Battlefield 3

i've never played on a squad. i'll try to figure it all out.

Chant speak for bf3, but squadding up in bf2 added an entirely new element to the gameplay, especially being in teamspeak! You are fucking unstoppable man! Try that out, I think you'll like it!

What's the best/worst thing about bf3? (anyone whose played)
Worst thing is it seems like a shoot a dude 10 times and he lives, and i get hit once and die instantly. Irritates me alot.

same shit happens to me all the time. :cuss:

i think connection speed has a lot to do with it as well. i may have to call comcast and pay 10 bucks for the turbo boost.

i saw a dude in homefront the other day running around at 60 mph. he either had a killer connection or a he was a hack.
my dude likes to stop while running across an open filed. connection glitches just long enough to get sniped. i guess i'm a sucker for picking flowers.

Yeah i love that little rewind they do when sprinting, you reach point B, nope rewind your 100 paces back and running towards point B again. When it happens repeatedly, thats when I get mad. Lol
i just got 8 kills. that's pretty good by my standards.

i usually only play a round or two at a time. short attention span and all. when i sit down for an hour or two i'll send out some invites. some strategy may be quite helpful. i can see where it would be fun to mic up and plan out attacks. i've never really played online with my mic. just chatted.
we miked up with guys from the bar and sent a time to be on. we tried to scrimmage and really practice but the wifes didnt like us reverting back to bachelor status behavior ( I put an "U" in behavior as the English proper spelling and it corrected to no "U". Interesting :-))
after playing all night, i think it is as good as COD... some small freezes along the gameplay but it gets better. makes for a great play when you are baked...

Chant speak for bf3, but squadding up in bf2 added an entirely new element to the gameplay, especially being in teamspeak! You are fucking unstoppable man! Try that out, I think you'll like it!

What's the best/worst thing about bf3? (anyone whose played)
Chant speak for bf3, but squadding up in bf2 added an entirely new element to the gameplay, especially being in teamspeak! You are fucking unstoppable man! Try that out, I think you'll like it!

What's the best/worst thing about bf3? (anyone whose played)
Best thing is the realism, you can actualy do tactical manuevers if you have a good sqaud....the worst thing is getting stuck on a team of lil kids and the whole team is flying or waiting for jets LOL

my dude likes to stop while running across an open filed. connection glitches just long enough to get sniped. i guess i'm a sucker for picking flowers.
They will fix those glitches with patches soon, hopefully lol....i know what you mean guy was picking up stones or something to lol

i unlocked the infared scope, now i can see every living motherfucker cuz they glow lol....kinda unfair but head shots are hella easy

ima jump in soon here
it's my connection as much as it's the game.
i got a 13 meg connection and i been laggin out liek mad latey....i think they been doing things with the servers

Yeah a friend of mine said he can't find any of the expansion pack maps on any servers..
The Karkand pack is comin out this month sometime i guess.....they really need to fix alota shit first tho...some glitches fo sure

still plenty of maps and modes of play IMO. Im still waiting to do the co-op multiplayer story with someone as well.
yeah the maps arepretty good it came with, Caspian Border, Damavande Peak are bomb