Made some brownies and they SUCKED!!!

Make sure not to go over 225 degrees F. At 250 degrees the THC is destroyed. I think most brownies call for cooking at 275 or so but you can just cook it longer at a lower temp and be fine. My wife is a chef; she told me.
oven temperature is not a problem as long as there's moisture in the dough the temperature will remain at 212 f max the boiling point of water.
for me i just cut up a ounce of trimmings bud mix and simmer it on low with a pound of butter and a cup of water in a crock-pot with the lid on for 6 hours then strain it through a fine strainer or a window screen then pour the unpure liquid cannabutter into a big aluminum can and refrigerate for 24 hours then hold over the sink and stab a hole in the very bottom of the can so the bottom layer of liquid pores out (i didnt read about you pouring out this liquid, maybe thats why yours tasted so bad?) then all you have left is your pure cannabutter that floated to the top that hardened into a thick kinda jello substance.
I'm an amateur chef ;) lol, but yeah potpimp that all sounds right to me, I didn't know the cutoff was at 250 though. Or I did and smoked too much since then, but wow 1oz of that in a batch must be ridiculous. Like 7 years or so since I've made some I bet, and dude things were different back when I had to buy chronic at $50 per 1/8. Never would've crossed my mind, can you even eat a whole one or is that crazy talk?! I have a high tolerance, but damn.

How is the SLH by the way??? I've been considering 3-5 different strains and that one definitely sounds nice. Also intrigued by the BF Vanilla Kush, Lowlife AK47, the classic Skunk #1, and SSG Biddy. I'm looking for real cerebral/body mix, I like to be active and prefer the higher-frequency feel to the low, if you catch my drift.

I also found some pretty straight forward info on Wiki.
I don't recall him mentioning how much oil he used either, or if he did the water thing.

I don't get the water though, why bother adding it? Yeah it's a neat trick to separate it after you cool and solidify the butter, but doesn't the water interfere since steeping bud in H2O doesn't work at all really? If some of the bud gets saturated with water, wouldn't that prevent the fat from absorbing THC from it aside from maybe the outside layer, because you want your bud as dry as possible right?
I'm an amateur chef ;) How is the SLH by the way???
It's very cerebral, creative, social, just a very, very nice heady clear high. I've been smoking my stash almost every night for a year and I'm not tired of it yet. I would like something a lot better for sleeping tho. I've got a grow of Ice, Pure Power Plant, Jock Horror, and Iranian G13's coming up right now.
Thanks, sounds like what I like for sure, I'll definitely have to acquire some of that. The Dutch Passion Power Plant has been one I've wanted to try forever, had a nice bud-porn pic of it from way back and it just looked and sounded tasty. I've heard of the others too but don't think I've ever happened upon them aside from the G13. Will sub along for the ride!
I don't recall him mentioning how much oil he used either, or if he did the water thing.

I don't get the water though, why bother adding it? Yeah it's a neat trick to separate it after you cool and solidify the butter, but doesn't the water interfere since steeping bud in H2O doesn't work at all really? If some of the bud gets saturated with water, wouldn't that prevent the fat from absorbing THC from it aside from maybe the outside layer, because you want your bud as dry as possible right?

you add the water to help keep the cannabis from touching the bottom of the pan and burning.
if you're eating immature pot, i wouldn't expect much of a buzz. as far as taste, pot is a wonderful plant, but tasty it ain't!

i ate too much pot once, got way too high, and it sucked so bad that i now measure each dose. i use pillsbury cookie dough. i'll take some dough and cut it in half. i put a slim slice of real butter on it and then sprinkle 1/2 to 1 gram of finely ground pot onto the butter. i then put a pat of butter on the other piece and mush them together. it doesn't taste good but it's not bad!

i used to choke down unfrozen mushrooms. slimy, nasty smelling and tasting, bleh! but the high was so worth it! :)
Baking pot brownies fucking suck. Learn to make chocolate truffles. There is no cooking involved in making them.
so you made the brownies per the instructions except you changed one thing (left the cannabis in the oil instead of straining it) and it came out tasting like shit? you changed one thing on the instructions and you're not sure why they came out wrong? okay then.

have you considered making the brownies by following the instructions?

Actually the instructions said to make either way with or without, and the cunks of bud werent what made them taste bad. go be a douchebag elswhere
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6512840 said:
for me i just cut up a ounce of trimmings bud mix and simmer it on low with a pound of butter and a cup of water in a crock-pot with the lid on for 6 hours then strain it through a fine strainer or a window screen then pour the unpure liquid cannabutter into a big aluminum can and refrigerate for 24 hours then hold over the sink and stab a hole in the very bottom of the can so the bottom layer of liquid pores out (i didnt read about you pouring out this liquid, maybe thats why yours tasted so bad?) then all you have left is your pure cannabutter that floated to the top that hardened into a thick kinda jello substance.

i didnt use butter i used oil, maybe try with butter next time.
I wonder if that Butane Extracted 'Honey-Oil' would make for an awesome ingredient ?? Has anyone tried this? ....I dunno if it would be considered bad for your health... or not ?? lol, :) - STELTHY :leaf:

haven't tried it since I'm not into edibles, but ...
ohhhh yes. cn
ill have to try the cannibutter i guess, the brownie mix called for oil so i just looked up a method using that.

i use butter even with recipes that call for oil. just do a 1:1 ratio and it will be fine. i also add an extra egg most of the time so it ends up fluffy like a cake. the reason yours taste bad is because you left the plant material in the oil.
I don't recall him mentioning how much oil he used either, or if he did the water thing.

I don't get the water though, why bother adding it? Yeah it's a neat trick to separate it after you cool and solidify the butter, but doesn't the water interfere since steeping bud in H2O doesn't work at all really? If some of the bud gets saturated with water, wouldn't that prevent the fat from absorbing THC from it aside from maybe the outside layer, because you want your bud as dry as possible right?

if you didnt add water to the pot, the butter would burn. the water helps regulate the temp. also a lot of the nasty green stuff collects in the water afterwards, but the cannabanoids are stuck inside the fat in the butter.
Read my cookbook thread in the cooking with cannabis sub forum it's full of good recipes that are tried and true.
I have used the oil method about 3 times, every time it's been awesome. I use about 6 or 7 grams of actual bud or popcorn bud, as long as it has plenty of trichs. Dry thoroughly. No need to grind it really, I just sort of crush it up with my hands. Heat in oil about 20-25 min, just under a simmer. If it gets too hot you will vaporize the thc.
Using this method and good weed, I make a 13x9 pan which can be cut into at least 24, if not 32 brownies (yes, they're small). Many people get high with just one, definitely 2 is enough for anyone. Absolutely no weed taste, just like regular brownies..delicioius. And, they work great.

Oh yeah...strain out all the weed through a metal coffee filter. May need to add back up to a tbs of oil to make 1/2 cup.
I will never again try to cook cannabis into butter or oil. Such a messy pain in the ass, and the results are inconsistent. I would invest in some bubble bags and make hash out of whatever you plan to use. Even better if you grow, because you can use all your trimmings to make the hash and not use any good bud. Once you make the hash you simply add it to your recipe. No straining, no simmering. Just break the hash up into a powder and add it to whatever you are making and cook it as normal. Just last night I added 2.5 grams of hash into a batch of betty crocker peanut butter cookies. Easy as pie.

EDIT: I just learned of the dry ice method of making bubble hash and it looks way easier than the wet method. I do not care about separating my grades of hash either as I only intent to use it for baking, so with the dry ice method I would only need a single 220 micron bag to make hash and you can pick up one of those bags for like $13 online (maybe less). All you need is that, a bucket, and some dry ice.
I do edibles and hash. I have an MS patient that loves my brownies :)
guy, got a link to the dry ice method?