Unknown issues with grow



I've got a plant going into its 8th week of vegging and having some issues with the older fan leaves turning yellow. I was wondering if that is normal for some of the fan leaves to turn yellow and die off? Should i trim them off if they do?

The overall growth of the plant is going very slowly as well. I am doing LST (3rd week) on it and heard that does slow down the growth but it is still very small compared to what i have read where the plant should be at by now.

I am using brita filtered water and with CALMAG and Mother Earth 4-1-4 as as the fertilizer. As far as lighting, its a small grow so i am using a couple 42 watt daylight CFL's.

Any help of tips for this noob would be great




Active Member
Man. With all due respect that plant doesn't look right. This is why I stay away from those CFL lights. They make wierd leafy plants like this.

But good luck tho. I know not everyone has a lot of space.

just noticed its being bent down. Still the leaves are so tiny on it.


Well-Known Member
Man. With all due respect that plant doesn't look right. This is why I stay away from those CFL lights. They make wierd leafy plants like this.

But good luck tho. I know not everyone has a lot of space.

just noticed its being bent down. Still the leaves are so tiny on it.
cfls dont do that. people (and different strains) do that..you sound like you need to do some reading.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
You might be watering it too much, and your ph might be off. But also, as said befor, a little more notrogen would help. Spend 35 bucks and go get a small sized 3 part series for your plant (fertilizer) and water only when the pot feels light


cfls dont do that. people (and different strains) do that..you sound like you need to do some reading.
Man. With all due respect that plant doesn't look right. This is why I stay away from those CFL lights. They make wierd leafy plants like this.

But good luck tho. I know not everyone has a lot of space.

just noticed its being bent down. Still the leaves are so tiny on it.
I am doing lst like I said before, so those smaller leaves are new growth due to it being bent over. I had about 6 more large fan leaves to but I trimmed them off to promote new growth and/or because they were yellowing and getting brown spots on them.


You might be watering it too much, and your ph might be off. But also, as said befor, a little more notrogen would help. Spend 35 bucks and go get a small sized 3 part series for your plant (fertilizer) and water only when the pot feels light
I already dropped 30 bucks on the fertilizer I currently have, you don't think its a sufficient fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
that you're having problems at 8 weeks of veg is no surprise
that's a long time to veg in a pot that size, granted the plant doesn't look over sized for the pot
i'm sure it's extensively root bound, probably other troubles in there
an 8 week veg normally produces a very large plant


that you're having problems at 8 weeks of veg is no surprise
that's a long time to veg in a pot that size, granted the plant doesn't look over sized for the pot
i'm sure it's extensively root bound, probably other troubles in there
an 8 week veg normally produces a very large plant
Is there anything I can at this point or am I screwed?


Well-Known Member
Is there anything I can at this point or am I screwed?
it doesn't look that bad, tough part is to figure out the specific troubles
you always could transplant to a new pot and soil, that's drastic but effective(usually)
some advise doing a flush with lot of water, that removes most stuff from the soil, gives you a blank slate
what soil are you using now?


Well-Known Member
I am doing lst like I said before, so those smaller leaves are new growth due to it being bent over. I had about 6 more large fan leaves to but I trimmed them off to promote new growth and/or because they were yellowing and getting brown spots on them.
i didn't think you were supposed to trim the fan leaves?


it doesn't look that bad, tough part is to figure out the specific troubles
you always could transplant to a new pot and soil, that's drastic but effective(usually)
some advise doing a flush with lot of water, that removes most stuff from the soil, gives you a blank slate
what soil are you using now?
I am using a putting soil bought from a local nursery, its a good quality but nothing crazy. I honestly did a flush about a month ago because I was having problems and it seemed to help out quite a bit. Just recently did I start having the yellowing of the fan leaves...like I say before, it seems like this whole vegging process has been dragging by very very slowly too. I initially planted the seed into a solo cup and was having issues with the plant stretching and getting to top heavy (it started leaning bad) so I replanted it into a pot and put most of the stem(about 3 inches) down into the soil. I was afraid that might have effected its root growth. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
you don't seem to have done anything obviously wrong, every plant is different, some like more feed, some less
i see you're using tap water(i think, said filtered), which can be fine, depends on the PH, PHing is critical, not sure if that was mentioned


you don't seem to have done anything obviously wrong, every plant is different, some like more feed, some less
i see you're using tap water(i think, said filtered), which can be fine, depends on the PH, PHing is critical, not sure if that was mentioned
Ive tested my ph levels with a basic kit and judging by the color of the water in the kit its in between 6 and 6.5...I don't have the money to buy a ph meter so I'm just going with what I have....would I be better off buying drinking water from the store and adding cal mag or do you think I'm fine with what I've got going?


Well-Known Member
Are they 8 weeks Veg from seed or Clone? I honestly don't think they are too bad. Let them grow feed a bit of the grow formula and go easy on the calmag since most tap water has plenty of Calcium. I almost never use the Calmag in Veg only in Bloom. Other thing you can do to fix the yellowing would be Epsom salt from any store in the medicine section they are only a buck or 2 for a small bag of them. Epsom salt is straight Mag.


Well-Known Member
Ive tested my ph levels with a basic kit and judging by the color of the water in the kit its in between 6 and 6.5...I don't have the money to buy a ph meter so I'm just going with what I have....would I be better off buying drinking water from the store and adding cal mag or do you think I'm fine with what I've got going?
i use ph drops myself, they are perfectly fine for PHing
and that's a good number, the mystery deepens a bit more
if you flushed out, you may have cleaned out the soil pretty well, but it doesn't take much nutes to keep a plant vegging, at least of this size
nothing is jumping out, it's possible that you might have poor drainage and there's an root issue down low
wouldn't be a bad odor when you take a sniff around the pot?


Are they 8 weeks Veg from seed or Clone? I honestly don't think they are too bad. Let them grow feed a bit of the grow formula and go easy on the calmag since most tap water has plenty of Calcium. I almost never use the Calmag in Veg only in Bloom. Other thing you can do to fix the yellowing would be Epsom salt from any store in the medicine section they are only a buck or 2 for a small bag of them. Epsom salt is straight Mag.
Sorry, im mistaken... i am only in my 7th week of veg since seed. I use the calmag because i use filtered water to cut down on the PH levels and it takes out most of the chlorine. Unfortunately it also takes out alot of good nutrients that are essential to plants growth. Why would i need more Mag if im already using calmag? So you think i should lay off the calmag and just stick with the fertilzer?


i use ph drops myself, they are perfectly fine for PHing
and that's a good number, the mystery deepens a bit more
if you flushed out, you may have cleaned out the soil pretty well, but it doesn't take much nutes to keep a plant vegging, at least of this size
nothing is jumping out, it's possible that you might have poor drainage and there's an root issue down low
wouldn't be a bad odor when you take a sniff around the pot?
No bad odors at all, should i punch some more wholes in the bottom? Like i had posted before i am actually on my 7th week of veg since seed. The only other things i could think of besides some sort of nutrient deficiency is not enough light? the LST could be hurting it? or maybe it being a bit to cold in my house, been keeping it at 70...


i really have a feeling it might be root bound though, its a relatively small sized pot becase i want to keep it smaller.