2 week old seedlings, growth is stunted.


So I'm growing kalichakra from mandala. I planted these seeds on the 2nd and it took them 3-4 days to sprout so there a little older than 2 weeks.

I started them in Fox Farms Light Warrior. I've only every done one other grow and my plants at this age were easily triple the size of these ones.

There leaves are light and there not very wide at all, the tallest one is about 2".

I havn't fed them anything yet. I water every 3-4 days letting the soil dry out. pH is about 6.3-6.8. I'm using tap water that was let sit out for 12-24 hours, then pH adjusted with api's pH Down.

If anyone could help me that would be great, I don't want to lose these babies!


Well-Known Member
You have wicked nute lock.

You're feeding with nothing but water, but is that there soil one of the pre-nuted kinds?


Well it's light warrior, its made for seedlings. This was the answer I was waiting for, I thought it was lack of nutes the whole time but others have told me otherwise. I just gave them a watering today, should I wait until next watering to give them some nutes(big bloom 0.01.-0.3-0.7 I have the FF trio so I could use any of them) or should I transplant to a 1 gallon grow bag with FF ocean forest?


Well-Known Member
They look overwatered to me unless the soil is unfertilized, seedling soil is generally accepted to have some nutrients in.

They look stunted from overwatering imo but could be heat, i would guess the problem dose not lie in the soil nutes or lack of them, seedling soil should hold seedling nutes. Peace


Well-Known Member
Do those cups have drain holes?

It's nute lockout. That means there's nute in the soil, but they can't absorb it because they're overwhelmed by it. Adding nute or transplanting into a bigger container won't help...only make it worse.

Seedlings that young should just keep growing without any special treatment. They're locked. Whatever was in that light warrior was too much for that strain.

Just flush with ph balanced water and wait. And make sure those cups have drain holes. Be prepared to chuck those and start over. They look like they're on their way out.


Well-Known Member
I dont see light warrior being too strong for most strains but i cannot get it here in Europe so have little knowledge of it but as for the rest of the seedling soils i have tried all have been of similar nutrient strngths and able to start most seedlings from any fruit and veg strains. Peace


Well-Known Member
I dont see light warrior being too strong for most strains but i cannot get it here in Europe so have little knowledge of it but as for the rest of the seedling soils i have tried all have been of similar nutrient strngths and able to start most seedlings from any fruit and veg strains. Peace
Not all cannabis strains are the same, my friend. There are even drastic differences in nute tolerance within the OG K family of strains for example.

We're talking about marijuana here, not fruits and vegetables.


Well-Known Member
So are fruit and veg strains but i have yet to find one that found seedling soil too strong to start growing in it, if anything i have to add 400ppm nutes to my seedling soil before my plants get to his stage at least or i show slight deficiencies.

I have little experience of light warrior but lots of many other seedling soils. Still i reckon the problem is the growers and more somthing he did or environmental. Lighter soil than Light warrior imo would be an un nuted soil such as sunshine mix no4 which requires added nutrients or nothing will grow in it. Peace


Well-Known Member
So are fruit and veg strains but i have yet to find one that found seedling soil too strong to start growing in it, if anything i have to add 400ppm nutes to my seedling soil before my plants get to his stage at least or i show slight deficiencies.

I have little experience of light warrior but lots of many other seedling soils. Still i reckon the problem is the growers and more somthing he did or environmental. Lighter soil than Light warrior imo would be an un nuted soil such as sunshine mix no4 which requires added nutrients or nothing will grow in it. Peace
I'm strictly hydro, so I by no means am trying to detract from your experience.

But seedlings can grow to the size our friend has them here in a rockwool cube with nothing but ph balanced water. At first they need nothing because they're still feeding on the tiny trace nutes provided by what was in the discarded seed husk.

But I admit I have no experience with light warrior either, so I'm making educated guesses for the most part too.

It's just that very, very early on in my experience I tried soil and failed miserably a couple of times due to lockout. It looked just like his seedlings. Went to hydro and never looked back.


Well-Known Member
keep it simple and just use some fresh rain water, it has all the minerals youll need for growth and as they get older start a compost pile with some fox farms and some black cow to make it not as hot with nutrients. after about a month the plant will eat up the nutrients so make sure your adding more. and make sure your not over watering and the cups get dry down to the bottom inch. also try poking down holes in the soil, it helps get air to the roots and the plants will dry up faster.


Alright maybe its my tap water? I just watered them yesterday but should I go out and get some spring water today and do a flush?


Well-Known Member
We all care for our grows immensely. That's why we fuss, spend money, fuss some more, spend more money, and fuss still more.

So why oh why do so many of you guys water your precious plants with nasty sink water?

And I can't believe the number of RIU poster who go around saying tap water is fine and that buying filtering devices is a waste of money. I think these dopes are spreading bad information, prompting beginners to think that their tap water is fine.


I've had a successful grow with using tap water, but I recently moved so the tap is different. So my question still is should I flush with distilled water even though I just watered yesterday? Here is an updated pic, they perk up about 12 hours after being watered.



Well-Known Member
I've had a successful grow with using tap water, but I recently moved so the tap is different. So my question still is should I flush with distilled water even though I just watered yesterday? Here is an updated pic, they perk up about 12 hours after being watered.
Okay, friend. Maybe my initial diagnosis was too harsh. But I'm not a soil guy, so you have to take what I say with a grain of salt.

they do indeed look better. Yes, by all means baby them as much as you can. Get the distilled water, but wait until your last watering has dried before flushing again.

Apologies for signing them off as dead.


Well-Known Member
We all care for our grows immensely. That's why we fuss, spend money, fuss some more, spend more money, and fuss still more.

So why oh why do so many of you guys water your precious plants with nasty sink water?

And I can't believe the number of RIU poster who go around saying tap water is fine and that buying filtering devices is a waste of money. I think these dopes are spreading bad information, prompting beginners to think that their tap water is fine.
Tap water is perfect for plants although you need to know whats in there first so you can amend and accomodate for. Hydro growers use Ro water and add the cal/mag back in to the water, RO water and 100ppm of cal/mag is pure perfect for most hydro grows, soil however is different, if you want to post your tap water analysis figures as issued by your water company for situations like these and for health concerns then i would be more than happy to translate them into plant specific details.

Nasty sink water, surely not if you know what its chemical analysis is, cal/mag is the first concern and then other ingredients, pH makes little difference in soil as its more to do with the effects Ammoniacal nitrogen has on the soil pH and cannot be read by a simple pH meter. Its all cool dude but nasty sink water just means ingnorance when you could be determining the cal/mag levels and even simply wether its hard or soft water. You can ppm your water to find out this although this way takes no consideration of the cal/mag ratios and percentages. I water at pH8.1 and my tap water is between 50 to 70ppm with mainly calcium and little magnesium so a simple cal/mag supplement allows me to ppm it to 150/200ppm which is exactly where my soil grown plants like it to be and between ideally as close to the ratios 3:1 cal to mag.

I dont have to be so strict because i add lime to my soil but generally this is what i aim for. Please give me some hard data and fact before you call tap water stinky, i dont even pH mine and its real good stuff.

Evian has near perfect cal/mag levels and close to neutral pH, if you buy spring water you wont go wrong with this stuff and more than enough cal/mag. Notice the ppm dry residue is less than the total ppm this relates to each minerals particular charge.

I took the time to find out what exactly my tapwater was and wasnt, hydro growers are not soil growers! Peace


Well-Known Member
And I can't believe the number of RIU poster who go around saying tap water is fine and that buying filtering devices is a waste of money. I think these dopes are spreading bad information, prompting beginners to think that their tap water is fine.
Yer dude that is describing the advice i generally give taken into consideration what i said of the above posts, is all cool. Peace


Well-Known Member
Yer dude that is describing the advice i generally give taken into consideration what i said of the above posts, is all cool. Peace
nah, I wasn't talkin' about you. You have great follow up info regarding locality and tap content.

I realize some people are lucky enough to have good tap water. But that doesn't apply to everyone. And just by a pure numbers game, there are more people living in populated, polluted urban environments than there are in less populated, less polluted environments. So by that logic, most growers on RIU and elsewhere have questionable tap water, not the other way around.