tips,tricks and myths


What up fellow enthusiasts!

got some items that I'd love feedback on. Thanks in advance.

1) currently in week 7 of first areo rip and am loving theresults to date. I'm looking for any last minute techniques to increase yield. Early fan leaf removal? Etc. Anything that you've used in final weeks to blow up the yield.

2) does anyone have a definitive answer on cloning of clones and reduction of potency? I'm under the impression that around fifth clone of a clone removed from seed stock that you're not growing quality. Anybody care to comment?

Any input would be most appreciated
Make sure to remember to flush the plants from all nutrients and use plain ph'ed water the last week or two before harvest to make sure the buds burn clean and taste great, not chemically.

Also, the clones are EXACT GENETIC COPIES of the mother so in effect you could take a clone for eternity of the mother and there would be no loss of potency.


Well-Known Member
there are lots of different opinions about clones , mine personally is that if you clone the clone each time -- the less the clones are resistant to disease and pests , i dont feel it loses any potency .. but if you clone a mom over and over its always the same plant so it has the same disease and pest resistance and potency, although for me it gets harder to clone .. more woody instead of tender shoots ...

happy growin


Well-Known Member
Dont flush your plants and please leave your fan leaves alone. Doing either of these will give you the exact opposite of what you want, the biggest yield possible.

The whole cloning clones thing is called genetic drift, and it could happen, but only after hundreds, maybe thousands, of cycles with the same plant. It really doesn't apply to cannabis growers since we'll rarely keep a strain around long enough for drift to happen.


Well-Known Member
What up fellow enthusiasts!

got some items that I'd love feedback on. Thanks in advance.

1) currently in week 7 of first areo rip and am loving theresults to date. I'm looking for any last minute techniques to increase yield. Early fan leaf removal? Etc. Anything that you've used in final weeks to blow up the yield.

2) does anyone have a definitive answer on cloning of clones and reduction of potency? I'm under the impression that around fifth clone of a clone removed from seed stock that you're not growing quality. Anybody care to comment?

Any input would be most appreciated
1. Don't touch any leaf, unless its in the dark. The only thing I can tell you that is for sure is 36 hours of darkness then harvest
2. No, its the same dna. Same plant, unless you get the plant sick with some decease from a nasty razor or cloning gel you won't have any problems. Just make sure you clone right (aeroponics the best for that)

Ps. the dude above me said don't flush lol thats stupid unless you water cure(that'd be flush then). You gotta flush for a week man for good results for sure, with some flushing solution. Best of luck


Well-Known Member
1. )

Ps. the dude above me said don't flush lol thats stupid unless you water cure(that'd be flush then). You gotta flush for a week man for good results for sure, with some flushing solution. Best of luck
Stupid is believing the same old dumbshit passed around as fact for a decade with no proof. So answer me this smart do you flush a plant grown outdoors?


Active Member
Stupid is believing the same old dumbshit passed around as fact for a decade with no proof. So answer me this smart do you flush a plant grown outdoors?
Flushing is turning more and more into a myth these days. Especially if your grow 100% organic like myself :)
chemicals get taken up faster than the plants. why do ppl use organics? chemicals are the same exact thing, just broken down and more efficient.


Well-Known Member
If your growing **100%** organic no flush needed.
If your growing with chemies i would flush.

Personally,I would treat the genetics or "mother" as annually.
You can use plain water to flush if you want , you can also use a flushing product like "clear-EX" but your flowers will have no taste.
chemicals get taken up faster than the plants. why do ppl use organics? chemicals are the same exact thing, just broken down and more efficient.
Look at it like eating an apple. it has 2 parts. Skin (fiber) and the flesh (sugar).
Most people eat an apple for the flesh of the fruit. Many people even peel their apples, BUT the truth is that without the skin for fiber; the sugar from the flesh will run right through your body any you won't get the full benefits of the apple. An apple was meant to be eaten with the skin.

Its the same with using the whole substance (organic) instead of taking just the chemical.
Does that shed some light?


Well-Known Member
Flushing equals washing your roots,.. do you smoke your roots? Do you really think plants uptake that food-less pure h20 your 'flushing' with, and wash off the nutrients they up took? Flushing has no affect on taste what so ever. Learn how plants work and quit wasting water,.. less your flushing salt build up away which is a different tihng


Active Member
Stupid is believing the same old dumbshit passed around as fact for a decade with no proof. So answer me this smart do you flush a plant grown outdoors?
i dont flush either and i use pretty much all organics except beastie bloomz which i was told has a organic base and mine taste great.


Well-Known Member
Plants grown outside get flushed regularly with rain
...and get re-nuted at the same time it rains from the abundant amount of soil above. If you think natural old outside rain is equal to flushing ALL nutrients away from your plants roots, with RO water at that, (which couldn't do anything but slow growth) well you stranger must live and grow in the middle of a river. lol


Well-Known Member
Water molecules don't bond to fertilizer molecules. So watering your plant with regular water does absolutely nothing. You would have to flush with water for weeks to rid your plants soil of synthetic fertilizer.If your growing outdoors and want to flush your plant use organic fertilizers . Most people flush with water like 2 weeks before harvest, thats fucking stupid because your just starving your plant. Plants don't "save or store". Simply use organic fertilizers and your good. Plus you will get a killer taste from it.
Plants grown outside get flushed regularly with rain