ron paul

As long as the "what can you give me" younger voters forget what made this country we will be doomed. Spend out of debt ? LOL Funny Obummer has spent more than all other presidents with little results when FREE ENTERPRISE has always brought us out of recession & depression, not the government. The newer generation needs to stop leaning on the government & start doing for themselves as all generations have done.
Yes, borrowing for hemp setup and your own business works now, although federally illegal (which is one reason it is works). That doesn't compare to what white Obama wants to & has burdened generations to come with. Without His out of place programs & agenda we would not be having the problems we're having now. If you don't support the american constitution & bypass for your personal belief (not supported well by the Democrat) you should not be in power. . . end of story.
Kids, kids, kids ! Get it together so you can grow old with a brighter future.

Technology has crushed that theory
As long as the "what can you give me" younger voters forget what made this country we will be doomed. Spend out of debt ? LOL Funny Obummer has spent more than all other presidents with little results when FREE ENTERPRISE has always brought us out of recession & depression, not the government. The newer generation needs to stop leaning on the government & start doing for themselves as all generations have done.
Yes, borrowing for hemp setup and your own business works now, although federally illegal (which is one reason it is works). That doesn't compare to what white Obama wants to & has burdened generations to come with. Without His out of place programs & agenda we would not be having the problems we're having now. If you don't support the american constitution & bypass for your personal belief (not supported well by the Democrat) you should not be in power. . . end of story.
Kids, kids, kids ! Get it together so you can grow old with a brighter future.

you still haven't explained any of this "his own personal agenda" stuff you keep rambling on about.

tell me what other spending was signed into law by obama besides a $787 billion stimulus which gave most of us some huge tax breaks and put millions back to work.

no more tumbleweeds and crickets and coyotes.
Technology has crushed that theory

LOL!, good one !
It's actually bad leadership , not technology that sends our jobs overseas & allows illegal in. Not to mention locking out hemp (not smokable) as an awesome way to bring the economy back. Free enterprise is the only thing to turn the economy around & government in charge now keeps that at bay with red tape & stupid laws.
LOL!, good one !
It's actually bad leadership , not technology that sends our jobs overseas & allows illegal in. Not to mention locking out hemp (not smokable) as an awesome way to bring the economy back. Free enterprise is the only thing to turn the economy around & government in charge now keeps that at bay with red tape & stupid laws.

Businesses send Jobs Overseas
And This Administration has set records on Deportations

Why are you blaming Illegal immigrants for Companies Sending jobs overseas for Cheap Labor and non existant enviromental Protections?
The goverment isnt Hiring Illegal Immigrants
American Companies are
If you cannot see what is happening around you, I certainly can't explain it.
Again OBAMACARE & the jobs bill for starters that he is trying to ram down our throats , need more ? Oh ya, you drank the kool-aid ? If so no amount of rationality will overcome the flavor.
If you cannot see what is happening around you, I certainly can't explain it.
Again OBAMACARE & the jobs bill for starters that he is trying to ram down our throats , need more ? Oh ya, you drank the kool-aid ? If so no amount of rationality will overcome the flavor.

I can see what is happeneing Around me. There are jobs available and the Stock market (my retirement account) has recovered most of its losses
We are getting out of Iraq, Ghaddafi, Bin Laden and a bunch of other terrorists are dead. We have Consumer Protections we didnt have before. We will finally hold the Insurance companies responsible for making sure the money we pay them actually will be used on us when we get sick and hundreds of other things

maybe your just deaf from the anti Goverment Drumbeat from the right
Unarmed against uninformed . . . Sorry for your loss, hopefully as you age you will see the truth a bit clearer . . .
Geeze buddy, never said the illegals were the cause, just those are TWO of our jobs problems. This admin sure likes to take credit after leading from behind.
Obummer didnt have the balls to support Libyas fight but will take the credit now, good one.
Bush set this year to be out of Iraq, not Obummer, He was shamed into leaving by Iraq , as you know, He wanted to leave more troops there but Hillary talks broke down & He was forced out on the date set.

Im going to get labled everything but an American Patriot who has fought for his country & believes in the Constitution as written, not bypassed . . .
I can see what is happeneing Around me. There are jobs available and the Stock market (my retirement account) has recovered most of its losses
We are getting out of Iraq, Ghaddafi, Bin Laden and a bunch of other terrorists are dead. We have Consumer Protections we didnt have before. We will finally hold the Insurance companies responsible for making sure the money we pay them actually will be used on us when we get sick and hundreds of other things

maybe your just deaf from the anti Goverment Drumbeat from the right

Iraq? They ordered us out. i'm happy, but it was not really our choice.

Bin Laden? We had him @ Tora Bora. We had special ops calling for a strike knowing it would likely kill them too. We let him walk. As for his killing? Should've had more transparency imo.

Ghaddafi? We really showed them what they deserve for having 0% interest bank loans, factory priced autos, human right housing, paid education, etc. Fuck yeah! We showed THEM!
Iraq? They ordered us out. i'm happy, but it was not really our choice.

Bin Laden? We had him @ Tora Bora. We had special ops calling for a strike knowing it would likely kill them too. We let him walk. As for his killing? Should've had more transparency imo.

Ghaddafi? We really showed them what they deserve for having 0% interest bank loans, factory priced autos, human right housing, paid education, etc. Fuck yeah! We showed THEM!

Maybe Just maybe if he didnt blow up american Airliners and kill hundreds of American Civilians
Maybe we would of just let him be
ya think?
Maybe Just maybe if he didnt blow up american Airliners and kill hundreds of American Civilians
Maybe we would of just let him be
ya think?

Maybe, just maybe, we could've gone after him right then or even now and stated that as the reason? If you think it was, it is my belief that you are delusional.
If you cannot see what is happening around you, I certainly can't explain it.
Again OBAMACARE & the jobs bill for starters that he is trying to ram down our throats , need more ? Oh ya, you drank the kool-aid ? If so no amount of rationality will overcome the flavor.

he talked up the helth care reform heavily during his election, it is part of what got him elected. that can not be called his personal agenda, you have to call that the agenda of the 50+ million people who voted him into office.

should i mention how a public option had 77% public support?

how dare he try to create jobs at a time like this. way too many jobs around. we need to send them to the chinese.
i'm seeing a president that bowed to the big oil and banking interests and murdered a man for attempting to convert to the gold standard.

so let me get this straight: when obama orders the CIA to get bin laden and they do, it is the marines that deserve the credit. but when he orders the assassination of an american terrorist abroad committing treason, all of a sudden it is "obama murdered a man"?

did i get that double standard about right?
LOL!, good one !
It's actually bad leadership , not technology that sends our jobs overseas & allows illegal in. Not to mention locking out hemp (not smokable) as an awesome way to bring the economy back. Free enterprise is the only thing to turn the economy around & government in charge now keeps that at bay with red tape & stupid laws.

well you obviously don't understand want technology actually means if you honestly think free market is the answer. im just curious........if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? im 22
...government in charge now keeps that at bay with red tape & stupid laws.

i was standing in my driveway last night. i noticed the part of the driveway that cut through the sidewalk. then i got to thinking about things...

my landlord could have probably saved a ton of money by paving the driveway with dirt, or gravel. so why go with a more expensive choice?

my guess is that the city (government) probably forced him to (red tape) so that the person who was born handicapped and has to use a wheelchair can get around.

why don't you name off as many stupid laws as you can for us. i'm sure there is some good reasoning behind most of them. i'm sure there are a few duds as well, but i'd be willing to bet that most are called for and well-grounded in reason.
Traffic Laws are stupid
We Need to get rid of speed limits and stop signs They are holding me back from getting to work on time