they are not puppies know I am not referring to them.

T Ray

Well-Known Member
You don't have to respond to anything, but I know as a narcissist you can't except criticism and will continue to defend your close minded, always right actions.

T Ray

Well-Known Member
No, not everyone here is a puppy. But those who are puppies know they are puppies and dislike knowing they are one, so they become upset when I mention puppies. Those who know they are not puppies know I am not referring to them.
That there, is very complex and some deep shit. It so philosophical. You truly are a scholar Brick.

Brick Top

New Member
Does anyone at all care to comment on President Obey-Me not being obeyed? Or do you all instead prefer to just rant about me?


Well-Known Member
well, there is one good thing about the like system.

if someone likes what i say and thinks its useful (or funny or whatever caused them to like it)
then i know im not just farting in the wind ;) (whether or not its good farts or not)
i dont really need it, per say, though i do enjoy it sometimes (and giving it)

but many members here are younger and probably enjoy it more.
i personally put no special meaning to it.

rather curious why you are so strongworded about it? insecure about your adulthood? (lol, never noticed any point i became adult , just got older and wiser, still am me and feel much the same as i did, just more experienced and calm about it)

hehhe ;)

dont find it sad at all, any more than i find a teddybear in the hands of a child anything more than cute (well unless its a well made horror movie though more dolls that can be creepy lol)

,.... you are right though, its bit sad that we think we have to fight for acceptance..
i used to be more insecure, but after meeting alot of people, i dont give a rat´s ass, either i like people or i dont (if i dont i dont make a big deal out of it unless i have to, their fucking life ;))
and either they like me or not (see, there are only really This many people i Can fit into my life, only this Many best friends and close friends, rest are just aquintances or people..

..i dont fight with them unless i have to (or anyone)
but i also dont give a rat´s ass whether they like me or not, cause they aint close and there are plenty of new aquaintances and people out there in this sea of 10 billion people..
despite life after this,

this life is short, i dont remember the last one and if im born again i wont remember this one (well, maybe bits and pieces but its the past,who cares?, learned all i need from it ;))
and what that means? im not gonna waste my time with fuckheads or go out of my way "to make them friends"

usually people just click.
no click, doesnt mean there never will be one, but it also means you should get too worked up about it lol if its meant to be, its meant to be. (or if you really want it, make it so, i dare ya)
and if we go into fame?

well thats a shitload of work, mostly involving keeping the right mask on...

those people, "fans" (fanning that ego) love ya, because you are good at something AND because you are charming and well likeable.
but they are only gonna love ya as long as good at it OR charming and likeable to boot (or just really funny charming and likable even though you arent any good at anything anymore)
thats why celebrities are always hiding shit , like the fact they are gay (though thats mostly in the past, thankfully..)

or something like that.

their status , revolves around people liking them.
thats why actors generally tend to do more and more shit and the same for musicians.
they get afraid to do anything else because people might stop liking it *usually cemented by some experimentary failure*

to me , thats sounds like too much of a hassle and too much of a restriction in being me..

at least, seeking after that kinda fame.

pretending to be something im not.. (at least not, all the bloody time...kinda sick (politicians are an extreme example of this, they REally cant be themselves publicly, (probably great part of why they get grey hair so quick within office))


Well-Known Member
Does anyone at all care to comment on President Obey-Me not being obeyed? Or do you all instead prefer to just rant about me?
I actually responded to a couple of your articles, but then I realized you posted several articles at once and I'm not going to read and respond to them all right now. I might later, but for now I've responded to two other threads... I'm not gonna sit here and read all of your articles when I could be watching College Football (go Ducks! quack quack... wish they were playing a better opponent today, however). At any rate, I look forward to your OWN thoughts in response in those other threads as I'll surely be back later to read them.