The 12-12 From Seed Thread

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Mr. STicky Scissors.. it would be super cool to see you grow a 12/12 from seed and enter the contest too..there are some really awesome prizes. Kripto in 12/12 would be KILLLLLLERRRRR!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I hate to open up a convo about temps, but the reason I prefer such low temps is because of the plant genetics. Since when the plant is in flowering in 12/12 light, in nature it is copying the end of summer, and beginning of winter. By having cold temperatures, the plant thinks it will be cold sooner than later. Does having 85 degrees make sense to the end of the plants life?? Not at all. From having cold temps, I notice the plants recover much faster from stress, the buds are much thicker, and the leaves are smaller! When you have high temps, leaves get huge because they think they are in tropical weather. This creates more leaves and less buds.


Well-Known Member
Mr. STicky Scissors.. it would be super cool to see you grow a 12/12 from seed and enter the contest too..there are some really awesome prizes. Kripto in 12/12 would be KILLLLLLERRRRR!!!!!!
how do i enter? and i will have to go to harbor sides seed sanctuary and get a pack of sumting cause the kryptonite is lone only. how does the contest work. what are the rules? is it 12/12 from germination or 12/12 as soon as you see it sprout from the soil?


Active Member
12/12 from germ Sticky!

Just say your in, and your in. ;-) nice plants by the way wish you were on my side of the states.


Well-Known Member
Had to make a visit to the grow shop today, bloody hate having to to this but had to be done, not doing it anymore lol. Another couple of hundred invested into this hobby...roll on harvest.


Active Member
I hate to open up a convo about temps, but the reason I prefer such low temps is because of the plant genetics. Since when the plant is in flowering in 12/12 light, in nature it is copying the end of summer, and beginning of winter. By having cold temperatures, the plant thinks it will be cold sooner than later. Does having 85 degrees make sense to the end of the plants life?? Not at all. From having cold temps, I notice the plants recover much faster from stress, the buds are much thicker, and the leaves are smaller! When you have high temps, leaves get huge because they think they are in tropical weather. This creates more leaves and less buds.
Hmmm, something to think about, thanks.

Hey I'm In with my little bagseed, cfl grow. I'm going for it!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah you seen em all 12-12 from seed girls old and new....:weed:


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
god i love this one.. its like shes waving to us.. what a beaut! thanks for the wicked 12/12 from seed budprON delski!:peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::joint::peace:

man, never saw you do a close up like this... NICE!!

EDIT EDIT EDIT********* im drawing that last picture for one of the contest prizes...


Well-Known Member
few more close ups good and bad........:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
yeah you seen em all 12-12 from seed girls old and new....:weed:
Dude that post should made into a 24 x 36 poster, suitable for framing, yours now for only 2 payments of $39.99. plus shipping and handling :bigjoint:

Edit: Ooooh, I know! An RIU calendar!


Well-Known Member
god i love this one.. its like shes waving to us.. what a beaut! thanks for the wicked 12/12 from seed budprON delski!:peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::joint::peace:

man, never saw you do a close up like this... NICE!!

EDIT EDIT EDIT********* im drawing that last picture for one of the contest prizes...
coooool idea ......................not that good at close up pics so dont do them as a da poster..reminds me of when i was a hippy......


Well-Known Member
I love this whole thread it is awesome:) great pictures :) getting into my new place in about 2 weeks so I cant enter, but I am def gonna start a 12-12 when I get set-up!!!!


Well-Known Member
damn sum of those pics look allmost impossible when you think of a little seed started from 12/12. thats amazing. im going to have to give it a shot. i think its all strian related


Active Member
Del is the master sticky, he pulls unreal amounts! But you would also be surprised at the newbies pulling a few zips off a 12/12 from seed plant, its amazing more people don't utilize this method!


Well-Known Member
yeah it makes sense to me. wonder how long you have to flower for? is it still like 8 to 10weeks? I wonder why the seed does so much better than the clone?