-3°C tonight in toronto... good luck to everyones girls


Well-Known Member
so its finally happened here in southern canada - first serious frost. i just went outside to deep root water and throw a tarp up. good luck to any remaining late outdoor growers in the great north. hope we can all pull through to harvest


what are your past experiences with frost? ive heard not to let the plants get hit, but also heard it wont hurt a strong plant. its getting pretty cold where i live and ive still got at least a week or more til harvest. this is my first grow so im nervous. its gonna be 34 degrees this weekend. i hope my baby survives she's my only one.


Well-Known Member
frost is nasty shit man. it will literally stop growth as well as damaging anything that gets frozen. ive learned the hard way that its much easier to toss up a quick cold frame or a tarp over your plants. once frost hits them, its pretty well over until next year.


I was lucky I guess. Only have one 5 foot afghan I was growing outside in a pot.. She has made the transition to indoors quite happily but the colder temps we've had for the past couple of weeks have slowed her down considerably. She is at 7 weeks flowering and easily has another 3 or so to go. Too many days around 50 and nights of 40 has quite an effect.


Well-Known Member
still going? wow, im just north of t.dot and took mine down about 3 weeks ago. with the rain we had for 2 straight weeks i would of though everyone would of ended the season.
let it go man, your gonna kick yourself in the ass if we get a sunny week and you harvested a little bit early, mulch heavily around the base and stop watering completely you really only have to worry about 6 hours of freezing temps, it will really make the plant pump out resin meaning more weight and the plant will most likely purple a bit increasing bag appeal


still going? wow, im just north of t.dot and took mine down about 3 weeks ago. with the rain we had for 2 straight weeks i would of though everyone would of ended the season.
Yes, I'm north as well and still going. As a newbie, I think I made every mistake in the book. She was hit with light when she shouldn't have been for a week or so outside (totally forgot that our livingroom light affected her dark time) Put her into a small greenhouse for a couple of weeks, but the temps and rain were continuing to be unkind. None the less, she is showing no signs of stress, and is finally churning out those buds. Thank God we had our pot in a pot!