1200 watt closet grow allkush

:) thanks for the tips. I'm going to focus on lights lights lights and go w/o co2.. Isn't socal gorgeous! I moved here in 09:)

Welcome to Southern Cal, where you'll find Sun, Beautiful Women and Finest Marijuana in the world....LOLbongsmilie
Buds looking good and the crystals are beginning to increase.:weed:
I like the idea of having a small plants to try out a new product to see the reaction of the plants before using it.
awesome..... so howd you cure? it hasnt been two weeks and you're smokin? whats the high like?
I just packed them in the airtight glass jars last night. I would say in 2-4 weeks I should be able to tell the quality of the strain....Dude where I live the AAA grade for an 1/8 is $65-$75, the kind that I give thumbs up no pussy stuff, LOL. So I'm saving a lot of money by growing my own weed. The high is pretty good. Strong mellow, narcotic, NOT a GUT twister THO. I like my weed super strong where I can feel it in my head, my gut and my balls,LOL... you know what I mean? I'm getting OG KUSH #18 soon, now that should have some nice kick to it.
Zebra, looks like u learn fast....Cali must be nice..Hey a q? How many watts a sq foot ? They say 100 per foot is maxing with no 02. But roots , lumens, and genes rule the world or yield ..lol don't they drink alot? U 02 daily? Loved your stlye and posts .
Zebra, looks like u learn fast....Cali must be nice..Hey a q? How many watts a sq foot ? They say 100 per foot is maxing with no 02. But roots , lumens, and genes rule the world or yield ..lol don't they drink alot? U 02 daily? Loved your stlye and posts .
LOL thank you brotha. You know I stopped using co2 during 12/12 cuz then I got to deal with the humidity and shit. Thanks again.
WOW...............Zibra, I dont even need to say this but HOLY CRAP you grow some seriously healthy herb, flawless in fact. Perfectly grown from root to fruit, you are blessed with a truly green thumb. The root development is stupendous, so vibrant and plentiful. I am at a lose for words. Great work indeed you should be very proud of finished product.....BRAVO...
Just read through your entire thread... Really Freakin' nice zibra!

Just one question (kinda): Did you start off growing (in life) with one large 'Scrog' girl? Or did you come to the conclusion through the years that growing one scrog has a better yield than say, 4-8 smaller girls? In your situation would you say one/large is better for yield then multiple/smalls? Thanks!
