Security Ideas Anyone???


Active Member
I live in AZ, sadly without an official medical card. This yr i had 2x3-4 ft feminized beauties outside and got jacked by some bum drifting thru the neighborhood(i found a trail of leaves leading to his shopping cart/mobile home tracks in the dirt). Sadly they were about 4 weeks from finishing...R.I.P.

I have a 2 acre lot that with alot of broken down cars in back of the house. I had my 2 hidden way back behind an old RV. So knowing i took the chance of getting caught or losing them like i did i wanna do it again next growing season.

Aside from barbed wire i need other security measures and i'm real low on ideas


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Roommate already had a black lab, but they're soo dam friendly he didn't stop the fool that robbed me. And basically having a junk yard in back of course i didn't account for drifters...

Next outdoor project is gonna be right next to my house in the dogs side yard with a large dog house to block site of plants about 4-5 ft tall

I'm not gonna let some bum stop me, since fall/winter in southern AZ is perfect for my last 3 short rider autoflowers.
it might seem harsh but I would use an adult pellet gun with a scope and aim right for the bums left or right butt he wont be coming back
it might seem harsh but I would use an adult pellet gun with a scope and aim right for the bums left or right butt he wont be coming back
Hahaha! That's a good'n, thankfully i have some months till i can get my next serious grow next year so by then i should have some sort of fence and/or barbed wire to use against those who may try and rob me again lol
For certain, a dog security you can have. Also sine you have time now, think of planting blackberry bushes around the area you want to grow in with an inconspicuous entrance. They grow real fast and most people are pretty hesitant to treck through blackberry bushes to see if anything is on the other side.

If a dog isnt enough....maybe a puma? That would kick ass. "this is my guard puma, she doesnt fuck around!"
Also, perhaps a handmade sign next to the rv that says "warning: trespassers will be shot and burried next to the other ones" that, a dog, and some blackberry bushes, its a ballsey bum who succeeds in that gauntlet
IMO, people won't go somewhere that looks inhabited (i.e. they are likely to be spotted straight away). If a bum walks past a two acre lot with broken cars around and it looks not looked after, they are going to be more likely to venture inside as the likelihood of them being seen is minimal (or so they figure). A dog may cause some hesitation, as well as barbed wire/black berries. However, if I saw a place that had barbed wire around it, I would assume straight away that they had something worth stealing.

Clean up the yard...get rid of the broken cars or at least move them to the side. Plant lots of plants (not cannabis plants I mean). Flowers are great and gives the casual observer the impression that you are taking care of your place. Look after them. Build a big veggie patch. Corn, climbing beans and zucchini are great companion plants. Corn eats nitrogen, beans fixate nitrogen and zucchini covers the ground. Beans climb up the corn and the corn MAKES A GREEN FENCE for you to plant some cannabis plants behind.

Dig 4 holes a few metres apart and put some big stakes into them (about 2 metres tall). Wrap some shade cloth or something around that and grow your weed in that. If you are growing other plants you will have lots of pots of flowers etc around and peoples attention will be on all of the different plants flowering and looking pretty. Their attention will be drawn to your veggie patch as well. The shade area will be assumed to be a seedling nursery for your veggie patch, or at least you can tell others that. Plant some rosemary, thyme and lavender around any entrances, walkways on the border of the property, it works well if their legs rub on the plants when they walk past so that the plants emit their smell (hopefully covering up any marijuana smells that might waft out). You can make those from cuttings from other peoples plants to save you time from growing from seed.

If you are still concerned about people wandering in, plant some stinging nettle in strategic places so people would have to walk through them to get to your cannabis plants.

I know this sounds like a lot of work, but it won't just keep bums out...the police are less likely to assume that some bum is growing marijuana on their 2 acre property if you take care of the place as well.

Hope that helps you some.

IMO, people won't go somewhere that looks inhabited (i.e. they are likely to be spotted straight away). If a bum walks past a two acre lot with broken cars around and it looks not looked after, they are going to be more likely to venture inside as the likelihood of them being seen is minimal (or so they figure). A dog may cause some hesitation, as well as barbed wire/black berries. However, if I saw a place that had barbed wire around it, I would assume straight away that they had something worth stealing.

Clean up the yard...get rid of the broken cars or at least move them to the side. Plant lots of plants (not cannabis plants I mean). Flowers are great and gives the casual observer the impression that you are taking care of your place. Look after them. Build a big veggie patch. Corn, climbing beans and zucchini are great companion plants. Corn eats nitrogen, beans fixate nitrogen and zucchini covers the ground. Beans climb up the corn and the corn MAKES A GREEN FENCE for you to plant some cannabis plants behind.

Dig 4 holes a few metres apart and put some big stakes into them (about 2 metres tall). Wrap some shade cloth or something around that and grow your weed in that. If you are growing other plants you will have lots of pots of flowers etc around and peoples attention will be on all of the different plants flowering and looking pretty. Their attention will be drawn to your veggie patch as well. The shade area will be assumed to be a seedling nursery for your veggie patch, or at least you can tell others that. Plant some rosemary, thyme and lavender around any entrances, walkways on the border of the property, it works well if their legs rub on the plants when they walk past so that the plants emit their smell (hopefully covering up any marijuana smells that might waft out). You can make those from cuttings from other peoples plants to save you time from growing from seed.

If you are still concerned about people wandering in, plant some stinging nettle in strategic places so people would have to walk through them to get to your cannabis plants.

I know this sounds like a lot of work, but it won't just keep bums out...the police are less likely to assume that some bum is growing marijuana on their 2 acre property if you take care of the place as well.

Hope that helps you some.


Man thats is really smart. I was just talking with my gf on how to cover up my grow next year and you just answered my question lol.
I live in AZ, sadly without an official medical card. This yr i had 2x3-4 ft feminized beauties outside and got jacked by some bum drifting thru the neighborhood(i found a trail of leaves leading to his shopping cart/mobile home tracks in the dirt). Sadly they were about 4 weeks from finishing...R.I.P.

I have a 2 acre lot that with alot of broken down cars in back of the house. I had my 2 hidden way back behind an old RV. So knowing i took the chance of getting caught or losing them like i did i wanna do it again next growing season.

Aside from barbed wire i need other security measures and i'm real low on ideas

Vegetable gardens, while an awesome idea take a considerable amount of time. I use plants native to my area, they are drought resistant and require almost zero maintenance.

Stuff like that works...or you could use plywood pieces drilled with 2 1/2" drywall screws randomly facing
If you say you plan to put the plants close to your house this time, line the perimeter with motion lights, no thief wants to be seen.

At a previous home, I had a german shepherd and motion lights on the outside around the house and not one time did anything get stolen, messed with, etc. I had no alarm on the house and the side garage door never even had a lock on it. Sounds stupid to some, but I had a lot of confidence in that dog. RIP buddy.
IMO, people won't go somewhere that looks inhabited (i.e. they are likely to be spotted straight away). If a bum walks past a two acre lot with broken cars around and it looks not looked after, they are going to be more likely to venture inside as the likelihood of them being seen is minimal (or so they figure). A dog may cause some hesitation, as well as barbed wire/black berries. However, if I saw a place that had barbed wire around it, I would assume straight away that they had something worth stealing.

Clean up the yard...get rid of the broken cars or at least move them to the side. Plant lots of plants (not cannabis plants I mean). Flowers are great and gives the casual observer the impression that you are taking care of your place. Look after them. Build a big veggie patch. Corn, climbing beans and zucchini are great companion plants. Corn eats nitrogen, beans fixate nitrogen and zucchini covers the ground. Beans climb up the corn and the corn MAKES A GREEN FENCE for you to plant some cannabis plants behind.

Dig 4 holes a few metres apart and put some big stakes into them (about 2 metres tall). Wrap some shade cloth or something around that and grow your weed in that. If you are growing other plants you will have lots of pots of flowers etc around and peoples attention will be on all of the different plants flowering and looking pretty. Their attention will be drawn to your veggie patch as well. The shade area will be assumed to be a seedling nursery for your veggie patch, or at least you can tell others that. Plant some rosemary, thyme and lavender around any entrances, walkways on the border of the property, it works well if their legs rub on the plants when they walk past so that the plants emit their smell (hopefully covering up any marijuana smells that might waft out). You can make those from cuttings from other peoples plants to save you time from growing from seed.

If you are still concerned about people wandering in, plant some stinging nettle in strategic places so people would have to walk through them to get to your cannabis plants.

I know this sounds like a lot of work, but it won't just keep bums out...the police are less likely to assume that some bum is growing marijuana on their 2 acre property if you take care of the place as well.

Hope that helps you some.


My roommate and i are working on plans to alter the yard and green it up. Back in the area i had them hidden we're looking to begin a compost pile(to also further my knowledge of organics and potentially use a more nutrient mix of soil for my outdoor beans again) more research will be needed to make a good rich mix
us drivway alrams 20 bucks. they sense motion a sound alarm in a remote location. great for your house. and dont use lights the wind will set them off and the stress of the light on the plants wont be good.
My roommate and i are working on plans to alter the yard and green it up. Back in the area i had them hidden we're looking to begin a compost pile(to also further my knowledge of organics and potentially use a more nutrient mix of soil for my outdoor beans again) more research will be needed to make a good rich mix

Good work on the composting idea! Really simple thing to do and good source of cheap nutrients. I bought a book on all things composting off some internet book shop for $5. Best $5 I have spent in a long time. Without getting too deep into the science you basically are feeding microorganisms nitrogen and oxygen so that they can break down the keeping a rough ratio of half brown materials (i.e. dead leaves etc) and half green materials (i.e. freshly cut grass), keep it moist but not wet and it will start steaming up within a week and really start cooking. Keeping on turning it to aerate and keep the oxygen levels up and in 10 weeks you have wicked compost ready to feed our favorite plants :)

Also remember, tomato plants can be cloned just like a MJ plant you could buy a few seedlings from a nursery and then cut em all up as clones. I would recommend an indeterminate heirloom tomato variety as they continue to grow up and up as a vine if you stake them and if you surround your MJ plant with enough tomato plants, it makes quite a good camouflage if people can't get up close enough. Sure, tomato plants are big nitrogen eaters and we don't really want our MJ plant(s) to be competing for nutrients, but if you have got your own compost on hand, you should have more than enough!
