This is a male, isn't it?


I'm already pretty sure that it's male. I noticed a cluster of tiny balls on the main stem, and the "balls" on this plant that aren't obviously male yet look like lobster claws(I read that it's a sign of males). It was also bigger than my other plant throughout the development cycle which is another sign of a male from what I read. The only warning sign of a male that it doesn't follow is that the plant if VERY bushy, but maybe not all strains have tall and lanky males?

The other plant is definitely female. I found hairs coming out of the "balls" between the stems and they're shaped differently than the ones in the pic.

Anyway here's the pic.



Well-Known Member
I'm already pretty sure that it's male. I noticed a cluster of tiny balls on the main stem, and the "balls" on this plant that aren't obviously male yet look like lobster claws(I read that it's a sign of males). It was also bigger than my other plant throughout the development cycle which is another si
gn of a male from what I read. The only warning sign of a male that it doesn't follow is that the plant if VERY bushy, but maybe not all strains have tall and lanky males?

Anyway here's the pic.



New Member
I am a noob. Still havent even harvested my first plant. This confused the shit out of me when I first sexed my plants about a month ago. Could someone explain this to me somehow better? Mine both had little ball deals like that popping out from literally EVERY node and I almost chopped them, but then like 2 days later white hairs came out of the balls and they essentially transformed and dont look like balls at all anymore. They look like this now:

PS sorry my camera sucks all I have is my phone



From what I understand, EVERY plant has those little nodes near the stems. It's when they become clusters that you know they are male, and you know they're female when they sprout hairs.


New Member
thats what confused me. They werent heavily clustered, but they were like his there kinda clustered and mine ended up both being female out of 2 random bag seeds. I got a clone off each one and now I got 4 females from 2 random bag seeds :)


Well-Known Member
its always advisable to wait awhile, good point hc420.

the balls wont open for awhile anyway, wait till you got a cluster of balls, by then its unmistakable, but yes, i have mistaken a female for a male too.

in this case im pretty certain its a male, but yes, might want to wait a day or 2, these appear to be far from pollination anyway (at least a week.)