First Grow - CFL City


Active Member

I cropped the heck out of my plants last night. I know light doesn't get down to the bottom so anything that had tiny flowers or a budding stem that was on the lower half and < than a few inches, they got chopped! Now more energy can get focused to the mains and the flowers that are already developing better. Things are getting frosty, and the smell is starting to shift from that potent hash to a more pleasent citrus. I'm getting excited by not as excited as I will be once I get that first taste.

Two days ago I fed with some good water and yesterday gave just a tad of tiger bloom after the pruning. I noticed one plant drains clear water and one is more yellowish... I guess one is going to need more flushing than the other? Do I still have time to hit the 'clear' one with more nutrient? That plant is the topped one with the 4 mains... it doesn't seem as full as the other.

Thanks for the input Stevie. I don't plan on adding more light for this grow. Next grow will be HPS as I will be finished with my basement by the time this matures and I switch more plants to flower. This lighting fixture I made though holds 10 26W, so thats 260. Then I have another 26W and two 40 somethings (42?) for side lighting. I'm going to take an old T12 florecent from my basement that's broken, remove the components and use the metal hood to house the 10 CFL's. I will veg with that setup once I am running HPS for flower. :)

37 days.

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beautiful girls dude. Lookin forward to your smoke test report.
Thanks Waji. Me too!!! If it's anything like it's looking I think I will be really happy. It has really unknown origins - a crappy grower hermed a bunch of plants at once so for all I know I could end up buck naked in a chicken coop from this. :) Seriously though, I know the person grew 'G-Bomb', SSH and the med this came from tasted fruity and similar to what I've been told to be Blue Dream. So thats what I nick named this, although thats definently not what it is... the leaf structure is waaaaay of, I asked some folks about that already.

Hows your stuff going?


Well-Known Member
Pretty good dude, all of my plants are almost 3 weeks in. Royal dwarf showed sex early last week and has many hairs comin' out of her. Getting me excited!


Active Member
Update time!

I wish I could just wake up tomorrow to mature buds, no matter the yield! Patience is a virtue they say... but not when your closet is dank and your jar is almost empty! Flowers are smelling really sweet, fruity and extremely potent. The grower who made these hermies had "G-Bomb" in their closet, which has G13 genetics, so I may be in for a butt-whooping here. I finally got some good pictures of the trich's, they don't seem to be too photogenic until they swell up. I need a better camera for when I really get good at this. :)

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Dude. I want that CFL fixture you have on the first page. Like for real that's freakin sick. Did you buy that or make it yourself? It wasn't really clear to me reading the intro. I'm germing right now and my partner with the 400w MH may have bailed on me so I need a quick fix with some cfl lighting. i wanna get around 300w of 6500k's goin in there any suggestions on what to use as a fixture?

Thanks man! Great grow the buds are comin in real nice!


Active Member
I will help you out Kronik! My man Xcon helped me out with mine and without him I wouldn't be where I am. :)

My fixture holds 10 bulbs and I have 26W in each, so thats 260W. Plus I have a few side light's which are 42W. Definently running over 300 in there at all times - although I'm always swapping things, moving them around, etc.

Sorry my intro was all whacked out. I was just excited to get going. LOL Later today I will hook you up with some info.


Well-Known Member
Right now they are in they're 54th flower cycle. :) Plus 31 of vegetation, so in total only 85 days. It feels like forever I'll tell you that!
Sick bro! That's fucking awesome that you have the patients for that. It take a someone who is dedicated to creating something pure to veg for a month before flower. Props to you. It'll be worth it!

What ratio are you flowering too?


Active Member
Sick bro! That's fucking awesome that you have the patients for that. It take a someone who is dedicated to creating something pure to veg for a month before flower. Props to you. It'll be worth it!

What ratio are you flowering too?
Part of the fact was that I didn't know any better. Most of the journals and how-to's on this site are from veteran's who aren't seriously stepping back into peoples shoes. I love RIU and I've met some great friends so far both local and online. However I think this website could be indexed MUCH better and we as a community could come up with a lot better tutorials. That's what I'm use to.

I started with 4 plants. One swilled out and grew weird so I omitted it. Another turned out to be a male. Could you image though what things would be like right now if I had 4 females, vegged to a month. I would be totally unprepared. First off I only have about 300W and the CFL's only penetrate so far - they work amazing to a certain extent however. Second my exhaust is like a $30 Home Depot inline and I have no intake... just little cracks in my closet and a small 8" fan blowing around. Obviously things fell into place for me but had I been more knowledgeable going into this I could have done things differently. I hope to help people out in the future.

For example my friend X helped me out a ton. He veg's for a month I beleive BUT he flowers under HPS (4 plants under 600W) and he gets the undergrowth you can't get with CFL. People need to better explain that in "tutorials", provide pictures, etc. It wasn't that hard for us to discuss!

Another friend veg's to a month and a half, however he flowers with about 400W PER plant. Those they grow very tall. Again, not hard to elaborate on. :)

I'm not going to wait for much amber. However I"d like as many pistals to die off as possible, many are still white. Plant 2 actually has a few ambers on each serrations as of yesterday! :)


Well-Known Member
Part of the fact was that I didn't know any better. Most of the journals and how-to's on this site are from veteran's who aren't seriously stepping back into peoples shoes. I love RIU and I've met some great friends so far both local and online. However I think this website could be indexed MUCH better and we as a community could come up with a lot better tutorials. That's what I'm use to.

I started with 4 plants. One swilled out and grew weird so I omitted it. Another turned out to be a male. Could you image though what things would be like right now if I had 4 females, vegged to a month. I would be totally unprepared. First off I only have about 300W and the CFL's only penetrate so far - they work amazing to a certain extent however. Second my exhaust is like a $30 Home Depot inline and I have no intake... just little cracks in my closet and a small 8" fan blowing around. Obviously things fell into place for me but had I been more knowledgeable going into this I could have done things differently. I hope to help people out in the future.

For example my friend X helped me out a ton. He veg's for a month I beleive BUT he flowers under HPS (4 plants under 600W) and he gets the undergrowth you can't get with CFL. People need to better explain that in "tutorials", provide pictures, etc. It wasn't that hard for us to discuss!

Another friend veg's to a month and a half, however he flowers with about 400W PER plant. Those they grow very tall. Again, not hard to elaborate on. :)

I'm not going to wait for much amber. However I"d like as many pistals to die off as possible, many are still white. Plant 2 actually has a few ambers on each serrations as of yesterday! :)
I agree with you... if you go into the newbie section of the site... you seem to find the same stuff repeated and nothing that pertains to a grow that has special needs, like mine per say. I had to do almost a months research before I even started it to make sure it was possible and I had the right set up.

Yeah, it all turned out good for you. Do you have plans to change it up for the next grow, or just grow one plant at a time for the time being? Issue i see with growing one at a time is, you are going to have those weak plants and those male plants that you need to toss.. which means you are going to have to start all over... I guess that works if you are needing a harvest in the near future.

What's your reasoning behind not waiting for amber? Is it that you dont like the stoney body high..and would rather the soaring head high?


Active Member
I'm glad someone see's where I'm comming from. In the future I think I will do a tutorial, maybe it will catch on.

I'm definently changing things. My grow started literally immediately upon becomming legal, I figured why not. This stuff comes farely easy to me as I've been in mock lab enviroments before and done work with fish, reptiles and much more dangerous animals as you can see from my avitar. Personally I'm use to reading peer-edited material, ie recognized scientific journals. Some of the shit I see on here quotes articles from High Times for chirst sake. I'm going to use my collection of CFL's for vegging and go HPS. I planned for 600W however HTG does (did?) have a deal on a complete air system, 400W and tent. They aren't far from me so I wouldn't have to pay for shipping. I could always run another 400W in the future.

My basement is huge though and I can do whatever I want really. My wifes one request is that whatever I do need's to be hidden from other people. SO, the big question is - do I buy a tent and eventually enclose an area down there. Or just enclose an area and let my lights just hang .

I need the head high. I have a form of epilepsy where I'm getting battered with a shitload of attacks all at once - it leaves you pretty drained. With a good sativa high I can sprint across the yard like nobodies business. With no med's in me it literally aches to pick up my fucking cats. Basically my whole life is a body stone unfortunately. Don't get me wrong though I like to relax sometimes too. I think by far the best strain I've ever tried for all around everything is TGA Qleaner. I'd reccomend that. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sick dude. It's always good to have some background in this area.. makes it all easier (either to do in the first place or to diagnose an issue). As for the tent vs an enclosed area.. it really depends on if you are able to control your environment without the tent. Tents in my opinion are extraordinarily easy to setup and use.. and they provide a way to control your environment with little not no hassle and rewiring. But if you are able to setup a good ventilation system and a way to control airflow I would say go for the enclosed room as that will give you more space to work with/in.

That's a bummer, but at least you found a way to control your attacks. I'm going to harvest one of my girls early as I have never had a stain that gives me a head high. I'll look into TGA Qleaner... I'm not sure if it will work with my current setup, but maybe for a future setup. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Whts up guys im also a cfl grower and have recently been introduced to wht i call the double grow. Wich is basically harvesting the larger buds and leaving the lower ones to swell in the new light, i know this method is not new but it is new to me and i think it would help all of us cfl growers to maximise the use of our light and almost if not double our yield. I mean think of it you usually end up with anywhere between 1/4 to 1/2 oz of popcorn nugs depending on the size of your plants, why not turn it into an extra oz. or so i mean who couldn't use some extra bud lol.


Active Member
Sick dude. It's always good to have some background in this area.. makes it all easier (either to do in the first place or to diagnose an issue). As for the tent vs an enclosed area.. it really depends on if you are able to control your environment without the tent. Tents in my opinion are extraordinarily easy to setup and use.. and they provide a way to control your environment with little not no hassle and rewiring. But if you are able to setup a good ventilation system and a way to control airflow I would say go for the enclosed room as that will give you more space to work with/in.

That's a bummer, but at least you found a way to control your attacks. I'm going to harvest one of my girls early as I have never had a stain that gives me a head high. I'll look into TGA Qleaner... I'm not sure if it will work with my current setup, but maybe for a future setup. Thanks.
Welllllll, I wouldn't exactly say a background in this area. Bugs and fish are a far cry from plants, at least in my eyes. :) But I would say I have a solid background in general biology, and a more advanced knowledge of animal biology - particularly inverts and more specifically scorpions. Even further, American Southwestern and Latin American species. Tarantulas or any spider bigger than a certain threshold however - forget about it, they scare me half to death! Weird no?

This did refine me as a person though and no doubt helps me now. Caring for hundreds and hundreds of specimen (that are dangerous mind you) isn't an easy task and similar to growing MJ I had to refine my husbandry techniques to mimic different species natural habitats. That's not easy when your caring for undocumented animals from remote regions of the continent - especially places that have little geological data. Keeping up with RH% in more containers than I could count - feeding things more than I fed myself, seperating hundreds of young from agitated mothers. Having to document every bit of it. It's a love, but a man was it work.

Thanks for the opinions on the room setup. I'm really leaning twoards doing that.... the tent deal was really sweet though, however it was 400W and I did want to start with 600. I will snap a picture of the basement soon to share with you fellas.

Definently look up Qleaner. I know TGA is also a member of the site so you can ask him questions. It has a great lavender taste just like the description and one of the most motivating highs you will ever find. I can't wait to see your harvest and hear your reports. Nothings better than knowing what your using and using what you want for the purpose you want to.

How great will life be when you can wake up, be motivated and when it's time for bed, get knocked out?


Active Member
Whts up guys im also a cfl grower and have recently been introduced to wht i call the double grow. Wich is basically harvesting the larger buds and leaving the lower ones to swell in the new light, i know this method is not new but it is new to me and i think it would help all of us cfl growers to maximise the use of our light and almost if not double our yield. I mean think of it you usually end up with anywhere between 1/4 to 1/2 oz of popcorn nugs depending on the size of your plants, why not turn it into an extra oz. or so i mean who couldn't use some extra bud lol.

That's something neat to try. My main and upper buds are almost done however all my lower stuff is all white and new stuff is constantly popping up. I figured I'd give all that to the hash pile.