List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

haha i got a better idea for a thread how about the christians give us proof that theirs a god or how about they attempt to convert us and make us all see the errors of our ways i bet that would never happen...
Perhaps you dont consider that a lot of used to be christians. We believe what we believe BECAUSE we have considered it all. Perhaps if I had learned less of it than I did I might still believe it. We dont disbelive because of lack of exposure or education in christianity, but because of our exposure and education in christianity. Does that make sense at all?

One of the shortest paths to atheism is to sit down and actually read the bible cover to cover.
you can add Halloween to the list just watched corbert report and apparently christians are pushing for this Halloween to be called christoween and are urging there followers to dress in all white and hand out bibles lol i gotta post this video
haha i got a better idea for a thread how about the christians give us proof that theirs a god or how about they attempt to convert us and make us all see the errors of our ways i bet that would never happen...

you can add Halloween to the list just watched corbert report and apparently christians are pushing for this Halloween to be called christoween and are urging there followers to dress in all white and hand out bibles lol i gotta post this video

If they do that, we should rent devil costumes the next sunday and go to church, sit down, and try to hand a pamphlet to the first person to approach you
you can add Halloween to the list just watched corbert report and apparently christians are pushing for this Halloween to be called christoween and are urging there followers to dress in all white and hand out bibles lol i gotta post this video

are you fuckin kiddin? to all the loudmouth jesus lovers sayin that non-believers ram shit down their throat...whats your response to this bullshit?
"but the true word of God". What exactly is the true word of God? id he speak directly to you at some point? You never answered that earlier.

Are you mentally challenged or something, the true word of god would be his word read in context and not used to fit whatever you wanted to justify. God doesn't speak to anyone
directly anymore, that ended when his son came in the flesh.

When the rest of us explain the rules, you ignore them, complain to the teacher we're plaing unfair, then claim victory when the bell rings.

That's funny, I thought you were talking about what you guys do. Like in many other posts, you my friend are still batting zero in several major issues like evolution and big bang. You can try and justify all you want but you still got nothing. What is even funnier about the whole thing is that you have the gall to make a statement like "I have tangible, testable, measurable data that I can give you and you can test for yourself and you will come up with the exact same conclusion" and you expect someone with half a brain to believe you. When we hear all this talk of arrogance this is what comes to mind.

You people need to learn the true term "Christian" and quit applying it to anyone who believes in something or thinks they are a good person because that is far from the truth.
That's funny, I thought you were talking about what you guys do. Like in many other posts, you my friend are still batting zero in several major issues like evolution and big bang. You can try and justify all you want but you still got nothing. What is even funnier about the whole thing is that you have the gall to make a statement like "I have tangible, testable, measurable data that I can give you and you can test for yourself and you will come up with the exact same conclusion" and you expect someone with half a brain to believe you. When we hear all this talk of arrogance this is what comes to mind.

Does it take half a brain to look at evolution and the big bang and say they are batting zero and then look at the wild speculation that is Christianity and cry certainty? That is a great example of arrogance right there. You have been exposed to the mountains of evidence, and if we comprised all the supporting data and put it into a pile, it would indeed be a mountain, yet you pretend is if any sane person should see there is nothing to it. Meanwhile you can not begin to point out why these theories do not make sense, unless you draw from your made up caricature of history and reality.

If someone tells you to test something for yourself they are obviously not expecting you to believe it, they are expecting you to verify it. They are in fact saying 'don't believe me, here is what lead me to this conclusion, see if you believe it'. That is what proponents of the big bang and evolution have to offer, and what Christians lack. You like to denounce evolution because you think doing so somehow lends credence to creationism, yet you have never taken the time to understand it. You have only taken the time to pretend to understand it, to constantly proclaim how genuine you are, without actually bothering to add substance to your criticism.

"You can try and justify all you want but you still got nothing." <-- imagine if science took this attitude. How about saying "If you justify it sufficiently then I will consider it". How can we trust such an inconsistent and backwards mind such as the one you display to come to an accurate conclusion? We have been willing to let you justify your assertions and we consider them seriously and give you a thoughtful response. You give us tricks, posturing and zero justification, in other words, your typical song and dance.
So do Christians just not believe in Science at all? Do they think that science is fake? The physical proof means nothing when you compare it to stories about magic and fairytale places? God works in such mysterious ways that he must have created science to keep his identity a secret? Is he really Alanis Morissette? I love RPGs but it baffles me how grown adults can believe in this shit so seriously. Seriously enough to spam threads that were created to keep them at bay? I know if I see a thread that says, "list of things that Atheists made worse" I would not even open it because I know where I stand. It's not open for debate here. IT IS ABSURD. Do Christians also believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny?
Christians just believe the science that they want to believe and interpret it the way they want to, just like the bible :)
Why do we have to give you proof?

You do not have to give us proof. You can't because it doesnt exist. What you are dreaming of is a magical land. We live in reality. You have eaten too much fungus brother. Why can't you Christians just back off and if we are wrong, we will surely know when we are rotting in eternal flame. You can sit up in heaven and laugh at us then. Why u gotta come ruin potentially good threads? Make a thread about this debate if you want to debate it. "Christian VS Atheist". Stop doing it here. Another thing Christians have made worse: Enjoying a fresh bong rip
So do Christians just not believe in Science at all? Do they think that science is fake? The physical proof means nothing when you compare it to stories about magic and fairytale places? God works in such mysterious ways that he must have created science to keep his identity a secret? Is he really Alanis Morissette? I love RPGs but it baffles me how grown adults can believe in this shit so seriously. Seriously enough to spam threads that were created to keep them at bay? I know if I see a thread that says, "list of things that Atheists made worse" I would not even open it because I know where I stand. It's not open for debate here. IT IS ABSURD. Do Christians also believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny?

Wow, you're very ignorant.
You do not have to give us proof. You can't because it doesnt exist. What you are dreaming of is a magical land. We live in reality. You have eaten too much fungus brother. Why can't you Christians just back off and if we are wrong, we will surely know when we are rotting in eternal flame. You can sit up in heaven and laugh at us then. Why u gotta come ruin potentially good threads? Make a thread about this debate if you want to debate it. "Christian VS Atheist". Stop doing it here. Another thing Christians have made worse: Enjoying a fresh bong rip
Why are we the ones that have to back off? This thread is pretty much a thread against us Christians. So how about you guys back off and if you're right then you're right.
Why are we the ones that have to back off? This thread is pretty much a thread against us Christians. So how about you guys back off and if you're right then you're right.

Because your hypocritical philosophy is not welcome in this discussion. Go make your own Atheist bashing thread and we'll leave you alone :)