Made some brownies and they SUCKED!!!


Well-Known Member
So i have never had a pot brownie so i decided to make some. i looke dup a method that said to simmer the dope in some veggie oil then add it to the brownie mix so i did that. well the oil is supposed to extract the THC and your supposed to strain all the shat out of it before you mix but i decided that there had to be some wasted THC in that method so i added the really fine stuff and strained the bigger shit out.

i used about 1/2 Oz as my bagseed grow this summer had to be chopped early they didnt have time to fully develop and i fig they had a low THC count (plus i wanted to get fucked up off 1 brownie, cuz i was having peoples over and not sure if they were going to last)

anyways they were pretty terrible tasting. i would probally have prefered to just eat the weed.i do have to admit some of the bigger pieces of weed in the brownies were pretty tough to gnaw down but the real issue was taste, I think the bad taste came from simmering the weed in the oil then mixing it throughout the brownie mix.

anyone have any good methods to make brownies that taste good and still get you fucked up? i was thinking about just adding the finely chopped MJ to the brownies without cooking? will this give the brownies a better flavor?

Also, i used a food processor to chop up the weed, i was thinking if you can get some empty pill capsuls and just fill them up with the ground herbs and eat like 4-5 of them you would probally get same effect and be able to consume easier, anyone know where you can get empty pill capsuls? health food store maybe or a natural/organic food store. i would imagine they sell them for people to make thier own herbal pills...

anyways, just wanted to share my experience.

the batch made 9 brownied with 1/2 Oz in total batch. I ate 1 and i was pretty romped all night but we def smoked a bunch and i was having some brewskies. definatly felt it tho i was couchlocked beyond couchlocked.....


Well-Known Member
Hi dude, the best ones I've made have been the 'Brownies' from the packet mix ones you buy in Asda, and all I/we do is grind up a 1/4 of bud... and add it to the Brownie mix.. and instead of mixing it together with water - as suggested... I mix it up with Vodka instead... then cook it for the recommended time :) Whilst waiting for it to cool, I sprinkle a good layer of THC I've collected from my Space-Case mixed with cocoa powder over the top of the Brownie and spark up a doob until its ready..

Then after the dooby is out its always good to have a drink along side 'your brownie' :) and so its either Jack/Jim n coke and then we share the Bud-Brownie out between us (usually 2-3 people) and we get fucked up for hours................ Its great !!! and tastes divine aka Very Buddy/Chocolatey !! :) :) :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
, I sprinkle a good layer of THC I've collected from my Space-Case mixed with cocoa powder over the top of the Brownie and spark up a doob until its ready..
that's just a waste as the "thc" isn't thc it's thca a non psychoactive substance until it's been cooked or vaporized in a joint, pipe, or vaporizer.
OP make canna butter with your weed and cook with that.


Well-Known Member
ill have to try the cannibutter i guess, the brownie mix called for oil so i just looked up a method using that.


Well-Known Member
that's just a waste as the "thc" isn't thc it's thca a non psychoactive substance until it's been cooked or vaporized in a joint, pipe, or vaporizer.
OP make canna butter with your weed and cook with that.
It may not be a complete waste.. in terms of adding strength to the high/stone.. it doesn't do much, however as far a 'taste' goes it definitely adds the thing that would ultimately be missing :) But by adding Vodka instead of water to the actual Brownie the Brownie's power does intensify a fair bit :) :) and so the THC/Cocoa topping is purely to add flavour/seasoning etc - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I wonder if that Butane Extracted 'Honey-Oil' would make for an awesome ingredient ?? Has anyone tried this? ....I dunno if it would be considered bad for your health... or not ?? lol, :) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Here is how I do it.....

1)take a half ounce of sugar leaf trim or at least a quarter of actual buds. Grind it all up finely.
2)Add about a cup of veggie oil to a crock pot and set it on the lowest setting.
3) Add your ground up weed to the crock pot and stir it all into the oil.
4) Let it simmer on low for 12 hours, stirring occasionally
5) Strain the oil or don't if you want the bud to be in the final product, I just strain my oil with a metal coffee filter
6) you should be left with a little less than a cup of a greenish brownish veggie oil
7) Buy a brownie mix from the grocery store with the highest amount of oil you can find (2/3 cup is what I go with).
8) Make the brownies as directed but use the weed oil in place of the veggie oil.

Voila...dank brownies

And if you really wanna get stoned, try using a half ounce of buds or an ounce of sugar leaf and get real spun. I made two batches (9brownies each) with 2 oz of sugar leaf from my last grow (about 3 grams/brownie). Had a lot of people complain about them being too strong but my roommates and I loved it....they were nearly hallucinogenic. Had a friend offer me 25 dollars a brownie


Well-Known Member
Here is how I do it.....

1)take a half ounce of sugar leaf trim or at least a quarter of actual buds. Grind it all up finely.
2)Add about a cup of veggie oil to a crock pot and set it on the lowest setting.
3) Add your ground up weed to the crock pot and stir it all into the oil.
4) Let it simmer on low for 12 hours, stirring occasionally
5) Strain the oil or don't if you want the bud to be in the final product, I just strain my oil with a metal coffee filter
6) you should be left with a little less than a cup of a greenish brownish veggie oil
7) Buy a brownie mix from the grocery store with the highest amount of oil you can find (2/3 cup is what I go with).
8) Make the brownies as directed but use the weed oil in place of the veggie oil.

Voila...dank brownies

And if you really wanna get stoned, try using a half ounce of buds or an ounce of sugar leaf and get real spun. I made two batches (9brownies each) with 2 oz of sugar leaf from my last grow (about 3 grams/brownie). Had a lot of people complain about them being too strong but my roommates and I loved it....they were nearly hallucinogenic. Had a friend offer me 25 dollars a brownie
this is about the same method as i tried, yes they got me messed up but they did NOT taste good whatsoever. they tasted almost like i put resin from my pipe in them. my issue wasnt the high it was the taste.


Active Member
this is about the same method as i tried, yes they got me messed up but they did NOT taste good whatsoever. they tasted almost like i put resin from my pipe in them. my issue wasnt the high it was the taste.
i would say thats because you added actual chunks of bud to the mix. I strain mine and have no problem with the fact even with 3 grams/brownie I had to keep myself from eating two because they were just delicious. Maybe a bad brownie mix??

not sure how you simmered them, maybe it could be that you simmered them in oil on the stove?...I believe the lowest setting on a stove top is actually higher than the lowest setting on a crock pot. Maybe using the stove burned the bud a little and made it taste worse??

I've never had an issue with taste using a crock pot and straining before making the brownies.

Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Oh yes , this is improtant too.
Make some medicated butter and cook with that.
Rice Krispie Treats are easy that way too. You can add candy flavoring from Hobby Lobby to kick it up a bit.

use butter and make sure its UNSALTED!


Well-Known Member
So i have never had a pot brownie so i decided to make some. i looke dup a method that said to simmer the dope in some veggie oil then add it to the brownie mix so i did that. well the oil is supposed to extract the THC and your supposed to strain all the shat out of it before you mix but i decided that there had to be some wasted THC in that method so i added the really fine stuff and strained the bigger shit out.

i used about 1/2 Oz as my bagseed grow this summer had to be chopped early they didnt have time to fully develop and i fig they had a low THC count (plus i wanted to get fucked up off 1 brownie, cuz i was having peoples over and not sure if they were going to last)

anyways they were pretty terrible tasting. i would probally have prefered to just eat the weed.i do have to admit some of the bigger pieces of weed in the brownies were pretty tough to gnaw down but the real issue was taste, I think the bad taste came from simmering the weed in the oil then mixing it throughout the brownie mix.

anyone have any good methods to make brownies that taste good and still get you fucked up? i was thinking about just adding the finely chopped MJ to the brownies without cooking? will this give the brownies a better flavor?

Also, i used a food processor to chop up the weed, i was thinking if you can get some empty pill capsuls and just fill them up with the ground herbs and eat like 4-5 of them you would probally get same effect and be able to consume easier, anyone know where you can get empty pill capsuls? health food store maybe or a natural/organic food store. i would imagine they sell them for people to make thier own herbal pills...

anyways, just wanted to share my experience.

the batch made 9 brownied with 1/2 Oz in total batch. I ate 1 and i was pretty romped all night but we def smoked a bunch and i was having some brewskies. definatly felt it tho i was couchlocked beyond couchlocked.....
so you made the brownies per the instructions except you changed one thing (left the cannabis in the oil instead of straining it) and it came out tasting like shit? you changed one thing on the instructions and you're not sure why they came out wrong? okay then.

have you considered making the brownies by following the instructions?


Well-Known Member
Stelthy you can use BHO for making edibles. You can make candy with it because it's so concentrated. Nothing like getting ripped from something the size of a Jolly Rancher.
I've never had a complaint about my brownies. And I make em really strong. Like an oz or more per batch. I make butter by putting like a half pound of butter per oz in my crockpot along with two cups of water and cooking it on low for 12+ hours. Then filter, squeeze the weed out because it absorbs a lot of butter and refrigerate. The water and butter separate, the butter will solidify so you just take it out and throw away the water. The water gets a nasty smell so I think it takes out whatever makes the butter taste bad.


Well-Known Member
. Nothing like getting ripped from something the size of a Jolly Rancher.
squeeze the weed out because it absorbs a lot of butter .
taffy's made with butter, that would be great candy to make ?
anyways yeah the wqeed soaks up a lot of butter and so does cheesecloth if you go that route (I don't I use a metal seive)
Next batch I'm saving that greasy wad of green and throwing it in the next batch I feel some of it can be recovered.
Someone recommended water curing the trim first to extract some of the nastieness of the weed taste out, gonna try that too.
I just eat a chunk of butter as is or mix it with butter on popcorn.


Well-Known Member
Best way to pulverize your bud and any other plant material you want to use, is an electric coffee grinder, knocks the shit outta it! The longer you hold down the button, the finer it gets, and I figure you want minimum thickness and maximum surface area for absorption purposes. I sautee the powdered herb in butter for like 5 or 10 minutes and stir it around, or margarine would probably work too. Like frmrboi said, the heat has to happen, so making pills without applying heat first somehow just wouldn't work. I use high enough heat to discolor and toast the herb, but not high enough to kill it since I want to eat this and not smoke it.

When I made them, I used a nice dark fudge or whatever chocolate mix, and opted to leave the herb in for maximum potency. I just mixed the bud-butter concoction thoroughly with the brownie batter, and it gave them a distinct flavor but it wasn't bad by any means. Tasted sorta toasty, but it mixed well with the chocolate and whipped everyone's ass. That was using like 1/8th or something of some mid for one batch I think, been a while since I've made some.


Sector 5 Moderator
I've made budder, brownies, apple budder bars, and rice krispy treats. They were not bad tasting but you don't eat them for the culinary delights. The apple budder bars were the best as far as taste goes, and they would fuck you up real good too. We have a Cooking with Cannabis section here.

I made my budder with 1 oz of high grade super lemon haze and a lb of butter. Make sure not to go over 225 degrees F. At 250 degrees the THC is destroyed. I think most brownies call for cooking at 275 or so but you can just cook it longer at a lower temp and be fine. My wife is a chef; she told me.