Seeds not growing, help!

so I germinated my seeds and then i went to a hydroponic store and he recommended since I didn't have a dome to put my seeds in rockwool and then in a zip lock bag to act like the dome. So i did this on Friday 10/21 and now it is six days later and they are not really growing.

I have taken them out of the bag and rewatered them today, 10/27 and lowered the light to about a foot above. I used filtered water. No I did not pre soak the rockwool before.

What am i doing wrong and how can I make these things grow? is it too late?2011-10-26_13-35-55_689.jpg2011-10-26_13-36-33_703.jpg2011-10-26_13-37-03_269.jpg2011-10-26_13-36-54_242.jpg2011-10-26_13-36-06_974.jpg2011-10-26_13-38-28_809.jpg


Well-Known Member
never heard of the baggie dome. Can't say as I see anything inherently wrong with it except that I believe your problem is that the rockwool cubes are too wet (you want moist but not wet) and you have drowned? is that a word? your seedlings. Short of mouth to mouth it may be too late


What kind of light are you using? I put my 400w about 3 feet away for seedlings. A bag is a bad idea if you do use one keep it open so temps don't get too high. A 400w 1about foot away in a closed bag would create temps way too high. If you can keep humidity around 60% don't use a humidity dome or bag.

I would take them out and raise that light depending on what it is. If you have cfls then keep them 2-3 inches away.
never heard of the baggie dome. Can't say as I see anything inherently wrong with it except that I believe your problem is that the rockwool cubes are too wet (you want moist but not wet) and you have drowned? is that a word? your seedlings. Short of mouth to mouth it may be too late
when i first wet them i shook the rockwools pretty good.
What kind of light are you using? I put my 400w about 3 feet away for seedlings. A bag is a bad idea if you do use one keep it open so temps don't get too high. A 400w 1about foot away in a closed bag would create temps way too high. If you can keep humidity around 60% don't use a humidity dome or bag.

I would take them out and raise that light depending on what it is. If you have cfls then keep them 2-3 inches away.
I have a 150 watt HPS light, and it was almost as high as it goes. i hink the temps were too high too, i didnt even have the fan going at first. I do t have cfls


Im not too familiar with 150 watts but that doesn't seem too close for seedlings but probably too close for them in a bag. Do you have a thermometer eiyha probe? If you do put it in the bag with them and find outthe temp.


Well-Known Member
Yo I thinking way to wet~ How wet is yo water?
Yo can put'em in cups too of dirt/rock wool/ coco too~
Here's my babies pics their only 2 day old, This is how I do it~
2 days using baggie and paper towel, I call it the Martha Stewart method!
Once yo have a tap root pop out of the shell about 1/4-"1/2".....
Put'em in these 18oz cup cover with plastic and rubber band.
Keep'em covered till the shell falls off after one day I'll help'em
Put yo need to plant them with the shell just below the medium
a little deeper than yo git them. Once the shell falls off yo off and
running. Yo you know after watering the rock wool shake'em off
as much water as possible there will still be plenty of water! Yo
don't want'em soaked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picture 174.jpgPicture 441.jpg

The cups are loaded with 6 in coco 3 in rock wool 4 in dirt I'm trying coco
for the first time and in case it don't go right I won't have all my eggs in one