first grow help


like the title says..first grow trying to make my mistakes now before i get serious with my next grow. just need a little advice real quick...

i did something to my plant to cause some leaves to wilt and turn brown and i don't want to focus on "WHY" they are brown because it was due to a combo of things. also my plant is female and just started to bud.

with all that said:.... should i trim all the dead leaves and dead OFF the other leaves? my thinking is that they are already dead and the plant can't focus all its energy on the buds.

thoughts? thanks in advance!!


Active Member
I am somewhat new myself but what I have read is do not prune trim cut of more than 50% of fans...I have recently started trimming the dead and pulling the complete dead ones off...seems to be fine...personally I think even the best growers get some dead/deformed leaves at some point in the plants life...


cool thanks for the reply man. my leaves got messed up because i didn't water it for a LONG TIME trying to let the dirt dry out and rid my plant of a gnat swarm. also, i had the plant tied down to get light to the lower parts of the plant but it came loose and let the plant pop up into the bulbs and bake for a whole day while i was at work.

the end result is me with an effed up looking plant but if i can trim about 50% off i will just trim off everything brown and she will be a beauty again.


Well-Known Member
^Don't get too carried away, with the trimming, or you can stunt the plant, which wouldn't be a good thing during flowering. I know it's tempting, because everybody wants their plants to look puuuuurty, but it's too easy to get 'chop happy', and do more harm than good. Sounds like you got alot of damage? If I were you, i'd only remove the leaves that are beyond 50% dead/damaged. Also, if there's a shitload, just remove a handful at a time, like 8 or so.(especially the upper leaves) Then, wait til next watering, and remove a few more, etc....

Also....if ya top-dress your soil with sand, it'll take care of your gnat problem. I had to do it before, and it worked great. Just try to find 'coarse sand', because the really fine stuff, like in sandboxes, makes it a little tough to water. The water doesn't like to soak down through some types of sand.(believe it or Some say to use an inch of sand, but I found that 1/4" is all that's necessary. In about 2 weeks, the gnats will be gone. Also,'ll likely have to pour some around your pots' drainage holes, too.


^Don't get too carried away, with the trimming, or you can stunt the plant, which wouldn't be a good thing during flowering. I know it's tempting, because everybody wants their plants to look puuuuurty, but it's too easy to get 'chop happy', and do more harm than good. Sounds like you got alot of damage? If I were you, i'd only remove the leaves that are beyond 50% dead/damaged. Also, if there's a shitload, just remove a handful at a time, like 8 or so.(especially the upper leaves) Then, wait til next watering, and remove a few more, etc....

Also....if ya top-dress your soil with sand, it'll take care of your gnat problem. I had to do it before, and it worked great. Just try to find 'coarse sand', because the really fine stuff, like in sandboxes, makes it a little tough to water. The water doesn't like to soak down through some types of sand.(believe it or Some say to use an inch of sand, but I found that 1/4" is all that's necessary. In about 2 weeks, the gnats will be gone. Also,'ll likely have to pour some around your pots' drainage holes, too.
ya i wish you would have saw my other thread lol. i was told to get play sand, which works, but like you said it's hard to water. i'm gnat free right now thanks to the sand so yea it DEF works but next time i'll be buying the course sand. (i also put out a bowl of apple cider vinegar and it killed em all in just a few days).

as for the dead i will be cautious to not stunt the growth too bad and get some of the dead off. a little at a time of course. thanks for the reply, rep for you. cheers!

if they're dead or dieng get rid of them, they're shading healthy growth.
yea i'm gonna chop em but not get too crazy lol. a little at a time will give the rest more light and not hurt the plant too much. i think... like i said this is my first grow so its a learning process.