what in your opinion is the most lacking quality in this f&*#@% world today ?

what is the most lacking quality in this world with fellow people persons

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I agree that commonsense is important and not exercised enough today. However Love is my biggest. Take whitey Joe and send him walking down into the ghetto of NY (black people's neighborhood). What will happen to whitey Joe? A. Curbstomp, B. Pistol Whip, C. Punched until Dead.
Or how about how the USA loves the oil of the middle east, but not the nations themselves that are on top of that oil? Love, is severely lacking everywhere. And i;m not talking about the love of a pimp for his ho's, I mean brotherly love
Love is overrated. Who loves someone they don't know? I love my family... I love many of my friends.... I love women! I can't love stupid people.... They're too stupid to take care of themselves.

Common sense would tell a person not to stomp another person for no reason other than their ethnicity, religion, opinions, sexual orientation etc. All starts and ends with common sense. I honestly think its a virtue less than 25% of the population possess. That's right, 3 out of 4 of you are f&**ing stupid! ahaha


Well-Known Member
imagine a black guy walking down the street in the hampton's with his hat jig sideways and pants to his knees wearing a b-ball jersey with his fake cubic zarconia watch bling what you think would happen ? A.cops get called on him for being black .......B.cops get called on him for being black as they watch from the corner of their windows thinking racial slurs ........... or B. go out confront him if your racist be straight up go to him and tell him hes not welcom or if your not just go up and say hello can i help you are you looking for somebody .

the last one will never happen cause racist are cowards and real people are scared of certain looking black people cause of other black idiots and media portraying blacks in a certain light for so many generations but hey this thread aint about rights its about whats not RIGHT


Well-Known Member
imagine a black guy walking down the street in the hampton's with his hat jig sideways and pants to his knees wearing a b-ball jersey with his fake cubic zarconia watch bling what you think would happen ? A.cops get called on him for being black .......B.cops get called on him for being black as they watch from the corner of their windows thinking racial slurs ........... or B. go out confront him if your racist be straight up go to him and tell him hes not welcom or if your not just go up and say hello can i help you are you looking for somebody .

the last one will never happen cause racist are cowards and real people are scared of certain looking black people cause of other black idiots and media portraying blacks in a certain light for so many generations but hey this thread aint about rights its about whats not RIGHT
Common sense would tell "Whitey Joe" and the African American gentlemen not to go there and to dress appropriately wherever you go. I'm telling you there's only one answer. 3 out of 4 of you are f*&%ing stupid! (Racists included)


Well-Known Member
but really who said what is appropriate and what is not i mean id love to read this handbook of proper dress code ...i get the little 12 year olds wearing nothing and shit but as adults who is to tell us what is right and wrong simply based on because some demographic doesnt like it or understand it
Common sense would tell "Whitey Joe" and the African American gentlemen not to go there and to dress appropriately wherever you go. I'm telling you there's only one answer. 3 out of 4 of you are f*&%ing stupid! (Racists included)


Well-Known Member
but really who said what is appropriate and what is not i mean id love to read this handbook of proper dress code ...i get the little 12 year olds wearing nothing and shit but as adults who is to tell us what is right and wrong simply based on because some demographic doesnt like it or understand it
Its not what is appropriate generally speaking. Its what is appropriate when and where.

Don't wear a tank top to a wedding. Don't wear a bathing suit to a funeral. Don't go to work wearing nothing but a cock ring. All of this apparel is acceptable at some specific place and time, just not in aforementioned examples.... Although it may not ever be appropriate to wear a wife beater.. 3 out of 4 can you believe it!?

Really the only code I live by is that of Bobby Finstock.

"There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese."

- Coach Bobby Finstock


Well-Known Member
Lol the federal bank thats american enemy #1 the biggest criminal gangster out there period