Super Lemon Haze 4 weeks into closeup photo


Well-Known Member
Wow man starting to look nice, what are the specs of your grow?
I'm kind of embarrassed to tell what I grow in, mainly because it has been roundly trashed by almost everyone. I use a combination of half Miracle Grow Organic and half regular Miracle Grow Moister Control (with the 6 month nutes.) This combination seems to keep them health. Straight regular Miracle Grow will over nutes them, but this combination seems to work really well. About three weeks in I started hitting them with a little extra bloom nutes. This really kicked in the budding intensity, but I probably did a little too much, so I'm back to straight water.


Well-Known Member
Looks like mine! And I concur about the smell, amazing isn't it? I didn't believe the hype until I smelled it for myself.

Do you ever touch it and then sniff your hand for the rest of the day? I do. :)