need advice and some clarification


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I was hoping someone could tell me when i might be pissing clean again, and if i should continue to trip out from a soon to come "random drug test" at work.

I just started a new job about three and a half weeks ago. Ive been clean for about 2 months now. I worked out and jogged everyday on my third and forth week being clean, and tested myself a few hours before i had to take a drug test and was still dirty. I went to the local head shop and bought some stuff to screen my piss. Well, they called me three days later and told me it came back dilluted, and i need to take another one asap. So i go to the local headshop again and bought some senthetic piss called Golden Shower. Dumped it out and used my step moms clean piss (their using ecup and i read online ecup can tell if its senthetic). That was a crazy story of its own, i got more piss on me than in the cup i was so nervous. So that test came back dilluted as well. They said dont worry about it, just come on in to work and start your training. That was three and a half weeks ago.

Well yesterday, they call me into HR and said some story that sounded kinda fishy, saying the place that took my test lost one of the forms of my test and i need to go retake another test. So i said sure no problem. I thought i'd be clean for sure... Well, im still dirty according to the First Check Home Drug Test. So i immeadiatly call the drug test place that supposedly lost a form. They said that thats very strange, they only have one form, and they didnt lose anything, and they never called ect... they also said they dont even see the results, they send it off somewhere else. So right after that i call my job back, and tell them im so relieve because i just talked to the people at the testing center, and they have the form and will fax it over immeadiatly(i told them im so relieved cause im worried there was important info on the "lost form) i then asked what form was missing, and she told me it was in an email, and now she couldnt find it. So i have a strong feeling they came up with a bs excuse to retest me, and i called them out on it.

This is where im really worried. They asked me if i could go take the test after work yesterday, i said yes. I never did because i was told there were no lost forms from the center and would be faxing it to them. There was a three day window of when i could take the scheduled test, time is up tomorrow at noon. Im almost certain their going to call me in tomorrow and ask why i havent taken the test. All i can say is that i assumed since i was told there were no forms lost, i would save the company some money, because all the forms should be refaxed..... Idk how solid that is. I just really dont wanna get fired. this job is everything to me.

So i went on a long walk today, and did some workouts, did alot of sweating, buti notice most of the sweat comes from my head, not so much my body. I wonder if that means im not sweating the toxins out enough?Im 6'2" 170 lbs pretty skinny and out of shape. I have the feeling im on the verge of pissing clean, but just not quit there yet. When i took the home drug test yesterday, i could see a very faint second line forming, which would indicate a negative if there were two lines.But it was so faint im sure in a lab it would be dirty. All the other test i took weeks ago had no second line whatsoever.

Man i sorry i prob dragged this out way too far. I guess i just want to kno, if i continue sweating everyday, how much longer will i be dirty?? And do you think im already screwed with my job since i never took a test? Im so full of nerves, idk what to do or what to think. Any advice i should say when they call me in? Worst case cenario is they fire me, i would be beyond screwed in many ways. Second worst case cenario is they still insist i take a test, and i have to use my step moms piss again, making me a crazy nervous wreck. i admit im not too slick and dont deal with pressure such as this very well.


Well-Known Member
Until your positive your clean drink 8 bottles of water when you think the tests coming.I beat a probation test doing that.


Well-Known Member
Well I've never given myself a home drug test, but I assume it's kind of like a home pregnancy test?

I recall several occasions when I would be sitting outside the bathroom listening to these girls cry as they pissed on one of those sticks lol. But on those tests, if you get one line you're not pregnant, if you get both lines you are. All the tests would come back with the one solid line that showed up, and a faint (but visible) second line. So they would always end up going to a clinic to get tested anyway to make sure and it was always negative. So maybe the faint line doesn't mean you're dirty.

I don't know if that's the case with drug tests though, that's pretty much all the info I know without using google.


New Member
If I pull my pants down here will this thread get closed.

I find threads with huge intro posts are very offensive and should be closed... who the fuck comes here to read your life story?!


Well-Known Member
If I pull my pants down here will this thread get closed.

I find threads with huge intro posts are very offensive and should be closed... who the fuck comes here to read your life story?!
you really need to get over it. Every time I logged in today your on here bitching about threads being locked or deleted,unplug the computer and go outside.