The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
We get it on 11 hours delay. Guess I'll need to stay away from you guys to keep the score a surprise. Have a good sunday west.

mr west

Well-Known Member
We get it on 11 hours delay. Guess I'll need to stay away from you guys to keep the score a surprise. Have a good sunday west.
ok i wont mention it again til tonight then no biggy. I must say the french held eachothers hands while the all blacks did their hacka lmao


Well-Known Member
surprised they weren't holding each others tadgers!!! Close game though.

Afternoon mate! You good?

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah not bad mate got a few friends round. I need to deseed some more pot so i gotta smoke lol. Need to chop the rom and the chron too and the psycho killer full of f2's lol i aint got room to dry em ffs lol.


Well-Known Member
There was a close up on a scrum and I noticed the second row guys reach around and grab onto what seems like the front rows knobs, lol. Wife said they were grabbing their waist bands and I just wasn't sure. Seemed like there was a couple optical illusions as well. To me it looked like france made thier one kick, and nz missed the one that counted. I don't know rugby much (lol as if you couldn't tell)... was that a great defensive battle... or just not a good game... or a mix? There was only 3 scores all day.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I used to play that position, you have to reach through the props legs and grab his shirt. Its not nice tbh i stopped playing when i was 17

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
morning west et al! it's funny at school i played prop forward for years and couldn't kick a football straight for love nor money. ( i'm actually nick named 50p toes :( ) now i'm older i haven't got any interest in egg chasing.

still, who wasn't going to put the kiwi's down for a home turf win.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Was a close game, found myself cheering france on at the end lol. I had to be sick shortly after. My mouth still tastes funny lol.


Well-Known Member
Looking super strong that Rom. westy ( if its the second last big Pic.or last in thumbnails lol ) Those Psyco Killer crosses popped 4 for 4 bro. all looking good man. I'm having to squeeze a run in for Christmas so extra seed's and less veg. on them.
Should make a funky looking tent though man!

Hope you'r good
