List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

in the end id die a christian rather than god-less,and sen.c has a point,why do you think The bigbang and Evolution are just theories?because they have not been proved XP

You say 'just theories' as if you don't know the meaning of the word in a scientific context. They're both extensively covered ideas supported by mountains of evidence that lead us to consistent conclusions when the data is analyzed. In contrast, 'intelligent design' does not qualify as a scientific theory, just a really dumb idea.

Hope that cleared a little bit up for you.
Where do you obtain your knowledge? "Quite a few actually"? If that's so, why did only the clergy teach what the Bible meant until the 15th or 16th century in Europe? The Huegonauts<sp> in France started to read and interpret the Bible themselves and were labeled heretics for daring to do so. The Bible and all religion for that matter is simply a way for the rich and educated to control the masses for their own gain.
Hearsay is not an accurate way to get to the truth, I'm confused why you would think it is.

Ahh, my old friend Padawan. There is a difference in chronicled writing and verbal story telling you and I both know that.

Furthermore, are murder detectives crazy for believing a murder took place when they arrive on the scene after the fact or is it only logical to conclude a murder took place by witnessing it first hand?

Actually, yes they could be crazy it might have been a suicide.

Anyway, I was just countering a statement and it is quite obvious that some of the things brought up in this thread have no tangible truth or history behind them just but rather ignorant views with noting more to back it up.
Education, without a doubt.

Arrogance, self explanitory.

(goes along with arrogance) Self righteousness

Government/Politics, has been completely hijacked

Hugs (Christian "side hug" ROFL!!)


Movies/censorship, Passion of the Christ..

Dry county Sunday's

i must say im quite tired of being called arrogant and self righteous by atheist who apparently are also arrogant and self righteous:}
In the end, if the Christians are correct we end up in boxes with worms eating our faces and they go to Heaven. If we're correct, we both (Christians and Aethiest/Agnostics)end up in boxes with worms eating our faces. I guess either way the worms win.
Where do you obtain your knowledge? "Quite a few actually"? If that's so, why did only the clergy teach what the Bible meant until the 15th or 16th century in Europe? The Huegonauts<sp> in France started to read and interpret the Bible themselves and were labeled heretics for daring to do so. The Bible and all religion for that matter is simply a way for the rich and educated to control the masses for their own gain.

You are way off the English were reading it in their language in the latter 1300's again I point you to John Wycliffe.

The Catholic Church, was using religion to control people by withholding the text and using it to get what they wanted. Don't confuse people abusing their power with what God wanted, that is far from the truth. That is no different than saying all cops are bad because of a few bad apples that abuse their power. For this very reason the Catholic Church called them heretics in order to persecute and silence them so that they could continue to abuse their power.
Where do you obtain your knowledge? "Quite a few actually"? If that's so, why did only the clergy teach what the Bible meant until the 15th or 16th century in Europe? The Huegonauts<sp> in France started to read and interpret the Bible themselves and were labeled heretics for daring to do so. The Bible and all religion for that matter is simply a way for the rich and educated to control the masses for their own gain.
exactly!but my point is religon wasnt created to do so,humans used religon for their own personal gain,and the actions of a few shoulnt be perceived as the actions of all.So dont label me as an arrogant christian because of arrogant christians hundreds of years ago
well you know SO MUCH about religon and christianity, you shouldve known hundreds of angry christians would flood in your thread man,and maybe if you werent being such an ignorant dick who just hates christianity for the hell of it ,your thread wouldve gone more smoothly lol

So are you saying then that if my oppinion wasore palatable to christians then they wouldnt have made such a problem of this thread. Like if I believe what they believe everything would have been cool, otherwise hundreds on angry christians will flood in and make a problem?

What exactly makes me ignorant? A dick, sure, thats not a huge stretch, but why ignorant. Is it because I dont believe what you believe?
So explain why the Bible was written over several centuries by many different people and certain texts were excluded because they didn't fit the criteia of the current leaders of the time? Really arguing these points is moot because I'll never change your mind and you certainly aren't going to change mine. We just have to respectfully agree to disagree. :)
.So dont label me as an arrogant christian because of arrogant christians hundreds of years ago

they always do this brother, they have been doing that since way back. they never seem to get through their small brain...

they tell me the same things and that im in a ''bubble'' of my own, but what they lack to see is that what i have told them, others have told them before and i as i have seen even to this day the same things i would tell... after a long while, and after i reconsidered my stance on evolution, they still didnt and have not considered any believers side.
tell me why science books have changed as well?

they change because as we have advanced our understanding of the material enhances and as such, change the text itself.

So explain why the Bible was written over several centuries by many different people and certain texts were excluded because they didn't fit the criteia of the current leaders of the time? Really arguing these points is moot because I'll never change your mind and you certainly aren't going to change mine. We just have to respectfully agree to disagree. :)
What exactly makes me ignorant? A dick, sure, thats not a huge stretch, but why ignorant. Is it because I dont believe what you believe?

No, what makes you ignorant is your one sided view and inability to even consider the other sides argument and studying it so you can come to a logical conclusion.
How does anyone know what God wants them to do? Do you propose that God speaks directly to you? Is there a burning bush in your yard? I think it's just the burning bush in your mouth that's making you think these things. I for one don't attack Christianity specifically, I think all religions are equally worthless.
thank you man, this has been my point since a long time ago... us believers have the right to consider both sides and we often do... these guys on the other hand, they hold on to things from the past...

that is freaking stupid, its like holding all germans still accountable for the atrocities of ww2

or the spaniards for extinguishing the aztecs or incas or myans

or the native americans for hunting too many buffalo

No, what makes you ignorant is your one sided view and inability to even consider the other sides argument and studying it so you can come to a logical conclusion.
You say 'just theories' as if you don't know the meaning of the word in a scientific context. They're both extensively covered ideas supported by mountains of evidence that lead us to consistent conclusions when the data is analyzed. In contrast, 'intelligent design' does not qualify as a scientific theory, just a really dumb idea.

Hope that cleared a little bit up for you.
exactly,theyre not scientific fact are they?nope,theyre scientific theories,with evidence made by assumptions based on observations,explain to me how evolution and the big bang theory can be proved? i want you to post up facts that 100% prove they happened

they always do this brother, they have been doing that since way back. they never seem to get through their small brain...

they tell me the same things and that im in a ''bubble'' of my own, but what they lack to see is that what i have told them, others have told them before and i as i have seen even to this day the same things i would tell... after a long while, and after i reconsidered my stance on evolution, they still didnt and have not considered any believers side.

Perhaps you dont consider that a lot of used to be christians. We believe what we believe BECAUSE we have considered it all. Perhaps if I had learned less of it than I did I might still believe it. We dont disbelive because of lack of exposure or education in christianity, but because of our exposure and education in christianity. Does that make sense at all?