HelP! My grow lights died!


Active Member
I have a 2 week old T5 grow light I bought off ebay that just flickers and dies when I hit the switch this morning. I tried to re-set by removing the bulbs--but nothing. What can I get at the hardware store to hold me over until I can get them repaired/replaced???


Well-Known Member
I bet the hardware is fine but the bulb has reached its lifespan.. they are rated like 40,000 hours. a grower probably noticed the quality going down and sold it to people who didn't know better. Welcome to the world where everyone is just out for themselves... never buy without research.


Well-Known Member
^I've been using T8 6-bulb lights, for a couple years now, and they work great for vegging. Their main downfall, is when the plants get bigger than 16-18", and start stretching a little, as the lights lose intensity. I've found that it's not much use vegging bigger than that, anyway. 10-12", is when I throw mine into flowering.