It could even be said that it puts a bigger burden on wealthy, because they are buying more expensive things.
are you kidding me?
you don't seem to comprehend, or are willfully ignoring, the operative word: "burden".
of course, people who buy more will pay more under any flat tax, like a sales tax. the question is, will they be "burdened".
i make near the poverty level, about $15k a year. i spend about $4k a year on stuff besides rent and bills. that would be an extra $360 per year bill on me, about 2.4% of my income.
someone who makes 20 times what i do will not spend 20 times what i do on stuff that is applicable to a national sales tax. someone who earns 100 times i do will not spend 100 times what i do on stuff that is applicable to a national sales tax.
in other words, MORE BURDEN will shift to those who can least afford it, while LESS BURDEN will shift to those who can afford it.
i should also mention that my state has no sales tax, and i detest spending money in any state that does. so fuck even the idea of a national sales tax.
and righties accuse lefties of wanting to be like canada and europe. LOL!