Made some brownies and they SUCKED!!!

guy incognito

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Actually the instructions said to make either way with or without, and the cunks of bud werent what made them taste bad. go be a douchebag elswhere

okay, I will. But I'm also gonna take my common sense and tasty brownies with me. enjoy your shit.

you gotta love the intelligence you bring. "oh gee I feel like making some brownies. oh here's a recipe that looks good. oh but it says to strain out the weed from the butter or oil? well fuck that. even though I've never made pot brownies, or cooked up anything with cannabis, clearly I know more than everyone else out there so I'm just gonna leave the pot in there. oh man these brownies taste like crap. wtf? it must be the recipe. it can't be anything I did. Let me find some more recipes. oh wait every recipe says to strain the cannabis out before using the butter or oil. obviously all of these people are dumb and should be leaving the cannabis in there. Let me start a thread so I can get people to agree with me and bring the info to me. oh wait they're ALL saying that it tasted like crap because I should have strained the pot out? well obviously they're all morons and douchebags too and are doing things the wrong way. let me just insult the people trying to help me since they don't agree with me." that's some genius level intelligence right there.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you cant fucking read you cocksmoker, THE RECIPE SAID TO MAKE IT EITHER WAY, WITH OR WITHOUT STRAINING IT.

it wasnt the loose canabis that made them taste like shit, the actual brownie is what tasted like shit, if you had read my earlier post you would have seen that but your too busy being a d bag.

like i said go be a D bag elswhere.

joined this site on 6/2009 and your still learning to roll a joint, go troll some justin beiber forums or some shit and gtfo of here


Well-Known Member
You may indeed have used a lousy brownie mix or recipe. However, not straining it WILL make them taste like crap.


Well-Known Member
yes i will definatly strain them next time as the chunks of bud didnt help with choking them down. i will also probally use butter instead of oil for some flavor from that.

sorry for raging but this dipshit above only reads what he wants and then tries to troll on here like he knows what he is talking about.


Well-Known Member
damn that brownie I just finished was delicious. and all because I strained the pot out of the butter before using it. common sense is nice.


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I would say your first try was what most people get, we all start somewhere. The key to making a brownie mix is heating the pot on very low heat for 15 to 20 min. if you smell it strong your cooking it off. Heat is too high!! Low heat. Use a gold coffee filter to strain the stuff than make the mix as per the instructions. 8 grams of good leaf or 5 gr hash will make you see god if you cut it up into 9 peaces. I find it takes 1 to 1 1/2 hr to get it going.

Just so you know eating pot is not the best for your guts, look at any pics and you will see 100's of little hooks on the leaf kind of like velcro. Never bothered me but it can cause some people issues.

If your going to make butter in a crock pot the key to getting most of the weed taste out is to refine the butter again.


Well-Known Member
This is the double pot method. The weed never touches any water (not soluable in water).

Get 2 big pots with the same diameter. So u can set one on top of the other one like a lid almost so it seals the bottom pot.

Fill bottom pot with couple inches of water. Turn heat on the lowest setting possible. Break up unsalted butter or coconut oil (my 2 favorite) and throw it in the top pot (the one with no water). The steam from tthe hot water in lower pot heats the top pot very slowly. Once butter has turned into a liquid you can add your finely ground (I use coffee grinder) herbs. I use about 1/2-3/4 oz of grade A meds trimmings per batch of 12-15 brownies.

Stir/mix the herb with the butter every 20 min and u can let it simmer as long as you want. Minimum of a half hour but the longer the better. If I have time I will simmer it over night to get the most out of it. Very important to use the lowest heat possible or u will burn the herbs.

Once u decide its done simmering, turn off heat and let it cool.

Poor through a cheese cloth into a container to get all the actual weed out so ur just left with a liquid. tthe better you strain it out, the less earthy it will taste.
once you got it all strained set it in the fridge and let it harden back up.

That's it! Ready to be cooked in whatever you like.

I smoke all day everyday and when I eat just one of these brownies/cookies I knock the fuck out! Very strong! All the customers at the dispenaries say the same thing.

My next project is to make ice cream! Yum!


Well-Known Member
This is the double pot method. The weed never touches any water (not soluable in water).

Get 2 big pots with the same diameter. So u can set one on top of the other one like a lid almost so it seals the bottom pot.

Fill bottom pot with couple inches of water. Turn heat on the lowest setting possible. Break up unsalted butter or coconut oil (my 2 favorite) and throw it in the top pot (the one with no water). The steam from tthe hot water in lower pot heats the top pot very slowly. Once butter has turned into a liquid you can add your finely ground (I use coffee grinder) herbs. I use about 1/2-3/4 oz of grade A meds trimmings per batch of 12-15 brownies.

Stir/mix the herb with the butter every 20 min and u can let it simmer as long as you want. Minimum of a half hour but the longer the better. If I have time I will simmer it over night to get the most out of it. Very important to use the lowest heat possible or u will burn the herbs.

Once u decide its done simmering, turn off heat and let it cool.

Poor through a cheese cloth into a container to get all the actual weed out so ur just left with a liquid. tthe better you strain it out, the less earthy it will taste.
once you got it all strained set it in the fridge and let it harden back up.

That's it! Ready to be cooked in whatever you like.

I smoke all day everyday and when I eat just one of these brownies/cookies I knock the fuck out! Very strong! All the customers at the dispenaries say the same thing.

My next project is to make ice cream! Yum!
The rig of which you speak is called a double boiler :)
Sounds like a great idea..basically the same as the oil method I use except you control the heat..I like it.


Well-Known Member
The key to making a brownie mix is heating the pot on very low heat for 15 to 20 min. if you smell it strong your cooking it off. Heat is too high!! Low heat.
I think the heat was too high when i cooked mine. really stunk up the house. thought that was normal but whatevs, probally try the double boiler method as well next time. thanks for the advice all :)


Well-Known Member
They definetly will stink up ur house. I love the smell. Fresh brownie smell mixed with bomb weed. Good stuff

I don't cook my brownies any high then 225 degrees. Takes a few hours to bake but doesn't destroy the thc. Use biggest pan possible so ur brownies are wider and thinner. Bakes much faster this way

I've read many things about what the max temp is that u can cook weed without destroying it. Anywhere from 180-250. I found 225 works best for me