Male or Female?


Whoa dude you need to show the internodes!!!

Ok ill get some more pictures right away here and post them, Its only been growing for about 3 weeks on 24 hour cycle. but it doesnt seem to have the little bud looking things that the male plant has.


Ok here are some more, if you need better pictures please describe how I should take them. Also what do you suggest for pruning so far its still in 24 hour veg cycle should i prune some leaves off and which if so and so on, also when would you recomend toping and flowering I have about a 8 ft high grow space. Also how healthy does the plant look so far? This is one of my first plants so I'm pretty much clueless did some research but not enough I guess. Thank you maddog123 that video was VERY useful!!



dp sux

New Member
ok here are some more, if you need better pictures please describe how i should take them. Also what do you suggest for pruning so far its still in 24 hour veg cycle should i prune some leaves off and which if so and so on, also when would you recomend toping and flowering i have about a 8 ft high grow space. Also how healthy does the plant look so far? This is one of my first plants so i'm pretty much clueless did some research but not enough i guess. Thank you maddog123 that video was very useful!!

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sicks stuff

Active Member
Ok ill get some more pictures right away here and post them, Its only been growing for about 3 weeks on 24 hour cycle. but it doesnt seem to have the little bud looking things that the male plant has.
plants show sex during flower not veg


Perfect thanks alot, and thanks sicks stuff didn't know that at all. Do you think this plant is ready to bud or should I give it another week of veg? Thats awesome its female because it was a seed I found in some kush so must have got pretty lucky :D Thanks for all of youre help! Really great forum glad I joined hopefully I'll be good enough to help other people out one day as well. Does anyone have any good videos for pruning in veg and pruning in flowering states? I haven't been able to find anything as detailed as the video maddog posted but I'll keep looking if not!
the little white hair on picture 4 looks like a female preflower! throw her into flower.. also i noticed your plants were wet you should avoid that especially during light on hours to avoid burn, humidity and mold issues..


the little white hair on picture 4 looks like a female preflower! throw her into flower.. also i noticed your plants were wet you should avoid that especially during light on hours to avoid burn, humidity and mold issues..

Ok thanks, yeah I mist them constantly every few hours and I leave the lights on 24 hours a day but the box has amazing ventilation, but definitely could see that becoming a problem in the future. Would it be better to run them for 20 hour veg and mist when lights off or to leave on 24 hr and rarely mist? Thanks alot!

Also thanks both of you for the video/information will be very useful going to check them out right now!
im not a fan of mist at all unless a quick feed is necessary because of a deficiency or something. you want the plant/envionment dry i believe that it helps with the trichome production
also you can remain in veg as long as you want or as long as height wont become an issue but once it shows preflowers it is mature enough to flower so up to u.. my first i waited for all to show before switching so i think it was like 5-6 weeks before flip..


Ok great thanks all very useful information coming from all of you. I will stop misting and see how that goes and I'm going to keep the 24 light cycle because they aren't burning at all the whole grow room is 25 degrees celcius all the time never changes. I'll probably leave it in veg for anther week then switch over to flowering and give you guys some updates just to see how it goes. So I should do NO pruning at all until after fully flowered? How do I get it to produce more colas and how do I top the plant if anyone has a good video on that would be very helpful, I know I'm suppose to use the search button first but out of anything I have found your guys videos have been the most informational so far.
im not positive but i think its better to top a plant in veg, you simply cut the top off after 4-5 nodes ish and it grows into two shoots if you cut again its 4 so on.. ive only ever done one cut and it made it take a couple extra weeks to finish.. id like to try lst my next go around also you should consider going to 18/6 so it has some dark to recoop and build hardy roots.. just my 2 cents