PLease dont ask me!

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Well-Known Member
Dudes don't always have blood left in their frontal lobes once they see a nice ass/breast, etc. to consider that asking wouldn't exactly be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
smoknjs your kinda an attention whore for always jumping in to tell others when they are whores then stirring up a bunch of shit with your comments then getting all the attention on you....
whatever you say you masterbation lady. go get a piece. :weed:

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
in defence of all the guys that pm you they probably don't think 'she probably gets alot of PMs' they think 'damn that's nice ass' but you know what I think. you should put a plant on top of your ass. THAT would be a nice picture.


Well-Known Member
if shes gonna put it out there. people will comment accordingly. thats all there is too it. if you put something out on the internet, expect EVERY type of comment in return, do you know how many people are members of this site. ALOT. we have all types of people. if you dont like the responses your getting TAKE IT OFF.


New Member
Ok I can understand if this were a naked pic but it isn't.
You have the same mentality men use to rape woman.
"Look at the way she was dressing,...she musta been asking for it."
Don't take it personally. A lot of men seem to think this way strangely enough.:roll:
I'll just chuck this on to another of the many things I don't understand:twisted:

Cali dear could you please kindly close this thread now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if shes gonna put it out there. people will comment accordingly. thats all there is too it. if you put something out on the internet, expect EVERY type of comment in return, do you know how many people are members of this site. ALOT. we have all types of people. if you dont like the responses your getting TAKE IT OFF.


Well-Known Member
I want attention now dammit look at mmmyyy aviator. No one ever pm's me. Look at me now. Attention everyone give me attention.
LOL ( nothing to do with you Cali ) I'm just bored


Well-Known Member
I cant close the thread wont let me waiting for a mod to already requested it about 15 posts ago. No worries lacy Im convienced you cant sway arrogance. This is probably the most entertainment he has had for along time because with that kinda attitude I dunno who would want to be around him.


New Member
Sorry cali gurl. You tried fdd and I tried Cali a couple of times.
No mods around these days. :-|
This is sad.
A Daliadank or some other woman had the exact same kind of hassle because she put up some very tasteful pics of herself because she had a photoshoot.
Guys started calling her an attention whore. Sh*t I have seen all kinds of attention grabbers from dudes here and nobody calls them those kinds of names.:evil:
Its ridiculous.
Good luck Cali gurl. i hope this gets resolved for you.

I cant close the thread wont let me waiting for a mod to already requested it about 15 posts ago. No worries lacy Im convienced you cant sway arrogance. This is probably the most entertainment he has had for along time because with that kinda attitude I dunno who would want to be around him.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
so wtf do you have a pic of your ass as you avator.

I gotta agree with you. The picture is not only an ass shot... it's a provocative shot laying down with legs bent and heels on.

... I'm not saying she should change it... it's her Avatar and she should use whatever she wants..... I'm just saying that she shouldn't be surprised when people respond out of curiosity. No... that is NOT rape mentality... it's called HUMAN NATURE! We see something we like and we seek it out to learn more about it.

I dunno....... if the Private Messages are bothersome then it's probably easier to change the Avatar or put the users on ignore then it is to post a thread and expect however many members are here to read it and abide by the request. I'm just sayin....

BTW CaliGurl.... FABULOUS shoes!!!! :D
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