

Well-Known Member
It sounds similar to Lyme Disease. Have you been checked for that?
Hm... I don't have that bull's eye rash or funny purple lumps... Apparently neurological symptoms occur in up to 5% of sufferers after a few months, but this has been a recurring thing for 6 years. I dunno. I'll ask, I do work outdoors alot but I think I'd notice something that severe immediately, like a huge tick bite.

I also have swollen glands alot- regular bouts of tonsillitis, swollen lymph nodes and what my first doctor told me was 'radial nerve dysfunction'. My whole arm is freaking crunching, spasming and having shooting pains as I type -_-

Time for spliff...


Well-Known Member
sounds like time to find another doctor, is there a university hospital near you, they tend to have more open minded doctors who will listen. I suggest you keep a log book and be faithful to it, note the time and duration, location of pain ect. Next time you see the Dr show him. Another good rule is just discuss 1 issue with the Dr. don`t jump around. Good luck x, tell him your quality of life sucks and you need to get this resolved, get a referral if he is just a GP.


New Member
One thing to be aware of is your diet. Log EVERYTHING you eat. See if you can find a correlation between what you eat and your flareups. Take 3 days or so and go low carb. see if there are changes. Maybe you are eating something that's screwing you up. What is your carb/protien ratio ? Find that out. I don't see how you can rule out a food allergy. It's a shot.


Active Member
sounds like time to find another doctor, is there a university hospital near you, they tend to have more open minded doctors who will listen. I suggest you keep a log book and be faithful to it, note the time and duration, location of pain ect. Next time you see the Dr show him. Another good rule is just discuss 1 issue with the Dr. don`t jump around. Good luck x, tell him your quality of life sucks and you need to get this resolved, get a referral if he is just a GP.
This is great advice ... especially about logging everything ( eat, time, reaction etc) ... A log id very helpful in getting to the root of the problems. I know it worked for me on many occassions and was a lot more detailed than coming off memory.


Well-Known Member
I had to keep a food diary for my psych and nutritionist and they were concerned about my calcium intake. I don't eat cards at all, really as I cut them out on my weight loss venture 3-4 years ago. I can't remember the last time I ate a slave of bread or a whole baked potato. I'm being seen for my food issues at a university hospital- it's with the mental team but I've been speaking to the about the faint spells and pain and I hope they'll look into it. They are in connection with my GP and school nurse so I'll ask if they've been kept up to date. My psych agrees the smoking is doing me better than overdosing on painkillers again and it's stimulating my appetite but I'd rather not chainsmoke just to keep the pain away because it takes away the pleasure of getting high. Probably not good for my lungs, either.

Hypersensitivity is an issue, I don't like being brushed against, splashed and I feel isolated contact on my skin that seems to burn for hours afterwards. The high pitched tone electrical appliances drives me nuts as well. I 'm pretty sure those are down to the ASD. I'm not so sure about the tender spots or the grinding/crunching through my joint. Arrg, I hate it because I can't get much work done when I feel really bad...