OMG smoke report already! Well it's been 9 days since harvest day (lol) I've already dried and cured it a bit. I put them in jars Sunday? so not quite 7 days since and wow. It's some good shit! It's not harsh by any means (I only use bongs) I will throw some in a pipe to see how harsh it really is but so far it burns so smooth. It doesn't burn too quick either. I'm not really exactly sure what else to say, I'd say the high right now is about a 7/10 the bag appeal is 9/10 smell is still kinda leafy which is obviously going to still be there in this stage. You can tell it still has a ways to go with curing but the high comes on mild so mild then it hits you really hard. I used a 12" bong last night and I really couldn't tell any difference between that and my little stubby mini bong as far as harshness. Taste, I really don't taste anything, def can tell it's not grown in soil (I don't like the earthy taste) so it's a plus for me. My wife says she can really taste a strong strawberry flavor. I haven't smoked enough of it yet to really say only two bowls. It's def something I want to try to grow again. It's a really uppy trippy high. Overall I'm pleased with it. I'd recommend it to anyone.
A bit on growing in hydro. I was really curious to know how it would taste and look back at all the stuff we've had over the past I now really notice which ones were grown in soil and which weren't. To me soil grown seems to be quit a bit harsher. I will be saving a little piece and storing it away for a few years.
And for those who are subbed up with this journal, my new journal is in my signature so click away! Thanks for following me with my HS: SD. Much appreciation with all the help and kind words from everyone. See you on the other side.