1st annual RIU after harvest BBQ! Sat Dec 10th!

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Well, I just finished talking to my new company, and I have a 90 day probation period, it's for all new hires, so I can take any time off that wouldn't count against me. Although taking a Saturday off and driving out Friday night may be totally worth a write up. But either way, I think I can probably still leave Saturday night and party it up Sunday with you guys, then leave on Monday. Sunday/Monday are my days off.

Man, I've been trying to get up north since fucking July!!! Everything has been getting in my way, as if it were a really bad idea. But I'm going to do it anyways! Lol! I'm sure it's been over a month since I got that speeding ticket and still haven't gotten it in the mail. So looks like I get to drive to court tomorrow to see what is up, I can't find my original ticket anywhere after the move! Dammit! I thought I put all the important stuff like that into a box of files, but only half the things I thought I put there are present. Oh well.

Ain't nobody gonna stop me from living 8-)
I'm in for sure. I will bring some split and dry pine to burn and share, I have cords of it.
Wheezer, I took your Urkel OG cuts. I'll try to flip em/ Root em and bring them with me. Also checked the bottom branch of her that I hit with the Master Kush dust.....Looks like plenty to share.

im going to vegas the week before, can pick anyone up on the way from numex, if your here and want a lift pm me
I'm in for sure. I will bring some split and dry pine to burn and share, I have cords of it.
Wheezer, I took your Urkel OG cuts. I'll try to flip em/ Root em and bring them with me. Also checked the bottom branch of her that I hit with the Master Kush dust.....Looks like plenty to share.


Awsome!! I'll have plenty of good stuff on hand as well!!
Damn all the way up there?? Any so cal peeps headed up that way I got a lil assorted seed bag and with any luck may be able to dust and pull somthin for gifts fingers crossed on that one lol
I would love to come but not sure if funds will allow me cause Xmas would be right around the corner and gotta take care of the kids!!! How much would a train or bus be from So Cal? Any clue??? Seems like a lot of people going and sounds like its going to be a blast. Damn why cant you guys do this closer to So Cal??? LOL Im just jealous cause I really want to go!


Hey captain kron the socal crew is rollin to the party. pm tws or joshkins see whats up there all driving up! Just was at koton mouth kings and dam the chicken does look good! I am going to order a few cases no doubt!!
cops have all sorts of techniques for making legal stuff your doing probable cause for a search and all sorts of other bullshit.

i really doubt it would be cops, but i really cant say id be surprised if the a fed or two were profiling the situation. i heard something on the radio about dea having undercover agents in highschools building a case for 2 years on over 19kids or something... dont underestimate the government.
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