??? about military dependant and grow up

alright so i got kicked outta the military for smoking cannabis. my wife is still in the military. so i'm grow my own herb, cheaper and i don't support the mob. anyhow. cops roll in on ( a long story short ) an unwelcomed unwarranted search due to a very confusing DUI....involving my son (7 months) and wife.. so anyhow the military is now charging her with child endangerment and posession. child endangerment due to the fact my grow cabinet was in my sons closet with a lock and my med card copy posted....they say they found trimmings on the ground, which is true. but the full DUI story tells all.....

i'm curious if anyone knows if the military can charge my wife with posession even though she hardly knew i was growing plus the lock and key and the copy of med card posted???

personally i think its fucking bullshit...pardon me. but that is my feeling on it. alongside them taking my son away for two days forcing us very good parents to take classes for sixth months....

your thoughts please.


Well-Known Member
in ur kids closet bro? u didnt have a closet of ur own? or a back yard or porch or corner of a room thats not ur kids?
child endangerment could very likely happen. i live in cali and if i had kids cps would have already takin them from me just for the grow in my kids room.

i hate to hear that this happened to u man. cant give u any advice besides get a lawyer. if ur wife is charged by the military look up ur local base jag office. the lawyers there should help if they can help at all. if "U" get charged get an actual lawyer. dont rely on ur public defender becuz its just like politics and u will get screwed in the end.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Yeah it sucks that it happened, hopefully a lawyer can sort it out...in the meantime relocate your AO to a priavte locale bro


Active Member
What kind of "cabinet" are we talking about here? A 1000 watt Northernlights producer or a 65W CFL?


Well-Known Member
How can someone go into your house unwelcomed or unwarranted and do a search? Unless you and your wife are living in Military Housing??? Shit, someone comes in my pad unwarranted or unwelcomed they will get a taste of my Sig Sauer! You will def need a GOOD lawyer, do your homework and choose wisely! Dont waste time here bro, handle your business!

Peace and Good Luck, you will need it!



Well-Known Member
No warrant? You need to talk to your military lawyer, the UCMJ is not like civilian courts at all.


Well-Known Member
No warrant? You need to talk to your military lawyer, the UCMJ is not like civilian courts at all.
Exactly cause she can be charged by Military Courts and Civilian Courts. No Military Lawyer get a real lawyer. There are JAG Officer but I would recommend a real good civilian lawyer!




Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't mean you have to get a lawyer who is serving in the military, I meant you need a lawyer who knows how the military justice system works. A Civilian Military Lawyer?
my wife is serving in the military, and the thought was, which is worse for her, having it in OUR closet under LOCK AND KEY, or in the baby closet (which we never go into his room anyhow, he doesn't sleep in his crib, he sleeps with us. and given the entire circumstances, my wife was GONE (i only feed or trim when her and my son are A. NOT here or B. asleep)
my wife let them in to get a blanket for my son. the cops followed her in, smelled herb and began searching.
trust me i've told my wife NOBODY comes in here. period. especially not a cop.
my legallity of it is that i had a lock and key on the damn thing and my med card posted. my wife came home hysterrical about what SHE'D done so i got up and left my stuff for a minute and a minute turned into a few hours.
the police had already detained me to question my wife. trust me. abosuletly heart breaking to watch my wife and son, my family get taken away in the back of a cop car just to get out and have nothing in the end.
going to have to get a lawyer. civillian lawyer most likely.
i followed every state law that there is on this. i know i have. i looked it up it a T before i started doing anything.
i had built a grow cabinet perfect to fit one air cooled 400W in it with a vent to the attic to reduce smell along with a carbon filter.
i was no sloppy grower and i sure as hell am no criminal. i only had one scrogged out plant for complete personal use only because I DON'T LIKE PAYING FOR THE F***** MOB AT THE DISPENSARY.

get this, the cop told me the plant releases harmful toxins in the air so its "dangerous"
wtf, so since when does a plant not synthesize Co2-> O2 ??
Yeah, I don't mean you have to get a lawyer who is serving in the military, I meant you need a lawyer who knows how the military justice system works. A Civilian Military Lawyer?
i've got a few numbers lined up in my area off the NORMAL website. i'll let ya'll know what they say later today.
Do you live in military housing?
nope. completely off base. pretty sure my wife is going to have to take it to court martial in order to actually be heard. then if she loses it goes on her civilian record as well.... not sure i will be able to convinvce her to do that.


Well-Known Member
With a good lawyer it will all go away, you are complying with state law, the cops saw you had a med card, the evidence will be thrown out most likely. With no evidence the military doesn't have a case.


Global Moderator
Staff member
With a good lawyer it will all go away, you are complying with state law, the cops saw you had a med card, the evidence will be thrown out most likely. With no evidence the military doesn't have a case.
Not necessarily - if she has already admitted to Military Investigators that she knew of the grow, the lack of physical evidence may very well be a moot point.
Article 112a
(a) Any person subject to this chapter who wrongfully uses, possesses, manufactures, distributes, imports into the customs territory of the United States, exports from the United States, or introduces into an installation, vessel, vehicle, or aircraft used by or under the control of the armed forces a substance described in subsection (b) shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. (b) The substances referred to in subsection (a) are the following:
(1) opium, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, lysergic acid diethylamide, methamphetamine, phencyclidine, barbituric acid, and marijuana, and any compound or derivative of any such substance.


New Member
alright so i got kicked outta the military for smoking cannabis. my wife is still in the military. so i'm grow my own herb, cheaper and i don't support the mob. anyhow. cops roll in on ( a long story short ) an unwelcomed unwarranted search due to a very confusing DUI....involving my son (7 months) and wife.. so anyhow the military is now charging her with child endangerment and posession. child endangerment due to the fact my grow cabinet was in my sons closet with a lock and my med card copy posted....they say they found trimmings on the ground, which is true. but the full DUI story tells all.....

i'm curious if anyone knows if the military can charge my wife with posession even though she hardly knew i was growing plus the lock and key and the copy of med card posted???

personally i think its fucking bullshit...pardon me. but that is my feeling on it. alongside them taking my son away for two days forcing us very good parents to take classes for sixth months....

your thoughts please.
Might fall under what is called Constructive possession