List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
So it seems we.cant get away from the threads that go ,"why do people hate us?" From christians. We tell them, and then they say we are wrong, that our reasons for disliking them are wrong! It seems the fastest way to get christians around you is to tell them to leave you alone. When you tell them that, they say,"why are you forcing your beliefe on me?" So I will start this list...

Reasons we dislike Christians:

They just wont ever leave you alone, nosey bastards.
kinda like the one massah said but they are the biggest hypocritical bastards ive ever met and they do nothing but judge people and not to mention there music fucking sucks balls!!!! its sad but ive never thought religion would be a fucking "trend" believe what you feel is true not what the mass's of morons tell you
oh and Christianity also stopped the advancement of science...


and I have no idea if this graph is statistically correct, but its funny as fuck :D
it seems about right considering during the christian Renaissance they did burn anything that went against there believes i.e. science
My problem is there constant I can prove god exists but the moment you get something to disprove it they ignore it as if it doesn't exist.

And the bible, oh dont get me started on the bible. There were a lot of passages on which christians will ignore until someone thought hmm lets just release a new version of the HOLY BOOK that people are supposed to live their lifes by. We can change peoples lifes it's all good.
and apperently us buddishts are going to hell too...... the dali lama in hell i highly doubt that..........

Hahaha... Yeaaaaah, that dalai lama, hes goin to hell...because he didnt believe in the son of a virgin who was murdered to pay for our sins. Of course it doesnt matter that he is the purest, most in tune and kind person on earth, thats not what god REALLY cares about
My problem is there constant I can prove god exists but the moment you get something to disprove it they ignore it as if it doesn't exist.

And the bible, oh dont get me started on the bible. There were a lot of passages on which christians will ignore until someone thought hmm lets just release a new version of the HOLY BOOK that people are supposed to live their lifes by. We can change peoples lifes it's all good.

Don't forget religion is big business...a business that in recent years is struggling to survive ;)
People just want to be them selves. They dont want some magic dude in the sky telling them they should not screw their neighbors wife or have mansex.

That weighs heavy on a fella just struggling to get by.
I dislike the forcing of religious beliefs on others via politics. Most specifically right now-gay marriage and stem cell research. Did you know our original pledge of allegance did not have "under god" after one nation originally? Our moto was e pluribus unum "out of man, one" changed to "in god we trust" money also didnt have "in god we trust" all these were changed in the late 1950s.
Do you guys know what is hilariously fucking sad? The fact that I see WAY more people bitching about religion then gangs. I mean fuck, there's so many things wrong with people. Religion could just be another one, but I don't see groups of Christians bust out their ak's and fuck each other up. It happens all around us, yet I don't see a thread about gang violence.

And op, when have you asked a Christian to leave you alone, and they reply by saying "you're pushing your beliefs on me"?

You only see Christians making treads about being left alone? Well I always see threads of atheists bitching and not doing anything productive.
Lol fuck off....