PLease dont ask me!

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Active Member
IMO the answer to the normative question "Should someone be able to post any avatar picture and remain unmolested?" is Yes, you should be left alone.

But the answer from a realist viewpoint would be more along the lines of "You posted a picture of your ASS, of course people will talk about it and you will recieve messages about it, change the photo if you don't like it".

I guess we should all work towards being more sensitive and less horndoggish... or you could use a less provocative avatar and nip the problem in the butt er bud..


Active Member
had to have another look mmm ok finished back to work lol, hes my puppy dude! he 40kilo now tho haha


Well-Known Member
Some of you are that ignorant to think that I want attention for this lets be real I dont come to a f*ckin weed forum to gain attention from a bunch of people on the internet, I come to this forum to read and learn and hopefully be able to help others with their hobby. And you sir are entirely incorrect if you think so. I know men, and boys espcially (because LITTLE BOYS are what we are dealing with here) are driven by their hormones. fine wot ever stare make a thread I dont care but dont clutter up my message box with this shit. I guess the initial point went over some of your heads. I have actual questions and help that I get answered from people through my PM. I have plenty of self esteem that I dont need to start a thread to gain some sort of false feeling from your alter egos, but that just shows you how most guys think. But I do EXPECT some RESPECT just as I would do the same for you. so putting me down or ASSUMING things just makes u look like an ass. So I wont be posting to this thread anymore but want to make my point clear to those who obviosuly didnt have the foggest idea of what I was asking. Not every women needs to have steamed blown up their asses to feel good about themselves. WE ARE NOT AS NEEDY AS MEN MAY THINK.



New Member
I am totally with you on this one. Although I am not showing any body part except for my eyes, hearing the responses from your avatar really makes me wonder if I ever would want to show more. I think it is up to us as woman to show what we want without being hassled about it. Its obviously a tasteful pic and I don't understand men either.:roll:
Sorry guys but I gotta have her back on this one.:blsmoke::peace:
Some of you are that ignorant to think that I want attention for this lets be real I dont come to a f*ckin weed forum to gain attention from a bunch of people on the internet, I come to this forum to read and learn and hopefully be able to help others with their hobby. And you sir are entirely incorrect if you think so. I know men, and boys espcially (because LITTLE BOYS are what we are dealing with here) are driven by their hormones. fine wot ever stare make a thread I dont care but dont clutter up my message box with this shit. I guess the initial point went over some of your heads. I have actual questions and help that I get answered from people through my PM. I have plenty of self esteem that I dont need to start a thread to gain some sort of false feeling from your alter egos, but that just shows you how most guys think. But I do EXPECT some RESPECT just as I would do the same for you. so putting me down or ASSUMING things just makes u look like an ass. So I wont be posting to this thread anymore but want to make my point clear to those who obviosuly didnt have the foggest idea of what I was asking. Not every women needs to have steamed blown up their asses to feel good about themselves. WE ARE NOT AS NEEDY AS MEN MAY THINK.



Well-Known Member
all the guys saying girls like this are not attention whores are just trying to get on the girls 'good side'. all this thread is going to do cali is make you get more and more pms. gool luck.


Well-Known Member
Some of you are that ignorant to think that I want attention for this lets be real I dont come to a f*ckin weed forum to gain attention from a bunch of people on the internet, I come to this forum to read and learn and hopefully be able to help others with their hobby. And you sir are entirely incorrect if you think so. I know men, and boys espcially (because LITTLE BOYS are what we are dealing with here) are driven by their hormones. fine wot ever stare make a thread I dont care but dont clutter up my message box with this shit. I guess the initial point went over some of your heads. I have actual questions and help that I get answered from people through my PM. I have plenty of self esteem that I dont need to start a thread to gain some sort of false feeling from your alter egos, but that just shows you how most guys think. But I do EXPECT some RESPECT just as I would do the same for you. so putting me down or ASSUMING things just makes u look like an ass. So I wont be posting to this thread anymore but want to make my point clear to those who obviosuly didnt have the foggest idea of what I was asking. Not every women needs to have steamed blown up their asses to feel good about themselves. WE ARE NOT AS NEEDY AS MEN MAY THINK.


so wtf do you have a pic of your ass as you avator. do you like people to see it or what? i dont understand how you can complain. you keep saying 'o this is a weed forum, why do people pm me about my ass' you put it as your avator to make you feel good. just admit. dont be stupid. put a pic up of your plants if your on a weed forum. my god.


Well-Known Member
smoknjs your kinda an attention whore for always jumping in to tell others when they are whores then stirring up a bunch of shit with your comments then getting all the attention on you....


Active Member
fkn woo all this cos you got nice ass big deal get over it guys pls let some peace flow chill with the still! :-o


New Member
That doesn't matter what pic she wants to put in her avatar.
It doesn't give anyone the right to judge her and try and take advantage of something she OBVIOUSLY doesn't want.
She put up this thread to let these guys know that itheir behaviour is not acceptable. If she were to have a dialogue with each and every one of them(which is what they want) then that doesn't solve the problem but fuels it.
I don't get pm's hassling me BUT if I did, I probably would have done the very same thing:leaf:

so wtf do you have a pic of your ass as you avator. do you like people to see it or what? i dont understand how you can complain. you keep saying 'o this is a weed forum, why do people pm me about my ass' you put it as your avator to make you feel good. just admit. dont be stupid. put a pic up of your plants if your on a weed forum. my god.


New Member
Hiya FPT:hug::hug:
Wow long time gurl.
The haslle is that this woman here has a pic of her butt in her avatar and just wants to let these guys know that it wasn't an invitation to hassle her over it. So what does she get? haslled some more.
And you know me. I always manage to jump in the middle of it all somehow

Dewwwwwwwwwwwd Lacy how are you, long time no see. Whats all the hassle about, All I see is a guy giving the finger :)

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