differance between bush bud and hydro?


Active Member
alright so i just got off the phone to some idiot trying to tell me how to grow my bud!
he's going on about how much water i give my plants and that it can make them bush bud, if i don't give them enough wtf is this guy on about?
also he recons that hydro is with soil? i never read anywhere that's what hydro is!!
what's everyone here think? he is just fried that much that he probably has no idea what he's on about?
also this guy was telling me a couple days ago that you CAN'T grow weed in a confined space(even though i am and there budding nicely) haha

also if the above doesn't make sense it's probably coz i just slammed a couple down :P


New Member
lol weird cunt! nah hydro's artificial light ,ventilation, can be called hydro even if theres soil in a house but with a light and fans etc.. but hydro can be with a media eg. rockwool coco perlite.. aussies confuse the fuck out of each other jump and youtube do yaself a favour watch jorge cervantes ultimate grow 1+2 and you can say stick it in your ass mate!! he's got 3+decades experience and writes for hightimes thats how i figured out whats what...


New Member
usually outdoor!! but in oz its usually crap as fuck!! watch those vids man theyre mint!! there a pain in the ass on youtube because theyre made into parts but still a good watch


Active Member
lol weird cunt! nah hydro's artificial light ,ventilation, can be called hydro even if theres soil in a house but with a light and fans etc.. but hydro can be with a media eg. rockwool coco perlite.. aussies confuse the fuck out of each other jump and youtube do yaself a favour watch jorge cervantes ultimate grow 1+2 and you can say stick it in your ass mate!! he's got 3+decades experience and writes for hightimes thats how i figured out whats what...
yeah that's what i thought i'll go watch those vids now thanks for the tip. oh and your dead right about aussies making up shit, some of the stuff i've heard is hilarious!!


New Member
yeh theyres some fucken wackers man like jorge fills you in about everything.. couple of things i needed help with seed raising but he leaves little work for you.. hydro the concept is explained tho its easy..


Well-Known Member
lol weird cunt! nah hydro's artificial light ,ventilation, can be called hydro even if theres soil in a house but with a light and fans etc.. but hydro can be with a media eg. rockwool coco perlite.. aussies confuse the fuck out of each other jump and youtube do yaself a favour watch jorge cervantes ultimate grow 1+2 and you can say stick it in your ass mate!! he's got 3+decades experience and writes for hightimes thats how i figured out whats what...
im sorry but thats untrue. hydro specifically speaks on the median literally if your growing in anything other than soil then it is HYDRO, has nothing to do with the light or anything else. theres diffrent types of hydro but what makes it hydro is that its not soil and that alone.


Well-Known Member
oh, you mean what we call "schwag"(although ive never really liked the name) and what we call "green bud.". just dont let your plants get pollinated and you should have all "hydro" bud, regardless of if its grown inside or outside.


Well-Known Member
oh, you mean what we call "schwag"(although ive never really liked the name) and what we call "green bud.". just dont let your plants get pollinated and you should have all "hydro" bud, regardless of if its grown inside or outside.
i am stunned at the miss information about what hydroponics is on this forum.. its not hydro unless its grown in some other median, anything other than soil you grow plants in hydro.


Well-Known Member
not to be rude but does the moderater of a grow site really think that sensimillia and "hydro" bud are the same thing. makes me think the mods are feds


Well-Known Member
Yes, of course I'm a fed. Considering the large amount of disagreement as to what hydro really means how can you be so cocky? do you know that the way terms are used can mean different things in different areas and with different people? I dont see how your some great authority on what people consider hydro to mean......


Well-Known Member
If people in Iceland call an elephant a pig doesn't make it right even tho to one another they know what they mean. Weed grown indoors in soil in NOT hydro, rite is rite and wrong is wrong.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I've had bush that has beaten the shit of some of the hydro buds I've experienced and Hydro is when it is grown in anything else but soil...


Well-Known Member
Yes, of course I'm a fed. Considering the large amount of disagreement as to what hydro really means how can you be so cocky? do you know that the way terms are used can mean different things in different areas and with different people? I dont see how your some great authority on what people consider hydro to mean......
im not some great god lmao hydro is a science and theres facts in science so take this as a lesson, nasa has used hydroponics in space and by definition hydroponics is growing plants in anything other than soil

its really not up for debate im just trying to spread the proper facts i wouldent have posted if i wasent positive

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
im not some great god lmao hydro is a science and theres facts in science so take this as a lesson, nasa has used hydroponics in space and by definition hydroponics is growing plants in anything other than soil

its really not up for debate im just trying to spread the proper facts i wouldent have posted if i wasent positive
Well, sort of... What it really means is feeding nutrients through a water source. Non hydroponics takes its nutrients from the substrate/grow medium.
This is a pretty cocky thread


Well-Known Member
Well, sort of... What it really means is feeding nutrients through a water source. Non hydroponics takes its nutrients from the substrate/grow medium.
This is a pretty cocky thread
eather way you wanna chop it and skew it hydro is not determined by the lights , or weather its indoors or outdoors or weather the plant is un pollinated or not! thats all the missinformation from this thread so far

and by your deffinition it makes it sound like soil plants that you feed with flora duo make it hydroponic thats simply not true !! i think that definition is untrue aswell to be honest, not to be cocky it just dosent make logical sense. sense theres still some nutrients in coco your definition makes coco sound non hydroponic. and is contridiciton for soil aswell because plenty people have to add nutrients by your definition hydroponicly to there soil but that doesent make there bud hydroponic.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Thats correct, the firat paragraph, it has nothing to do with the lighting or blah blah, only the method of feeding and root zone substrate.

My hdro deffinition is simply derived from its interpretation from latin, hence saying what the word means. Its practice though is slightly different. There is always a disparity between a words deffinition and its actual usage. Refer to Neitze for further clarity.

Thats the best "deffinition" I can come up with. Explanations are just examples of hydroponic applications, not a deffinition of the word. Catch my drift?


Well-Known Member
Thats correct, the firat paragraph, it has nothing to do with the lighting or blah blah, only the method of feeding and root zone substrate.

My hdro deffinition is simply derived from its interpretation from latin, hence saying what the word means. Its practice though is slightly different. There is always a disparity between a words deffinition and its actual usage. Refer to Neitze for further clarity.

Thats the best "deffinition" I can come up with. Explanations are just examples of hydroponic applications, not a deffinition of the word. Catch my drift?
alright the problem was the question was about what makes the difference between hydro bud and just bud... and the key word is soilless= hydroponic. not the latin word hydro and ponics but hydropics in modern day by definition is "Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, WITHOUT SOIL."

and to knourgro was that directed to me or him?

if im wrong i would surley like to know. but i deffintly understand hydroponics and jumped in when i saw missinformation being given