ron paul

Traffic Laws are stupid
We Need to get rid of speed limits and stop signs They are holding me back from getting to work on time

and they keep the repair shops from receiving all the repair jobs they can get.

these traffic laws are really slowing down our free enterprise in more ways than one.
i was standing in my driveway last night. i noticed the part of the driveway that cut through the sidewalk. then i got to thinking about things...

my landlord could have probably saved a ton of money by paving the driveway with dirt, or gravel. so why go with a more expensive choice?

my guess is that the city (government) probably forced him to (red tape) so that the person who was born handicapped and has to use a wheelchair can get around.

why don't you name off as many stupid laws as you can for us. i'm sure there is some good reasoning behind most of them. i'm sure there are a few duds as well, but i'd be willing to bet that most are called for and well-grounded in reason.

Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it could be that a gravel driveway has bad aesthetic curb appeal which in turn alters the people who are prospective tenants while simultaneously driving down the rent. :)

Sticking to your thought: why would homeowners re-do their driveway, windows, siding, kitchen, or bathrooms when planning to sell? Is it because the government makes them?
everything obama has put forward is essentially socialist, since your so set on 3 things here you go off the top of my head UB:

1) TARP / Bailouts
2) Jobs Plan
3) Bamacare

its not really 'socialism' but the whole way he does things is increasing spending and increases the size of government, so in a round about way it is socialism.
Anyway, most of the Ron Paul threads on the front page weren't started by our regular 'Paulbots' , most of them where started by the regular 'anti-paulbots' and the other ones are by people who never posted in this section before. People are just going to keep showing up here and making Ron Paul threads cause they are inspired. Id say its pretty rare that even I make a new ron paul thread, Id say I have only made a dozen over the last year at best, a lot of threads get de-railed into Ron Paul or are related in some way however.

We are all just as guilty for talking about Ron Paul so much, you can't blame the paulbots, shit I make a thread about occupy wall street or something and the next post is 'Ron Paul this and Ron Paul that' , totally off-topic, this happens constantly. We can't even discuss something else when we attempt to discuss something else its almost instantly de-railed into Ron Paul.
Anyway, most of the Ron Paul threads on the front page weren't started by our regular 'Paulbots' , most of them where started by the regular 'anti-paulbots' and the other ones are by people who never posted in this section before. People are just going to keep showing up here and making Ron Paul threads cause they are inspired. Id say its pretty rare that even I make a new ron paul thread, Id say I have only made a dozen over the last year at best, a lot of threads get de-railed into Ron Paul or are related in some way however.

We are all just as guilty for talking about Ron Paul so much, you can't blame the paulbots, shit I make a thread about occupy wall street or something and the next post is 'Ron Paul this and Ron Paul that' , totally off-topic, this happens constantly. We can't even discuss something else when we attempt to discuss something else its almost instantly de-railed into Ron Paul.

i made this thread to make fun of you all.

thank you for following thru. :)
I own a fucking tank. Not my fault if you cant afford decent Transportation
Now get the hell out of my way
So after you run over the first person, are arrested and go to court and are found guilty of murder and do life in prison tell us again how your own personal morals did not help guide you. I don't REALLY think you would run over anyone, people normally do not like to kill or harm one another. I think you would drive normally because you don't want to have an accident and hurt someone because there are still severe consequences for speeding even if there were no speed limit laws. The person you kill might have a family member who will hunt you down like an animal and kill you, perhaps life in prison, or perhaps all your wages you will ever earn as damages in a civil court. BTW if you go to court for a crime and are found guilty, it pretty much guarantees you will be found guilty in a civil case when someone sues you into bankruptcy because you harmed them or their property with your tank. Anyone that deems no speed limits means full permission to act in a hazardous way is a complete moron and they will all fill our prisons and never have to dirty up the gene pool with their idiocy.

If speed limits on the roads are what keeps people from having accidents, then wouldn't speed limits on pedestrian activity eliminate slips and falls?

You see what happens when you bring your argument to its logical end?
I Own a tank. You are Obviously responsible for your own Driving
If you got Crushed by my tank its Obvious you did not yeild to my Right of Way

it was a joke.....................i think, maybe not
I Own a tank. You are Obviously responsible for your own Driving
If you got Crushed by my tank its Obvious you did not yeild to my Right of Way
What right of way? there are no traffic laws remember? See how your argument will fail at every turn? Please bring me more of your easily defeated premise in support of a claim which is never logical. No traffic laws, but a shit load of laws about harming other people or their property.
What right of way? there are no traffic laws remember? See how your argument will fail at every turn? Please bring me more of your easily defeated premise in support of a claim which is never logical. No traffic laws, but a shit load of laws about harming other people or their property.

the right to get runned the fuck over. ;)

i think having the tank insures him "the right" to do whatever he wants.

i understood what he was saying.
the right to get runned the fuck over. ;)

i think having the tank insures him "the right".

i understood what he was saying.

Bingo. No Laws No Regulation.
You find your corolla under the treads of My tank its becuase you aint big enough to be driving on my road. You should be sued for scratching the paint. I will let it go since you are dead
the right to get runned the fuck over. ;)

i think having the tank insures him "the right" to do whatever he wants.

i understood what he was saying.
So then, because there is no SPECIFIC law prohibiting me from taking a lawnmower at full power to your head and mowing your skull down to your neck then it is completely OK to do such a thing? I am nearly 100% positive that killing people , harming people or their property is a crime no matter the method. Correct me if i am wrong, but If you run over an occupied vehicle with a tank you will almost assuredly cause property damage and are very likely to cause physical harm to that person. But because there was no sign that said "speed limit 55" it is quite Ok to do so?
So then, because there is no SPECIFIC law prohibiting me from taking a lawnmower at full power to your head and mowing your skull down to your neck then it is completely OK to do such a thing? I am nearly 100% positive that killing people , harming people or their property is a crime no matter the method. Correct me if i am wrong, but If you run over an occupied vehicle with a tank you will almost assuredly cause property damage and are very likely to cause physical harm to that person. But because there was no sign that said "speed limit 55" it is quite Ok to do so?

I guess it all depends on if your State Allows it
States Rights You know
Bingo. No Laws No Regulation.
You find your corolla under the treads of My tank its becuase you aint big enough to be driving on my road. You should be sued for scratching the paint. I will let it go since you are dead
LOL you guys are just being silly now that I have pointed out how illogical and ill thought out your premise is.
So then, because there is no SPECIFIC law prohibiting me from taking a lawnmower at full power to your head and mowing your skull down to your neck then it is completely OK to do such a thing? I am nearly 100% positive that killing people , harming people or their property is a crime no matter the method. Correct me if i am wrong, but If you run over an occupied vehicle with a tank you will almost assuredly cause property damage and are very likely to cause physical harm to that person. But because there was no sign that said "speed limit 55" it is quite Ok to do so?

who says harming people is a crime?

who determined 55 was the "limit"?