The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good dura nice an healthy mate....................the stuff on your walls in there i noticed some on site at work the other day, rapped on the buildin before the claddin went on, i thought to my self that would be mint for growin if it wernt for the daft writin all or it lol!..........had a look about for some to nick put no joy.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hash joint hash joint, whoooweeeeeeeee, hash joint!

Have you looked around to make sure you havn't stumbled across a farm? Lot of hay on a farm.


They look like they are recovering after transplanting. I found the was the roots which were exposed to lights. Sorted it out after transfering them into the aquafarm



RIU Bulldog
Yes mate that is a possibility,but it wasnt like really early,maybe a few days.Judgement was based on trichome's and pistil colour. What do you base your harvest time on fella?
Probably the same things you do pal. I base it on whether the calyxes are swollen, on the ratio of white hairs to red hairs and the speed at which new white hairs are coming out. I judge based on whether the red hairs have receeded back into the calyxes or not and I judge based on tricome color. The breeders estimation is pretty helpful too. I use it to know when to start looking at the signs for harvest.


Well-Known Member
I cut the buds from the stems,and let them dry laid out on newspaper.
you should let your buds dry on there stems , if after between 5-10 days the buds feel dry and the stem bends not snaps you can cure it in a jar to get the smell you want , if the stems snap you have left it to late and cant get rid of the smell , best thing you can do if you dont want that crappy smell is stick all your green in a shoe box with some orange peel for a day or 2 and it will smell like citrus .. better than hay if your planning on shifting some lol


Well-Known Member
hahah what size bags do you use mate ? i am quite intrigued by the bubble bag dry ice method , been watching quite a few vids on youtube about it , its a joke that in the USA you can walk into walmart and buy anything (dryice included) over here you cant buy feck all !!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Tell me about it. I have a mind to look into glass blowing. They say $2500, from the equivelent prices i see, it looks like thousands more. I have no idea which bags i use, colourful ones, of all varieties. I get has at the end though :p this run was hand stirred intead of with my drill


Well-Known Member
i have always hand stirred , i only once tried my drill but i got pissed off constantly having to removed twisted up plant matter from the drill and never used it again lol i just tend to use the main bag that holds the ice n plants then the medium sized one and run it through a few times to get decent hash, not the best but you get a bit more , not sure of the micron size but its the blue one i use if you have the official bubble bag kit


Well-Known Member
by the way the exodus x dt is looking great at minute :)
out of interest did you ever grow any of highlanders calizhar x casey yourself or just keep the seeds ?