I'm thinking out this 'harvest every 4 week" project. I'm all set to do it,did it before on a smaller grow,...I have everything I need, but 48 plants spins my electric meter like fuckin saw blade..I use all HID's which is a power nightmare...but with a partner, I think it'll work. I got 8 in 4th weerk of flower...18 in veg, with 8-12 ready for flower now...we got 16 seedlings on week 2, and 18 rooted clones ready for veg and nutes, and a fuckin ( partners idea) powercloner going with 48 more clones.we get like 95% out of that hing.
My goal is to harvest 12 every 4 weeks, with 24 vegging and cloning. I always forget to count my mother plants , lol.