thanks man!! first two harvest stunted due to my ignorance of light distances and temps, third was looking SAH-WEEET but i came down with a bacterial infection and i was just down for the count for a month. I just had enough energy to water and my ma is not yet schooled on the growin. When i got to feeling better and got in there for the 1st time in a week I saw where the clone i got from the co-op had spider mites and my WHOLE crop was wasted. still good but i was told the yield was 50% what it should have been. so now i use neem during veg, SNS miticide for when they do get on some and i never buy clones now, only seed.
I have been looking up what the plants are supposed to do from week to week and so far so good.(crossed fingers, said little prayer and petted my dog). Like today is the last day of the 4th week and the sugar crystals are starting to show well. I need to go get some "Orca Film" tomorrow to put in the room. It's supposed to be a super killer reflector film that has no hot spots.