List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

I dislike the forcing of religious beliefs on others via politics. Most specifically right now-gay marriage and stem cell research. Did you know our original pledge of allegance did not have "under god" after one nation originally? Our moto was e pluribus unum "out of man, one" changed to "in god we trust" money also didnt have "in god we trust" all these were changed in the late 1950s.
Yeah but you don't have to say the pledge of allegiance. So don't complain about something that you don't have to do....
Hahaha... Yeaaaaah, that dalai lama, hes goin to hell...because he didnt believe in the son of a virgin who was murdered to pay for our sins. Of course it doesnt matter that he is the purest, most in tune and kind person on earth, thats not what god REALLY cares about

"pssst, kill this guy, then everything is going to be allright, he´s my son btw"
Hahaha... Yeaaaaah, that dalai lama, hes goin to hell...because he didnt believe in the son of a virgin who was murdered to pay for our sins. Of course it doesnt matter that he is the purest, most in tune and kind person on earth, thats not what god REALLY cares about

Can you show me where the bible says atheists go to hell?
Do you guys know what is hilariously fucking sad? The fact that I see WAY more people bitching about religion then gangs. I mean fuck, there's so many things wrong with people. Religion could just be another one, but I don't see groups of Christians bust out their ak's and fuck each other up. It happens all around us, yet I don't see a thread about gang violence.

Not purposefully trying to start shit but, gangs don't have power in government, or attempt to change federal laws to further their agendas. Everyone already knows gangs are bad, but lots of people don't think about the harm that militant religion does/is doing.

Everyone should be free to practice whatever they want, but when church policy makes its way into public policy something needs to be said or done.
oh and Christianity also stopped the advancement of science...


and I have no idea if this graph is statistically correct, but its funny as fuck :D
Well the scientists shouldn't have been little bitches and fought off the Christians. Jk I'm pretty sure they would lose....
Oh and there's many Christians who have helped the advancement of science.
Can you show me where the bible says atheists go to hell?

Apostacy is the one unforgivable sin, dude...

Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter: but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin. (Mark 3:28-29)

The Holy Spirit isn't real. There, I just committed the one unforgivable sin, and can never go to heaven because I'm an atheist.
Not purposefully trying to start shit but, gangs don't have power in government, or attempt to change federal laws to further their agendas. Everyone already knows gangs are bad, but lots of people don't think about the harm that militant religion does/is doing.

Everyone should be free to practice whatever they want, but when church policy makes its way into public policy something needs to be said or done.

gangs don't need power in government. Have you ever been around the real gangs? They don't fuck around, they will kill you if you don't listen to them. At least Christians don't do that anymore.
Apostacy is the one unforgivable sin, dude...

Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter: but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin. (Mark 3:28-29)

The Holy Spirit isn't real. There, I just committed the one unforgivable sin, and can never go to heaven because I'm an atheist.

Lol dude, that's not blasphemy. You have to have a pure hatred for the holy spirit (which you can't have because you're an atheist) in order to blaspheme the holy spirit.
gangs don't need power in government. Have you ever been around the real gangs? They don't fuck around, they will kill you if you don't listen to them. At least Christians don't do that anymore.

Gangs don't have shit for power compared to any major Christian sect....

Bloods, Crips, and Mexican Cartel vs. The Vatican.....

I'd take the Vatican any
Gangs don't have shit for power compared to any major Christian sect....

Bloods, Crips, and Mexican Cartel vs. The Vatican.....

I'd take the Vatican any

The Mexican cartel will grab you by the hair and chop your head off. Protection wise, I would definitely go with the Mexican cartel....
Lol dude, that's not blasphemy. You have to have a pure hatred for the holy spirit (which you can't have because you're an atheist) in order to blaspheme the holy spirit.

"What is the unpardonable sin and what constitutes blasphemy? The Greek word translated "blasphemy" is [blasphemeo], and for Biblical purposes may generally be defined as "speaking evil against" or defaming God. Such as vilifying the work of Christ, which the Pharisees were recorded doing in Matthew chapter 12, charging the Lord was an agent of the Devil. "

I do not believe that god exists. If that's not defaming god, I clearly don't know what defame means.

Oh wait!

de·fame (d-fm)
tr.v. de·famed, de·fam·ing, de·fames
1. To damage the reputation, character, or good name of by slander or libel. See Synonyms at malign.
2. Archaic To disgrace.

I do know what defame means! :D
The Mexican cartel will grab you by the hair and chop your head off. Protection wise, I would definitely go with the Mexican cartel....

Vatican has commandos, and an actual military.... It's a friggin' city, that's it's own country because they have so much money.
Lol dude, that's not blasphemy. You have to have a pure hatred for the holy spirit (which you can't have because you're an atheist) in order to blaspheme the holy spirit.
And from what part of the bible did you learn this? Or is it only atheists that you expect to know the bible?
Of course you have never seen christians break out AKs and fuck EACHOTHER up, just like you havent seen a gang open fire on itself. Gangs only open ak fire on other gangs just like christians only open ak fire on other religions, not themselves.. And yes, christians are opening fire on other religions RIGHT NOW. Serbia, croatia, sulawesi...its heppening.

You dont see anything about gangs because because there is no argument that gangs are bad with anyone, and to be honest, christians negatively impact my life on a much more frequent basis than gangs do.

I would be willing to argue even that Christian ideology manifested in law and its enforcement actually increases the presence and negative impact of gangs. The lawful oppression of certain trades drives it underground, unregulated, increasing the price of things and due to lack of regulation an increase in violence.

But of course you will say, "thats rediculously untrue! The prohibition of something in law makes it happen less and thus reduces its negative impact." Or"how could something so good do something bad, thats rediculous!" Answer: 1)because its not good 2) because religious people are the problem and are most comfortable with their heads securely stuck up their own asses.
"What is the unpardonable sin and what constitutes blasphemy? The Greek word translated "blasphemy" is [blasphemeo], and for Biblical purposes may generally be defined as "speaking evil against" or defaming God. Such as vilifying the work of Christ, which the Pharisees were recorded doing in Matthew chapter 12, charging the Lord was an agent of the Devil. "

I do not believe that god exists. If that's not defaming god, I clearly don't know what defame means.

Oh wait!

de·fame (d-fm)
tr.v. de·famed, de·fam·ing, de·fames
1. To damage the reputation, character, or good name of by slander or libel. See Synonyms at malign.
2. Archaic To disgrace.

I do know what defame means! :D

look further into it dude. It's not so black and white. Many atheists have tried to believe many atheists simply can't believe. The way to blaspheme the holy spirit is to disrespect it. How can you disrespect something you can't believe?

And the Pharisees saw jesus' miracles and said be was possesed. They had a different situation then yours lol.

And you're not defaming the holy spirit by not believing. That would mean that people can never be indoctrinated into Christianity. Because previous to their indoctrination, they did not believe in Jesus. There's scriptures that show how people have started following jesus' (metaphorical) path, after they were following a blind and dark path.
But how can that be if blasphemy isn't forgivable? How can a nonbeliever begin to follow the path to heaven of he didn't used to believe? That means that not believing in the holy spirit is forgivable, therefore, it is not blasphemy (which is unforgivable).
Can you show me where the bible says atheists go to hell?

Well, its a pretty reaccuring theme throughout the Bible that if you dont believe and confess with your mouth that jesus is your lord and savior that you wont be saved and are subject to in the very least "abrams bussom" and if you listen to saul/paul we will go to hell with the sulfer and nashing of teeth and burning that mever goes away...and ghandi, the buddha (the original one) all the dalai lamas and a lot of other really great people.
This is what I've come to expect from the average christian (though there are exceptions). You can't back up what you say, yet you expect anyone who doesn't share your point of view to.

Back up what? I haven't said anything that needs to be backed up. Have I said anything is fact? The answer is no.

Besides I was just being a smartass like you....