Beginner Needs Serious Help!


Well-Known Member
Ah give the bitch some light,fresh soil for a week then hammer her with some good nute's and i am sure you will get a joint off it.....Do not kill it full of merical grow and thing you can smoke it.....If you really want to smoke it ....keep her alive on new soil and just water for two weeks .....Get lights


New Member
Ah give the bitch some light,fresh soil for a week then hammer her with some good nute's and i am sure you will get a joint off it.....Do not kill it full of merical grow and thing you can smoke it.....If you really want to smoke it ....keep her alive on new soil and just water for two weeks .....Get lights
she trashed it it had mites


Well-Known Member
she trashed it it had mites
oh shit ...did someone tell him that or he just thought lol....Poor plant....I would have gave her what she needed and in 5 or 6 weeks I would have had a lil smoke to enjoy while the new ones where growing ;-)


Well-Known Member
And on your next grow do not line your walls with foil.. Foils only reflects heat not light.
uh...foil reflects both...last time i checked aluminum doesn't absorb the light, its just doesn't diffuse the light like a white plastic will when it gets reflected, so you can get "hotspots".